Chapter 194 IS and Shiranui in the first battle
The "drip" scanning beam swept over Zhuang Xiaoyuan and it returned to its original state. The right hand placed on the lock screen confirmed that the fingerprints and palm prints were consistent. The red light on the door changed to a green light for passage, and the door of Laboratory No. [-] slowly opened.Fortunately, the laboratory has its own reserve energy, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to get in, after all, the city's main energy source has been cut off.

"Xiao Miao, come on, let's go in." Before the door was fully opened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took Chu Miaomiao's hand and walked quickly into the laboratory.

Passing through the gate of the laboratory, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop, and walked straight to the IS No. [-] machine parked in the center of the laboratory hall.

"Xiao Miao, stand here, wait a moment." Pulling Chu Miaomiao to stand on a circular platform, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to the operating platform on the side and began to register and bind the pilot of the first machine.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fingers flicked on the console, the platform under Chu Miaomiao's feet emitted a faint green light, scanning Chu Miaomiao's body from top to bottom.After the scan was completed, an option to bind or not popped up on the screen of the console, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly clicked OK.

"Xiaoyuan, have you finished your first machine?" Chu Miaomiao is also a frequent visitor to the scientific research institute. She participated in several simulation runs before the first machine was completed, so she knew Zhuang Xiaoyuan at a glance. He intends to let himself operate this new mech.

"Basically it's finished. The specific practicality depends on the effect after you have used it. Xiao Miao, I will hand over the first machine to you. I will drive another one." After completing the driver registration certification, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stayed behind. In a word, he quickly ran towards laboratories 1-7.

Opening the gates of laboratories No. 1-7, one can see a huge robot. This is the tactical walking attack aircraft, Shiranui No. [-], built with the help of several old researchers hired by Sadahong.

Although the production concept of the old mech is still used, the internal power, control system, transmission system, etc. are all the latest research results.It may not be as good as the IS mecha that uses the power source of divine power, but compared with the old-style mecha, there is already a huge gap in performance.

While running quickly to the tactical machine, he took out a card from the nebula vortex.Following the dazzling golden light, a long-haired black-haired intellectual girl wearing a golden mech pilot combat uniform stepped out of the golden light, borrowed strength from the joints of the tactical aircraft, and jumped into the cockpit of the tactical aircraft with ease and skill. .

This tactical machine named Shiranui No. [-] was completely manufactured according to Huang Weiyi's exclusive machine. Zhuang Xiaoyuan was very familiar with the control positions of the various switch buttons and various combat functions of this machine at this time. cooked.

Open the control valve, enter the login interface, enter the account password, and bind the driver.With the green light sweeping across the cockpit, this tactical aircraft has completed the certification.

Turn on the power and start the control system.The hatch of the tactical aircraft was slowly closed, and the originally dim electronic eyes emitted an activated green light.A faint roar sounded, and the Shiranui No. [-] tactical aircraft-started.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the cockpit controlled the tactical plane and walked towards the door.The first step is to lift the foot to the ground, and the tactical machine shakes. The second step is to lift the foot, and the shaking is much smaller. The tactical machine basically remains stable. The third step is to lift the foot, and the tactical machine can move forward stably like a human. .

Having already mastered the performance of this tactical aircraft in three steps, Zhuang Xiaoyuan controlled the tactical aircraft and started to run. Accompanied by the rumbling and heavy footsteps, the tactical aircraft came to the door of the No. 1-6 laboratory next door.

Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped off the tactical machine to open the door, she sensed something approaching the door, and the front doors of laboratories 1-6 automatically opened.

It's unlocked, is there someone inside?With some guesses in mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan controlled the tactical machine and walked into the No. 1-6 laboratory.

"Old Sa, why are you here?" Through the display device inside the cockpit, the scene inside the laboratory No. 1-6 came into my eyes. At this time, the main researcher of the Shiranui Armed Forces is the main researcher and weapon expert in this laboratory. Sadahong.

"Is this voice, team leader?" Sadahong, who turned his head when he heard the door opening, saw the green eyes of the tactical plane, and through Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Ling Ran voice coming from the tactical plane, he heard that it seemed like It was the voice of the group leader, Huang Weiyi's transformed state.

"I told you to go to rest, and you are still here, but now is just right, I want to use Shiranui to carry out physical loading for me." Controlling the tactical plane step by step, approaching the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection, Zhuang Xiaoyuan passed the expansion of the tactical plane. The sound device spoke to Sadahong outside.

"But the team leader, Shiranui is not finished yet, and there are still serious flaws." Although he said this, Sadahong has already started to prepare for loading Shiranui.He knew that since Zhuang Xiaoyuan said it in an orderly tone, it was a confirmed fact and he would not be given a chance to refuse.

"I know, this time it's an actual combat test, maybe after using it, we will find a solution to the problem." Shiranui Electromagnetic Reconnect ran under the control of Sadahong, and was slowly lifted by the surrounding machinery , Zhuang Xiaoyuan controlled the tactical machine, walked to the left side of Shiranui, and stretched out his right hand to grab the handle of Shiranui.

Under the control of Sadahong, the surrounding mechanical arms began to connect various complicated ports such as the control terminal of the reconnection gun and the energy link to the tactical machine.

The reconnection gun was originally designed to be portable. Although it is bulky, it is very convenient to connect. There are also specially designed ports on the tactical aircraft.So it only took a minute and a few seconds to complete the physical loading of the reconnection gun.

"Old Sa, I'm leaving. You just stay here and don't go out. It's probably more dangerous outside now." After loading the weapons, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally gave Sadahong a command, and then controlled the tactical machine that was much heavier than before. Walking out of the laboratory, calling for Chu Miaomiao, the two machines, one large and one small, walked towards the elevator together.

"Xiaoyuan, this weapon of yours can be used now?" He skillfully controlled the IS mecha and walked into the elevator. Although he had only used the unfinished product twice, as a warrior in the god of war, Chu Miaomiao It has natural adaptability to all weapons and equipment.Not to mention that he has used the unfinished product before, even if it is the first time to use it, Chu Miaomiao can become proficient very quickly.

"It can be used, but it can be used, but after use, it will probably be scrapped immediately." Lifting the Shiranui heavy-duty gun in her hand, she still had expectations for the power of this weapon.However, the final problem is still not resolved.

"Can it work? This." Although the talent of the God of War told her that this weapon is extremely powerful, after seeing the horror of the fortress-level demons, Chu Miaomiao was not sure whether this Shiranui could fight Fortress level dealt damage.

"Sarcasm, who knows. We can only do our best." Although he couldn't see the appearance in the cockpit, but hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, Chu Miaomiao could imagine her shrugging her shoulders and spreading her hands with a smile on her face. look.

(End of this chapter)

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