Chapter 196 Divine Hurricane Bomb

The divine hurricane projectile was fired from the bottom of the tuning fork-shaped port, and completed a second acceleration at the moment it passed the electromagnetic stand at the front end.The speed of advancement has increased to a hundred times before.After being accelerated by the electromagnetic stance, the divine power hurricane bomb that shot out quickly passed through the three white rings in the front again.

When passing through the first ring, the outer shell of the divine power hurricane bomb has a sharp cutting property, and its penetrating power is stronger.When passing through the second ring, the divine power inside the divine power hurricane bomb unexpectedly strengthened.The compressed divine power has been regenerated, and the total amount has nearly doubled.When passing through the third ring, the speed of the divine power hurricane bomb increased again, completing the third acceleration.

From launch to completion of acceleration, not even a millisecond passed. In the blink of an eye, the divine power hurricane bomb had already passed through half of the central city, and directly shot into the body of the fortress-level demon.

Boom, strong fluctuations of divine power erupted from the body of the fortress-level demon, and the concentrated divine power seemed to be transformed into a storm of divine power, centering on the divine power hurricane bomb shot into the body of the fortress-level demon, sweeping towards the surroundings.

In the powerful burst of divine power, the body of the fortress-level demon was blasted into a huge wound, and a core crystal nucleus the size of a round table was at the bottom of the wound. Although a small part of the core crystal nucleus had been broken, at this time it unexpectedly Recovery started at a very rapid pace.A fist-sized crimson crystal nucleus is rapidly rotating in the center of the core crystal nucleus.The core crystal nucleus of the fortress-level demon is actually the nucleus in the nucleus.

"One more shot." With the ability of the sky eye, the state of the fortress-level demon was included in the eyes, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the reconnecting cannon in his hand again, intending to directly break the crystal nucleus of the fortress-level demon again.

However, there was a loud noise coming from the side, and after firing a round of divine power hurricane shells, the shortcomings of the reconnection cannon were fully exposed, and with a bang, a small flame burst out from the reconnection cannon.

I couldn't hold on to the second shot anymore. Noticing the state of the reconnection gun, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't dare to stay for long. She reached out and pulled the data cable connected to her body, and directly threw the reconnection gun far away.

Boom, the fortress-level demon was severely damaged in one blow, and the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection cannon that exposed its crystal nucleus became a pile of scrap iron in a ball of flames.

Without the reconnection gun, the Shiranui No. [-] would be useless.The inner core of the fortress-level demon in the distance has been restored, and the black and red flesh has begun to recover from the core position.Time is running out.

Opening the hatch, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the transformation card from the nebula vortex, jumped off the tactical machine and rushed to the ammunition box beside him.

Accompanied by the dazzling golden light, a head of short white hair rushed out of the golden light, wearing black and white striped casual clothes, scarlet legs, pale skin, and a frail body.This is a girl whose gender is completely invisible at first glance.

"Get up." Incarnate as the strongest scientifically tested, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed into the ammunition box, activated her superpower, picked up the last remaining divine power hurricane bullet and threw it far above the head of the fortress-level demon.

Throwing the hurricane bomb, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop, kicked hard with his feet, and under the influence of the right amount of manipulation ability, the whole person shot at the fortress level demon at a faster speed than the divine power hurricane bomb thrown before.

One shot at one person, flying forward and backward to the top of the fortress-level demon. After getting close to the fortress-level demon, his shocking effect became even more serious. His huge body, dancing pair of pincers, and even the scarlet Cyclops are more than ten times the size of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

But these can no longer affect Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the slightest. Even with the terrifying gaze of a fortress-level demon, before a sense of fear emerges in the depths of his heart, he has already been hardened by the strong self-esteem possessed by Yuriko Suzuko who has the domineering title of Yifang Accelerator. Lively pressure.

"Go to hell, you monster." Arriving at the top of the fortress-level demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was the first to catch up with the divine power tornado bomb, hugged the divine power tornado bomb in front of him, and his brain began to calculate the limit, adjust the angle, Appropriate control of the maximum output.

Boom, with the burst of sound at the moment of breaking through the sound barrier, the divine power hurricane bomb in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand disappeared without a trace, and appeared in front of the core crystal nucleus of the fortress-level demon that had just recovered not long ago.

The tip of the divine power hurricane bullet is facing its core crystal nucleus.Pop, the two sides are in contact.With the vector boosted by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's full strength, the divine power hurricane bomb broke through the outer core of the fortress-level demon's core crystal nucleus after only a pause of 0.01 milliseconds, and shot directly at the crimson core.

Accompanied by the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, a powerful storm of divine power broke out again.The superpower outputted at full strength before made his own reflection barrier pause for a moment, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had no protection, was blown far away by the burst of divine power.

"Xiaoyuan, are you okay?" Chu Miaomiao, who was chasing after her in the IS mech, finally arrived and caught Zhuang Xiaoyuan when she was about to hit the city wall.

"Cut, my uncle is the strongest, how could something happen to me." Held in Chu Miaomiao's arms, Zhuang Xiaoyuan struggled to get out, using the right amount of control ability to reflect the gravity from the ground, suspended in the air, and said in a tone of voice. While talking awkwardly, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the fortress-level demon.

The storm of divine power gradually subsided, and the shattered body of the fortress-level demon gradually disintegrated into a little bit of black ash and melted into the air. A thick dark blue pure energy that seemed to be forming a solid body flew from the remaining body of the fortress-level demon. out, quickly flew towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and merged into her body.

With the incorporation of pure energy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pale face suddenly turned red, and the divine power on her body also began to fluctuate.The whole person lost control and fell to the ground.Finding that something was wrong with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Chu Miaomiao reached out to grab Zhuang Xiaoyuan again, and slowly landed on the ground, with a hint of worry in his eyes: "Xiaoyuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Eat, I'm full." While controlling the divine power in his body to begin to circulate and absorb pure divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gritted his teeth and popped out three words with difficulty, then closed his eyes, immersed himself in his body, and began to concentrate on controlling It seems to be the energy to explode the body.

In the distance, the remaining body of the fortress-level demon quickly disintegrated and disappeared, revealing a turret-level demon with wings and a cannon on its back.

Opening their scarlet eyes, all the turret-level demons looked towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the wings on their backs flapped rapidly, one by one the turret-level demons flew up, densely packed as if forming a dark cloud, and flew towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Almost at the same time as they started to fly, the cannons on their backs began to flash green energy rays.The targets of these cannons were all Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had eliminated the fortress-level demons.

Now... it's dangerous.Looking at the dense group of fort-level demons, Chu Miaomiao waved the mecha knife in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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