Chapter 197 The Domain of the Sixth Stage

"Xiaoyuan." Noticing the situation on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side, Feng Guohua turned into a white light and rushed towards this side, but the black shadow spread from Zhang Wei's body, covering a large area around them.In this area, Feng Guohua's speed instantly slowed down like a snail.

"Field." He spit out two words coldly, and with the shadow of darkness, Feng Guohua also gave up supporting Zhuang Xiaoyuan, because the ability of the field has a barrier effect, and he might not be able to get out for the time being.

"Hehe, that yellow-haired girl was able to defeat the fortress-level black beast. I'm afraid she is a genius of your class. Although I have lost important strategic resources, I am not counted as a genius who can obliterate your human beings like five years ago." Lost." With a sinister smile, Zhang Wei opened his mouth wide, revealing pale teeth.With the expansion of the field, the surrounding energy was absorbed and integrated into Zhang Wei's body, and the negative energy that was slightly consumed in the previous battle was replenished.

"What happened five years ago will never happen to him again." Eyes widening, Zhang Wei's words reminded Feng Guohua of the tragedy five years ago. It hurt him just as much as before.

White light diffused from his body, forming a pure white fluorescent light around him.The spread of fluorescence propped up a new field in the field of dark shadows - the field of aurora.This field is full of aurora refracting and reflecting back and forth.

On the other side, the earth god Shen Hao also began to emit a faint yellow halo.As he opened his own domain, a strong sandstorm formed around him, and the billowing yellow sand showed his presence in the dark and shadowy domain with an aura that seemed to split the world.

The three of them finally took out the sixth level, the strongest ability that both fusion-level humans and destructive-level evil gods have-the field.The domains of the three began to collide and disappear.

Chirp chirp chirp, a green beam shot out from the back of the turret-level demon, and the targets were all concentrated on Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was unable to move because of too much energy in his body, and Chu Miaomiao, who stood in front of her.

Boom boom boom, a series of explosions sounded.When the smoke from the explosion dissipated, a white energy barrier was revealed.Chu Miaomiao held the white barrier forward with his left hand to block the first attack of dozens of fort-level demons.

It's really powerful, although it was expected, it actually blocked so many attacks at once.But the power consumption is a bit serious.Feeling that the energy of the mecha was directly consumed by the previous blow, and that he lost a quarter of his divine power, Chu Miaomiao began to input his divine power into the mecha to provide power, and his face became a little serious.It seemed that defense alone would not be able to sustain two rounds of attacks, and there were more than a dozen turret-level demons in front of them that began to condense their beams.

You can't simply defend, you must use counterattacks to weaken the opponent's attack.Casually sticking the chopping knife in his right hand to the ground, Chu Miaomiao took off the beam gun on the back of the IS mecha.After all, it is only the first test machine, and this mecha is only equipped with energy shields, special chopping knives and beam guns on the back.

Holding the beam gun in both hands, Chu Miaomiao started to fight back.Beams of beams were shot out, and one by one turret-level demons were hit.With the attack ability of this beam gun, at least two shots are needed to penetrate the shell of the turret-level demon and hit the crystal nucleus.

Chu Miaomiao didn't have time to shoot two shots each, so she chose to attack the demons who were about to launch beams, and what she attacked was not their cores but the turrets on their backs.

With Chu Miaomiao's attack, the energy storage of each demon was interrupted.However, there are still more than a dozen demons that have completed charging and emitted green light beams.

Blocking the second dozen attacks with the energy shield, Chu Miaomiao raised the beam gun and wanted to continue shooting at those forts, but the next moment, even Chu Miaomiao, who always looked normal, couldn't help but change color.The turret-level demons that had either completed their attacks or were blocked in front bypassed them to the sides, revealing the densely packed hundreds of turrets that had completed charging behind them.

Gritting her teeth, Chu Miaomiao used the little energy left to prop up the energy shield again. Facing more concentrated blows than the first time, Chu Miaomiao didn't have the confidence to resist them all at all.

This is really a bad start. With the performance of the IS mech, if you encounter a non-turret-level one, you will not be afraid even if you face more demons. The mecha's chopping knife can absorb the pure energy that appears after killing demons. However, what they faced in the first battle was this group of fort-level demons with long-range attacks who did not approach at all.

"Look at my bouncy candy." Just when Chu Miaomiao was mentally preparing for the attack even if she used up all her energy, a ball of transparent fudge appeared in front of her.

Spread out and start blocking those green beams.When the green light beams passed through this ball of gummies, they were obviously weakened a lot, not only the number was reduced by half, but also the power was reduced a lot. When these green light beams hit Chu Miaomiao's shield, they could no longer protect the shield. Shields have too much of an impact.

"Voice of Spring." Almost at the same time that fudge appeared to help Chu Miaomiao resist the attack, the weeds on the ground suddenly began to grow wildly, turning into vines and wrapping around some fort-level demons near the ground.

"Go to hell, demon."

"I won't let you attack the team leader again."

Two figures, one green and one white, rushed into the fort-level demon, one left and one right.The green one is Wen Hui who controls the breeze.The white one is Lei Zeming wearing the same IS mech as Chu Miaomiao.

Unlike the IS mecha worn by Chu Miaomiao, Lei Zeming's mecha is not real, but regenerated through her own strength. Although the consumption of divine power will be serious, it is only used as a surprise attack If it is, the effect is still very good, and the characteristics of the IS mecha are finally brought into play after approaching these turret-level demons.

As Lei Zeming rushed into the group of demons, he swung his knife and smashed the crystal nucleus of a fort-level demon, and the pure energy flowed out and merged into the IS mecha.

If it is a physical mecha, part of this energy will be integrated into the mecha to provide power and part to strengthen the mecha.

But now Lei Zeming is made up of her own divine power, so the pure energy absorbed will directly affect her, restoring her energy consumption.This kind of direct absorption ability is nearly half better than the passive absorption effect of the energy automatically incorporated after the warrior in divine costume kills the demon.

With the intrusion of Wen Hui and Lei Zeming, the team of fort-level demons was separated, and they began to panic when they were suddenly approached by the two.

"Weeping God Statue." In a nasal voice, a huge stone puppet with a crying face rose from the ground, and stretched out its giant hand to pat the demon.boom.

(End of this chapter)

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