Chapter 198 Accelerator's Black Wing

In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's nebula vortex, huge dark blue energy solidified on the nebula like a frozen crystal, making it difficult for her divine power to operate.

And as more and more pure energy poured in from the outside, the nebula vortex in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body began to be squeezed flatter and flatter, and the body containing the nebula vortex began to feel an uncomfortable feeling as if it was going to explode .

Under such circumstances, the only thing Zhuang Xiaoyuan can do is to fully exert his divine power, to melt and absorb these rich and solid energies bit by bit.

It's not that she doesn't know the situation of Chu Miaomiao and the others outside, but at this moment, she really can't care about the outside.The feeling of being about to explode at any moment became more and more obvious, and the energy flowing in from the outside had far exceeded Zhuang Xiaoyuan's absorption speed.

As if feeling the same life crisis, dense darkness emerged from the center of the nebula vortex again, this time the darkness did not disturb, did not snatch Zhuang Xiaoyuan's card, they all rushed towards the dark blue solid energy.

The deep darkness circles around the dark blue energy and returns to the center of the nebula vortex, stays for a while and then comes out again, and then returns after the same circle.In this way, with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own absorption and the absorption of the deep darkness, he finally caught up with the speed of the influx from the outside.

I don't know how long it took, but the external energy finally stopped pouring in, and the dark blue energy crystals in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body were only slightly smaller.Although the surge of divine power was still suppressed to a certain extent, it was not as serious as before.

Now is not the time to calmly practice and digest these energies. After making sure that these energies will not affect him again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan withdrew his mental power from his body and slowly opened his eyes.

"Xiaoyuan, you're awake." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened his eyes, Chu Miaomiao and the others almost wiped out the fort-level demons.Although the fort-level demon has the same or even higher attack power than the human god-level demon, it is not even as powerful as the chariot-level demon in other aspects.

Facing the intrusion attack of Wen Hui and Lei Zeming, who had already advanced to the divine grace level.There are thousands of people harassing and assisting outside, plus the stone statue summoned by Cai Qi to help.It didn't take long for these turrets to be wiped out.

"Is it over?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened his eyes and saw the last few turret-level demons being hit by Chu Miaomiao's beam gun and flying towards the turret that was about to launch, and then pierced by Wen Hui's hurricane gun.There are no demons around.

"Well, the only thing missing now is the one over there..." Chu Miaomiao put away the beam gun in his hand, and looked at the battle between Feng Guohua and the God of Destruction on the other side, which was already shrouded in blackness.

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed suit and cast his gaze over there.Two balls, one white and one yellow, were knocked out of the black area and fell far away on both sides of the black area.And the black area suddenly accelerated and shrouded towards this side, there was no time to react, not even a millisecond, the darkness had already engulfed the area where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his party were.

"Haha, the two old guys are really bothering people, but as long as I eat you, the chief culprit, my mission this time will not be considered a failure." Zhang Wei, who had a broken left hand and was covered in wounds, his eyes flickered A hungry light appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and the remaining right hand grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's neck and lifted her up.

When the darkness had just engulfed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his party, the ubiquitous devouring power of this dark space directly melted the few people's remaining divine power. The huge level gap cannot be made up by numbers at all. At the moment of the domain, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had no power to resist.

Even if Zhuang Xiaoyuan has a strong backing of pure energy in her body at the moment, whenever she urges her divine power to flow out of her body, she will be swallowed by Zhang Wei's domain, as if at this moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan has entered a place similar to the magic forbidden area, and What was more troublesome than the forbidden area was that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's disappearing divine power became a lure for Zhang Wei to restore his own energy.

"Resistance is useless. With all of you yellow-haired girls who don't even know what the domain is, haha, let me eat it obediently." Feeling the divine power surging from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, Zhang Wei obviously wanted to resist himself. There was a mocking expression on his face.

But he didn't dare to delay, Feng Guohua and Shen Hao were only temporarily repelled.He didn't have much time. As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Wei opened his mouth and bit Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right shoulder.As long as it is bitten by him, the patron saint will be sucked out of the body and become his food.

Zhang Wei, who wanted to devour Zhuang Xiaoyuan for himself, didn't know that when Zhang Wei's domain enveloped Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, the darkness in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body also began to stir.Although the nature is slightly different, Zhang Wei's domain is also composed of his own negative energy.

Stimulated by this powerful negative energy forming the field, the darkness in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body sprang out from the nebula's whirlpool again. Unlike the darkness that was helped to absorb energy by the life crisis before, the darkness this time was deeper and spiritual. When it appeared, it directly covered the entire swirl of the nebula.The golden color gradually submerged, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's consciousness also began to sink into the bottom of her heart.When the nebula spiral nest was completely dyed in a dark color, bright red magic lines appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's forehead.

"Let go of your dirty hands, bastard." His eyes opened, and the bright red pupils seemed to be bleeding.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared, the vectors around her body began to change rapidly.The reflex power stronger than Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly bounced off Zhang Wei's right hand restraining his neck.At the same time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her right index finger and lightly flicked Zhang Wei's head.

Boom, an impact force completely different from the flick of the fingers erupted on Zhang Wei's head, and a stagger was knocked back two steps by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's flick of the fingers.

"There is still divine power to resist. Sure enough, you are this year's human god... blood pattern? Are you a human or a ghost?" Being repelled by the unexpected attack made Zhang Wei a little annoyed, and he became more sure of himself guess.

But when he rubbed his head and raised his head to see Zhuang Xiaoyuan's current state, Zhang Wei's eyeballs almost popped out.They were obviously still human before, but now they seem to be of the same race?The bloodstains on his forehead were indeed real, and exuded familiar fluctuations, this was the first time he had encountered this situation even among the three great generals.

"Ah, it finally came out. Madoka Madoka this time has made me look forward to it. I want to observe it for a while. So, let's blow you away first." Stretching lazily, Suzuko originally Yuriko's gender-neutral figure actually reveals a hint of sexiness against the backdrop of Hei Madoka's temperament and movements.

Raising her bright red eyes, Hei Xiaoyuan grinned a malicious smile.Boom, black wings that looked like ribbons and smoke emerged from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back. With the instigation of the black wings behind him, the surrounding area unexpectedly twisted a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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