Chapter 199 Sending You Away From Light Years Away
"Who the hell are you? As our kind, do you want to help human beings?" Hearing Hei Xiaoyuan's words of wanting to blow him away, Zhang Wei confirmed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hostile position with him, but he I can't figure out why there are people of the same kind on the side of humans.They are not living beings with various ideas, they are the products of concepts and emotions, and they should all have a unified goal of destruction.

"Who am I? I'm sorry, I'm just the strongest villain passing by." With a kick, Hei Xiaoyuan approached Zhang Wei in an instant, and the black wings on his back flapped towards him.

"Bold, mere emperor dares to take action against me, the three generals. I will seek my own death." Faced with Hei Xiaoyuan's attack, Zhang Wei had an angry expression on his face. The ranks of evil gods are clearly defined, and the lower ranks will never defy the upper ranks. .This is not only because of their own consciousness, but more importantly, the existence rules of the evil god itself.But here unexpectedly there is an emperor-level evil god with obvious blood marks on Zhang Wei who is the God of Destruction.

Facing a provocation never before, although Hei Xiaoyuan on the opposite side felt weird.But Zhang Wei believed in his abilities. Even if he suffered a lot of trauma at this time, he still didn't have much energy left, but the difference in rank could still crush the opponent.The dark energy gathers from the domain and gathers in Zhang Wei's right hand, and the right arm that has turned into pitch black strikes in the direction that Hei Xiaoyuan is attacking.

"Hey, enjoy traveling in the universe. You idiot. Slightly~" Hei Xiaoyuan stuck out her tongue at Zhang Wei, who was close at hand, and the black wings on Hei Xiaoyuan's back gathered and intersected with Zhang Wei's black hand.

Boom, all the attacks were deflected in an instant.In front of Hei Xiaoyuan, a fiery red light shot straight towards the sky, leaving a long red afterimage.Integrate your own attack power, reaction force, air friction force, Zhang Wei's attack power, reaction force, gravity from the ground, etc., into the black wing in an instant, and finally act on it. On Zhang Wei.

The power that erupted at that moment directly sent Zhang Wei flying far into the outer space, and the heat generated by his body piercing through the air ignited Zhang Wei's body, and a red flame appeared. This is also the reason why there was a red light remaining in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan .I just don't know if the evil god's body can withstand such intense friction.

"Small, Xiaoyuan." Zhang Wei was knocked into the air, and the Devouring Domain shrouded in the surroundings also disappeared. Without the Devouring ability of the Domain, Wen Hui and the others began to recover their strength and struggled to stand up.

"Yo, long time no see, Xiaoyuan's 'friends'." With a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth, Hei Xiaoyuan took a step towards Wen Hui and the others, and stopped in place.Two figures suddenly appeared, one in front and one behind, surrounded Hei Xiaoyuan.

"Who are you?" Feng Guohua stood in front of Hei Xiaoyuan, staring at the blood pattern on Hei Xiaoyuan's forehead with a solemn expression. This appearance was exactly the same as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's transformation.

"Although I am very grateful to you for saving our students, if I don't explain why I came, I dare not let you get closer." Behind Hei Xiaoyuan, Shen Hao also had a serious expression on his face. The body is injured, and the fluctuation of divine power on the body has become much weaker, and even the domain can't be maintained.Although Hei Xiaoyuan looked like an emperor-level evil god, being able to knock Zhang Wei into space with one blow was definitely not the power that an ordinary emperor-level evil god should have.

"Old fellows, you guys can't stop me now." With an impatient expression on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes flashed a faint red light, as if he would attack them at any moment.

"Wait a minute, Xiaoyuan, calm down." Wen Hui, who had just got up, changed slightly after noticing the swords on both sides, and rushed between Feng Guohua and Hei Xiaoyuan, comforted Hei Xiaoyuan, and turned to block in front of Hei Xiaoyuan , Facing Feng Guohua, he said, "Director Feng. Dean Shen, Xiaoyuan won't do bad things. Didn't she save us just now? She didn't mean anything malicious."

"Xiaoyuan... Is she really Zhuang Xiaoyuan? Why did she become like this." Wen Hui's words confirmed his guess, Feng Guohua frowned tightly, looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, and asked.

"Old guy, you meddle too much, don't worry about why I change like this, I change as much as I like, what can you do to me." Noticing the way Feng Guohua looked at him, the impatience on Hei Xiaoyuan's face grew even stronger. What's more, raised his eyebrows slightly, and provocatively said in a mocking tone.

"You..." Hei Xiaoyuan's words made Feng Guohua frowned even deeper. Compared with the polite Zhuang Xiaoyuan before, this one really has two personalities.It can be seen at a glance that it is a rather troublesome personality.But this mouth is really choking.

"Xiaoyuan, don't talk." Obviously it's not the time for this kind of internal strife, but Hei Xiaoyuan still came to make trouble, Wen Hui couldn't help turning her head and glaring at her.Even Wen Hui, who has always been careless, knows that now is not the time to provoke and confront.It can be resolved peacefully, so don't deviate in the direction of quarreling.

"Hmph." Noticing Wen Hui's reproachful eyes, Hei Xiaoyuan didn't have the slightest intention of admitting her mistake, and just turned her head away to ignore her.

"Dean Shen, Director Feng. I'm afraid you still have a lot of follow-up work to do. We will talk about the details later. When you are free, you can come to my dormitory to find us. We will watch Xiaoyuan, not Let her run around." Walking to Hei Xiaoyuan, he pulled her hand and winked, and Chu Miaomiao said to Feng Guohua and Shen Hao who were one behind the other.

While talking, Chu Miaomiao took Hei Xiaoyuan's right hand and walked towards the dormitory.After receiving Chu Miaomiao's eyes, although he was very dissatisfied with the two eyes looking at him, Hei Xiaoyuan didn't do anything bad, instead, he released Suzuko Yuriko's transformation state and restored her original state. look.The face was exactly the same as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's, only with blood lines on his forehead and bright red eyes.

Of course, the temperament of the two is completely different.The usual Zhuang Xiaoyuan gives people a kind of approachable feeling, and the breath on his body is easy to get close to, very popular, and easy to blend into the crowd.

But Hei Xiaoyuan's aura is very present, like a poppy flower that always attracts the attention of the surroundings.It is full of mystery and temptation. It is obvious that behind that temptation is the fall of the abyss, but it still makes people want to get intoxicated.

"Guohua, follow them. Leave the matter here to me." Slightly squinting his eyes, Shen Hao didn't stop Chu Miaomiao and the others from leaving, but just signaled Feng Guohua to go with them and monitor Hei Xiao by the way. circle movement.Hei Xiaoyuan didn't say those words, if Hei Xiaoyuan really wanted to talk to her about something, they really couldn't stop them now.It would be nice to be able to keep the peace for now.

It's just that I don't know whether this special existence of human beings and evil gods is a blessing or a curse for human beings. Shen Hao, who had seen Zhuang Xiaoyuan's human form before, had a small question in his mind, and turned to face the teachers who rushed over. .The scope of this battle is not small, and the follow-up processing is also a lot of trouble.

 I woke up in the morning with a dazed face and found that there is another helmsman in this book. Thanks to the book friend [Bronya Zajcek] for the reward of [-] coins.Thanks.Seeing the string of red text, the enthusiasm in my heart came up.Even for so many rewards and paid subscriptions, I have to work harder~~~
(End of this chapter)

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