Chapter 201 Lolita Will Never Grow Up

"Ha~ You came back so early this time." In the confined space, Zhuang Xiaoyan sighed as if giving up, and looked up at the 'girl' in front of him.

With a face that looks very similar to Chu Miaomiao, the same short white hair as the transformed Chu Miaomiao, a smaller body than Chu Miaomiao, and a flat airport, this one is the strongest human being right now. The leader, the highest-ranking leader of the Shenzhuang Academy, and the time-space god of the Shenzhuang Warrior who is the head of the academy.Chu Miaomiao's grandmother is a 'girl' who is over 70 years old but still has a loli figure... Ai Li Chu
"You finally came out, but you are really as annoying as what you saw in the 'a few times before', don't you plan to have a good talk with me?" Zhuang Xiaoyan.

"Talk? Do you want me to confess to you in such a public place?" Facing the strongest among human beings, Zhuang Xiaoyan has no fear in his eyes, even if his life can be waved by his opponent at this time take away.Zhuang Xiaoyan's tone was still provocative.

"Hmph, I'll leave the rest to you." Ellie gave instructions to Huo Qinglong and Feng Zhongguo who were leaning over, and Ellie grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyan's collar, turned around and opened a space door and walked in.When the two came out from the other end, they had already arrived at the headmaster's office.There is also a patterned key inserted into the table made of unknown material.

"Tell me, who are you, and why do you interfere with the direction of the world again and again." Released Zhuang Xiaoyan's restraint, and threw her on the sofa, Ellie sat on the opposite sofa and looked at this side with serious eyes .

"Even if you ask me, I won't tell you. If you want to know, you can read it yourself. Anyway, you have read it several times, haven't you, this time is the closest to my goal." Untied, Zhuang Xiaoyan gave up the plan to leave instead, and directly canceled his transformation state. The initial conditioned reflex to escape was simply because he was afraid of trouble, and wanted to stay outside for a while.Now that they are face to face, there is no point in running away.

"I'll take a good look at it. Although I don't know what your purpose is, if it threatens human beings, I don't mind obliterating the most critical part of your plan at the beginning." Eyes fell on Zhuang Xiaoyan's face, Ellie narrowed her eyes slightly and threatened.

"Haha." Hearing Ellie's threat, Zhuang Xiaoyan showed a mocking expression on his face: "If you want to kill her, you can try it, if you don't mind being buried with all human beings."

"Are you threatening me? In your current state, I'm afraid you can't threaten the whole of mankind." Her slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and even though her expression was still calm, Ellie's eyes glowed with murderous intent.

"No, no, no, I don't need to do it myself. This is your own self-destruction. I don't care. It will take tens of millions of years to wait to meet her. Our karmic bond will always be connected. Together, maybe the state back then was easier than it is now." With an instigated expression on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyan seemed to be tempting a fallen devil, with a hint of joy in his tone.

"Self-destruction... so she is. I know. I can ignore your purpose for the time being, but if you act too outrageously, even if you risk all human beings, you can't think about it." Click Nodding, Ellie showed a hint of comprehension in her eyes.Although I still don't know Zhuang Xiaoyan's purpose, but having this information is not in vain.

"Hmph, if you can still do it at that time." With a hint of pride on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyan stood up and walked towards the door.She still wants to continue walking around, but she hasn't finished enjoying the rare fun in the afternoon.

Crack, Zhuang Xiaoyan was held down by the shoulders, and strong divine power with special rules of time and space poured into her body, pouring into the already dark nebula lair on her chest, with the influx of divine power, the nebula lair The darkness seemed to be suppressed and began to recede towards the center, revealing a little brilliant golden light under the darkness.

"Damn it, it's so despicable, you are a ten thousand year old lolita. I curse you for never growing up and flying for the rest of your life." Zhuang Xiaoyan's complexion changed due to the sudden influx of divine power, and strong anger appeared in his eyes. He yelled and cursed loudly, but No matter what, he couldn't break free from the space confinement that bound him again.

The darkness in the nebula's whirlpool was all compressed back to the center of the nebula's whirlpool, and the dazzling golden divine power began to circulate in the body again, withdrew the divine power to catch Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fallen body and put it on the sofa, his face became gloomy.

"Knock, knock, knock" Just then, there was a steady and rapid knock on the door from outside the door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked." Withdrawing her depression, Ellie yelled out the door.Click, the door was slowly pushed open.

Consciousness recovered from the haze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was the familiar ceiling above her head, this was her bedroom.Recalling what happened before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a dreamy feeling in his heart.It wasn't that she felt like she was dreaming, but a really hazy memory, starting from the memory at the end that was shrouded in the realm of the God of Destruction.

I have had this kind of hazy feeling before, that is, when my dark side dominates, I will enter this kind of hazy feeling, and vaguely remember the memory at the end after that.But the hazy feeling like a dream made her feel a little unreal, and more importantly, Zhuang Xiaoyan couldn't remember part of the conversation at all.Always felt that was very important.

Shaking his head, he shook off his chaotic thoughts, patted his cheek, and cleared his brain.Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned over and got out of bed and began to get dressed to get up.If you don’t remember, don’t remember, anyway, you will know one day, and this day may not be too far away.As for the subsequent impact caused by the emergence of my dark side, from the expression and tone of the dean in my memory, probably, should, maybe, almost no problem, right?

Putting on her clothes and walking out of the room, the air was filled with the fresh and cool air unique to the early morning, she shrank her neck slightly, it was still a bit cold in the winter morning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked down the stairs, and as she walked step by step, her body slightly Move, it doesn't feel so cold anymore.

Go into the kitchen and open the refrigerator.Sure enough, there are very few things inside.For this Creation Celebration, the refrigerator was used to store food for sale.With the sale for two consecutive days, it was almost sold out, and there was no replenishment of ingredients in the dormitory after that.It's normal for the refrigerator to be empty.But although there are not many things, a breakfast can still be made.

(End of this chapter)

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