Chapter 202 Calm Daily Life After Chaos
Taking out the remaining half of the cabbage and a few soybean sprouts from the refrigerator, and taking the last small piece of pork the size of a palm, Zhuang Xiaoyuan closed the refrigerator door with her feet and walked into the cooking room.Remember that there should be a lot of flour left.Although I can't make any decent dishes, but if I just order a few bowls of noodles, it will be fine.

Sure enough, there was still a lot of flour in the kitchen.With a satisfied smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took a washbasin and started kneading the dough.Let's simply eat noodles for breakfast today.After that, you need to go shopping once, and eat better for lunch and dinner.I don't know what time it is today, I probably haven't slept for too long.While thinking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands didn't stop.

After kneading the noodles and putting them aside, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to process other ingredients, washing and shredding the vegetables, and then frying them in the wok. With the dancing of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's vegetable spoon, the fragrance of vegetables mixed with the smell of shredded meat began to waft in the kitchen.

"Xixi, Xiaoyuan, you're awake." Accompanied by the sound of slippers being tapped, Chu Miaomiao came in dressed in pajamas, rubbing her eyes.Zhuang Xiaoyan ran away suddenly yesterday until she was caught by the head of the school, which really scared Chu Miaomiao and the others.By the time they arrived at the dean's office, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was already sleeping on the sofa. If Chu Miaomiao hadn't trusted her grandmother quite a bit, otherwise the relationship between them would really have quarreled.

Chu Miaomiao's grandmother said that Zhuang Xiaoyuan just fell asleep temporarily because of the personality switch, so Chu Miaomiao and the others could only suppress their worries, and after sending Zhuang Xiaoyuan back to the dormitory, they also went back to the room to rest and recover from their fatigue up.Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan making breakfast energetically now, Chu Miaomiao was really relieved.

"Oh, good morning meow. It's ready to eat right away. Xiaohui is up yet." Hearing Chu Miaomiao's voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced back, continued with his hands, divided the fried ingredients into three In a soup plate, Zhuang Xiaoyuan set up a new pot and began to wait for the water to boil.Take the rest of the dough aside.

"It's okay, she will come down by herself when she smells it." Putting down her right hand that was rubbing her eyes, Chu Miaomiao walked to the dining table, opened a chair and sat down.Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's busy back, there was peace in her heart, as long as Xiaoyuan was fine.

"What, it smells so good. I'm so hungry." Accompanied by the sound of gurgling, Wen Hui floated in with a sleepy expression on her face wearing loose pajamas.Although I ate all afternoon yesterday, I didn't eat dinner because I ate too much, so I'm easy to be hungry when I wake up in the morning.

Holds the dough in the left hand and the curved blade in the right.Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to wield the blade in his hand facing the boiling hot water, slices of thick and long skin were sliced ​​into the pot, floating up and down in the boiling water.Guessing it was almost done, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped what he was doing, took a colander and stirred it, scooped up the dough and put them into three soup bowls filled with ingredients, then poured some hot soup and sprinkled green onion, OK, three bowls The sliced ​​noodles are finished.

There was a crisp collision sound in front of Wen Hui, and a bowl of steaming sliced ​​noodles was placed in front of Wen Hui.Seeing the hot food in front of him, Wen Hui's misty eyes opened instantly, took the chopsticks and buried his head in picking up the dough into his mouth.This smell, this texture: "Xiaoyuan, you're awake."

"Hehe, good morning, Xiaohui." Facing Wen Hui's surprise look that suddenly looked up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted with a smile, and put the same steaming knife-cut noodles in front of Chu Miaomiao.

"You're sleepy, didn't you notice, you idiot." Chu Miaomiao glanced at Wen Hui with the eyes of an idiot, and then picked up the chopsticks and began to concentrate on dealing with the sliced ​​noodles in front of him.

"I said why it smells so good. Sure enough, what Xiaoyuan made is the best in the world." With a smile on her face, Wen Hui ignored Chu Miaomiao's gaze.Wen Hui has gotten used to her gaze after so many times.

"Then let's enjoy the best cuisine in the world." He also pulled out a chair and sat down, Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked up chopsticks and bowed his head to eat noodles while joking.For a moment, the only sound left in the kitchen was the sound of noodles entering the mouth.

"Ah, it's so comfortable, the whole person is warm." After the meal, Wen Hui leaned back on the back of the chair with a satisfied expression.The hunger in my stomach has completely disappeared, and I can still recall the taste and deliciousness of the bowl of sliced ​​noodles just now.

"Xiaoyuan, didn't that old hag do anything bad to you?" Chu Miaomiao asked after helping Zhuang Xiaoyuan bring the leftover soup plate to the kitchen.For his grandmother, although he generally trusts her, that person is not a serious person.

"Old witch? Head of the academy? Didn't do anything to me, probably. I don't have a deep impression. Things after that are rather vague." Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied after thinking for a while while turning on the hot water switch and starting to wash the dishes.

"That's right, then forget it." If Madoka has any problems, he still plans to go to her to settle the score, since he doesn't remember, then forget it.

"By the way, is there anything I want to eat today? It happens to be the last day of the holiday. I will cook a sumptuous meal." After washing the dishes and chopsticks, shaking off the drops of water on his hands, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took them Asked while drying his hands with a towel beside him.

"Well, what should I eat?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Chu Miaomiao lowered her head and began to think.I have eaten too many dishes, and I really can't pick out what I want to eat for a while. If I have to say it, I want to eat them all.

"Hot pot, hot pot, I want instant boiled mutton." Wen Hui at the dining table heard the conversation between the two and shouted out her opinion.

"Hot pot is fine. Eat some mutton to keep warm in winter. Let's go to the supermarket to see if there is any fresh mutton." Walking out of the kitchen, Chu Miaomiao didn't mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan Nodding in agreement with Wen Hui's proposal.

Let's go to the supermarket later to see if there is any mutton. Although there are definitely boxed finished mutton in the supermarket, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is more used to cutting it by himself, not only because of food safety issues, but also because the thinner the mutton, the better it tastes. , His knife skills are absolutely hundreds of blocks away from ordinary chefs.

"Oh, hot pot hot pot. By the way, it's better if there are more people eating hot pot. How about I call the teacher from the pharmacy department?" After cheering a few times, Wen Hui suddenly thought of her serious teacher, Suggested.

"Indeed, it's better if there are more people in the hot pot. Should I also call those guys from the research team? I don't know if they are free. I also want to call my uncle. By the way, there are also Hua Qianqian and the others. Then Thanks to their help." Hearing Wen Hui's suggestion, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also thought of the researchers in her group, and Wang Xiaofei and the others helped sell things for a day yesterday.

"Then I'll call my cousin too." Nodding his head, Chu Miaomiao also began to think about who he could call to eat with him.

(End of this chapter)

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