Chapter 203 You Should Pay Back What You Owe
"For hot pot, add some enoki mushrooms and Chinese cabbage. This is good, it looks quite fresh." Pushing the shopping cart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked in the food supermarket on the side of the dormitory building, and noticed the fresh Chinese cabbage on the stall. Step down.At this time, there are already a lot of things in the shopping cart. In addition to the ingredients for today's hot pot, there are also food reserves for the future, which can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

"Xiaoyuan, do you want to put this?" Chu Miaomiao, who was following beside her, asked with a few potatoes in her hands.

"Potatoes, this one is also good. Hot pot potatoes are crispy and delicious when they are less timed, and softer after a long time. Put them in too." Instructing Chu Miaomiao to pick a few good ones and put them in the shopping cart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also called out the product. Put the best Chinese cabbage in the shopping cart.

"Xiao Yuan, how about putting this in the hot pot too." Wen Hui asked loudly holding up the tentacles that were still shaking in the aquatic area a few aisles away.

"...What is that? It doesn't look like something you can eat." Seeing the tentacles that were still dangling over there, entwined around Wen Hui's arm, Chu Miaomiao shivered slightly, her face dripping A trace of disgust was revealed.

"That tentacle shape should be squid. For squid, it's good to make a seafood pot." Thinking of the smooth and tender taste of squid, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that the hot pot at night could be divided into more pots.

"That, can you really eat it?" Chu Miaomiao's eyes showed a stunned emotion, the slippery, full of sucker tentacles, imagining that the wriggling tentacles slipped into his throat, Chu Miaomiao The whole face turned a little blue.

"Don't worry, it's delicious. But if Xiao Miao doesn't like it, you don't have to eat it. I will separate the hot pot with different ingredients." Noticing Chu Miaomiao's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted her on the shoulder and comforted her.I didn't expect Chu Miaomiao to have such an expression. Is this considered a profit?

"Xiaoyuan Xiaoyuan, what's the matter, do you want this?" Without hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's response, Wen Hui ran over with the big squid in her hand.

"Ask the waiter to wrap it up. Just put it in the car and it will run out." Taking a few steps back, avoiding the squid's tentacles, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved his hand for Wen Hui to pack the bag.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, meow? Are you afraid of this?" Wen Hui, who was about to turn around and leave, noticed Chu Miaomiao's different expression hiding behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and a hint of slyness appeared on her face.The squid stretched out his hand and leaned over.

"Don't come here." As the squid approached, Chu Miaomiao's eyes showed panic, and her face turned greener.Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could stop Wen Hui's prank, the squid's dangling tentacles suddenly stretched out and wrapped around Chu Miaomiao's arm.

"Ah, get out." As if he had reached his limit, Chu Miaomiao's face turned from green to pale, and he stretched out his hand and punched him.

"Pfft~" Wen Hui's face darkened.

Chu Miaomiao punched the squid on the head reflexively.The squid's soft body well offset Chu Miaomiao's weak strength at the moment, but the sudden attack also surprised the squid.Habitually used the strongest escape stunt.A mouthful of ink sprayed directly from the mouth.His mouth is facing Wen Hui.So... It's really self-inflicted, and the retribution is not good.

"Pfft, hehe. Hahaha." Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing seeing Wen Hui's face being sprayed with ink.Hearing the laughter, Chu Miaomiao, who came back to his senses, saw Wen Hui's appearance at this time, and couldn't help showing a smile in his eyes.But facing the squid in her hand, she still didn't dare to come out from behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"You bastard." He shook his face, knowing from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's laughter and the smile in Chu Miaomiao's eyes how funny he looked at this time.Angrily glaring at the squid in her hand, Wen Hui turned and walked away quickly.I absolutely want to eat you today, and actually sprayed ink all over my face.Hurry up and pack it up, now I have to go to the bathroom to wash my face, how can I go out with such ink on my face.

"Hmph, wait, Xiao Dian, I'll eat you later." Coming back from the bathroom, Wen Hui followed Zhuang Xiaoyuan to the cashier, with a still angry expression on her face, she stretched out her index finger to poke the bag. squid.

"Huh? That's...Xiaomiao Xiaohui, you go and pay first. I seem to have seen someone I know just now." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was pushing the shopping cart, saw a familiar figure out of the corner of his eyes, and squinted slightly.Push the shopping cart to Chu Miaomiao, leave a word and quickly chase in that direction.

"...Shall we go and have a look, or go out directly?" Wen Hui, who was looking at Chu Miaomiao, had a curious look in his eyes, and looked at the expression on her face, it was obvious that she wanted to follow and have a look.

"Let's go out, you pay the bill." Rolling her eyes at Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao held the handle that was farthest from the squid, pushed the shopping cart and walked to the cashier first.

"Hey, why do you want me to pay the bill?" Wen Hui asked with a surprised face after quickly following Chu Miaomiao.

"It's okay for me to pay the bill, but I have to put that thing back for me." After casting a cold glance at Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao pointed to the bag that was still wriggling in the shopping cart.

"...Okay, I'll just pay." After staring at each other for a while, facing Chu Miaomiao whose face remained unchanged, Wen Hui declared defeat, and obediently took out her student card.Anyway, the three of them came in turns to buy ingredients, if you pay today, it won't be her turn next time.

"Hey, handsome guy in front, please stop for a moment." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had left just now, walked quickly a few steps to catch up with a man and a woman in front, then slowed down and followed them behind and called out to their backs.

"Handsome guy? Are you calling me?" The man and woman in front heard the cry from behind and turned to look over.

"Hey." Noticing that the boy in front turned his head obediently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was waiting for this moment.With a smile, he clenched his fist with his right hand and punched the boy directly in the face.

Boom, "Zhou Cao, who is so despicable to sneak up on me. Hey, why is it you?" Suddenly, he punched him on the nose, and the boy burst into tears.Being suddenly attacked, of course it is very annoying, the boy looked up with his flaming eyes, but when he saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his anger disappeared in an instant, and instead he showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Mr. Luo, long time no see. You still owe me a punch. Do you remember?" The attacking right fist hit the palm of his left hand just now, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the corner of his mouth slightly to show a smirk.

"Ahem, what. I gave you back a punch today, so it's okay." He rubbed his red nose in embarrassment. After all, he was a god-blessing powerhouse, and a punch of ordinary strength couldn't hurt him. He is, at most, a little sore.

"I paid it back, it's still far away. The punch just now can only be regarded as a little interest, and I owe it to me for more than half a month. I want to get it back bit by bit with interest."

(End of this chapter)

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