Chapter 204 A Rarely Lively Dormitory

"Wen Xue, let's go." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unwillingness to give up, Luo Zhongtian grabbed Mo Wenxue beside him and wanted to run away.

"Wait a minute." Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly grabbed Mo Wenxue's other hand: "Okay, I'm not joking anymore. Teacher Luo, Teacher Mo is having a hot pot party in our dormitory today. Do you want to come together?"

"Hot pot? Is it real or not? You don't want to trick me back and beat me up." Luo Zhongtian had a suspicious expression on his face.Although it is very easy for him at the Divine Blessing level to escape, he always feels very humiliated when he is tricked into running again, especially in front of Mo Wenxue.In other words, Mr. Luo, do you still have face?

"You don't have to come if you don't want to. Is Teacher Mo coming? I'm still very confident in my craftsmanship. I bought a lot of ingredients just now, including vegetables, meat, seafood." Rolling eyes at Luo Zhongtian , Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to Mo Wenxue and asked.

"Go." Nodding her head, Mo Wenxue agreed, she was already tired of the fast food products in the supermarket.The boyfriend I'm looking for is the type who can't cook at all, even if she is herself, at most she can order a bowl of seaweed soup.

"Okay, I will go if Wen Xue goes." Seeing that Mo Wenxue agreed, Luo Zhongtian also agreed to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's invitation.

"Well, come over at 10:30 noon. Our dormitory is in the eleventh building of the student villa. Don't go wrong." Nodding to the two, and explaining the party time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook Luo Zhongtian Fist turned and left.

"Xiaoyuan, it's so slow. Who did you see just now?" Wen Hui asked curiously when she saw that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was late with her hands full of ingredients after she had already settled the bill.

"I saw Teacher Luo just now, and I invited them to eat hot pot by the way." After taking a bag of ingredients from Wen Hui, several of them walked shoulder to shoulder towards the dormitory.

"Teacher Luo? Ah, the guy who ran away due to debts." Tilting her head in doubt, Wen Hui retrieved the memory of this Teacher Luo from her memory, but before overturning the memory of the assessment, the first thing she remembered was from Zhuang Xiaoyuan What I heard in my mouth was the plot of betting against her in the end.

"Hehe, I punched him hard just now. In front of her girlfriend." Thinking of Luo Zhongtian's bewildered face before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.That moment just now was really exhausting.Tell him to throw the pot around and renege on his debts.

The three of them laughed and chatted and walked towards the dormitory. After buying all the ingredients, they can start to prepare. I remember that there are several hot pots in the warehouse of the dormitory. I saw it last time. I will look for it later. It has been stored for so long. Wash it well.

"Zhuang Xiaoyuan, you are too slow. You obviously called us over, but you actually shut us out." When the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to the dormitory, talking and laughing, there was already someone waiting at the door.Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others come back, Hua Qianqian complained with a look of making us wait.

"I said, you came here too early, didn't I say 10:30?" He raised his hand to look at the time, and the number displayed was obviously only a quarter past nine.They arrived more than an hour early.

"Huh, isn't it 09:30?" Hua Qianqian looked surprised.

"Didn't I just say, 10:30, you still don't believe it." Ruan Tang, who was with Hua Qianqian, had a helpless expression on his face.

"Shut up, Ruan Tiantian, I didn't ask you to speak." Turning her head and glaring at Ruan Tang, Hua Qianqian still looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a surprised expression on her turned face.

"I said, you guy, are you really looking forward to today's hot pot?" Wen Hui raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a subtle expression on Wen Hui's face.Could it be, this guy is also just arrogant, hey, why did I say that?
"Who, who's looking forward to it. If Ruan Tiantian didn't pull me, I wouldn't have come." Regardless of Ruan Tang who had started to roll his eyes helplessly, Hua Qianqian changed his tone forcefully.

"Okay, don't stand at the door, let's go in. Go inside and chat slowly." Chu Miaomiao opened the door and walked in first, Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted the people standing at the door to enter.Hua Qianqian also stopped chatting and walked into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's dormitory one after another.

"It's great, such a big villa dormitory. It even has a yard." Walking into the dormitory, Hua Qianqian and others began to look at the surrounding environment, with a hint of envy on their faces.The only people who can live in this kind of villa are the ten people in the special class and Chu Miaomiao, who is ranked eleventh.

"Come on, next time in the qualifying match, you can live in a villa if you beat the premium class." Patting Hua Qianqian on the shoulder, Wen Hui's eyes sparkled with fighting spirit, although she seemed to be comforting Hua Qianqian, But for the top ten, Wen Hui really wanted to have a good fight, especially after she also broke through to the divine grace level.

"I don't need you to tell me. If the last qualifying match hadn't been suspended suddenly, I would have already lived in the villa." Slapping Wen Hui's hand away, Hua Qianqian had a confident expression on her face.Although I am good at group battles, one-on-one will be weak, but now I have researched a secret weapon, and I will definitely shine in the championship competition.

"Sit down for a while, Xiaohui will chat with Qianqian and the others, and Xiaomiao will help me." After Hua Qianqian and the others were greeted to sit down, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao began to prepare today's hot pot lunch.

However, before making hot pot dishes, of course, the hot pot must be turned out first. In addition, because there may be a lot of people this time, the place to eat needs to be in the hall, and the dining table should also be set up.Asking Chu Miaomiao to set up the dining table, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to search for hot pot in the warehouse.

Sure enough, I remember correctly, there are indeed hot pots in the warehouse, and there are quite a few of them.Picked the two biggest mandarin ducks, Guozhuang Xiaoyuan, and walked out of the warehouse.Wash the hot pot well and put it on the table set up by Chu Miaomiao.Then comes the cooking preparation.

For making hot pot, there is not much work to prepare, the main thing is to clean the ingredients and cut them as needed without additional processing.The only thing that requires skill in hot pot is probably the bottom material of hot pot.After finishing the preparation of the ingredients, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to prepare the hot pot base.

While Zhuang Xiaoyuan was preparing the hot pot, the invited friends came over one after another.Apart from Hua Qianqian who arrived earlier, the first ones to arrive were Luo Zhongtian and Mo Wenxue who had met in the supermarket before.After that came the researchers of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's exclusive research team, followed by Chu Miaomiao's cousin Chu Yan, Wen Hui's pharmacy teacher Cai Mingfang, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's uncle Feng Guohua, and the uninvited Dean of Wannian Luoli School, etc.

Hua Qianqian and others were a little nervous when they saw the arrival of the dean and the teaching director, but they soon relaxed. Although the dean is the same as Chu Miaomiao, he is surprisingly not majestic.A large group of people chatted lively in the hall, and the dormitory of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others was rarely so lively.

(End of this chapter)

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