Chapter 205 Two-color star disk

In the hall, Chu Miaomiao set up two large round tables, and the cleaned hot pot was placed in the center of the round tables. Zhuang Xiaoyuan prepared different bases for the two tables, one with seafood base and the other with pork ribs broth base.Of course, the design of the mandarin duck pot cannot be wasted.Whether it is seafood pot or ribs pot, there are two types: non-spicy and super-spicy.

The washed and cut ingredients are all placed next to the hot pot for everyone to use. Of course, the seafood pot next to it is mainly seafood ingredients, such as smoked fish fillets, squid rolls, sashimi, and various shellfish. Shrimp and crab.Next to the ribs pot is mainly meat, such as meatballs, short ribs, mutton slices, beef slices and so on.Of course, seafood and meat alone are also very monotonous, so there are also a lot of vegetables, such as carrots, Chinese cabbage, potato chips, black fungus, enoki mushrooms, Coprinus comatus, and tomatoes.

"Get ready, you can start eating, put what you want to eat, one table is seafood pot, the other table is rib pot, white clear soup, red is spicy pot, don't put it wrong. Also, those who want to eat rice Go to the kitchen and serve it by yourself." After finishing the preparation of the hot pot, adjusting the bottom ingredients and placing the ingredients, Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted everyone in the hall to come and have a meal together.

In fact, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan poured the prepared base into the boiling water in the hot pot for seasoning, the people who had been chatting stopped chatting, and all looked at this side covetously.

Because with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's seasoning, the aroma of the base material began to permeate the whole room. Who would be in the mood to continue chatting after smelling this appetizing aroma? They were all waiting for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to serve dinner.

So following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order, all the people who had been waiting for a long time rushed over. Those who liked meat were on the meat table, and those who liked seafood were on the seafood table. Everyone on the Internet has eaten hot pot, and they all know how to eat and taste hot pot.But it was the first time for them to know that hot pot can also make a better taste, and the aroma alone has made these people linger.

Gathering around the table, several people discussed putting their favorite ingredients into the hot pot.Because Zhuang Xiaoyuan deliberately sliced ​​some difficult-to-cook ingredients thinly, it took only a while for the ingredients to be cooked by the boiling soup.Pairs of chopsticks stick into the hot pot.

"Wow, this is super delicious."

“The seafood pot is so fresh.”

"Fatty meat, my meat."

"Ah, it's so hot, it's so hot, give me water."

"Don't grab it, it's mine."

"Who cares about you, mine, mine."

With the entrance of the first hot pot dish, everyone couldn't care whether the person around them was a teacher or a student, and they all started rushing, the head of the school?The head of the school can't steal my food either.You put this piece of lamb?Does it have your name on it? Whoever snatches it will own it.All of a sudden, there was a scuffle, you robbed me and I robbed you.Everyone who ate this meal was very happy.

After the meal, the stuffed people took a short break and left one after another. Today is the last day of the holiday, and everyone will continue their work and study starting tomorrow.And the dean also brought a special news, tomorrow will continue the previously interrupted qualifying match.For tomorrow's qualifying match, the participants probably have a lot of things to prepare for.

In the end, only Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the three were left to clean up the messy dining table.After cleaning up the mess, the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't carry out any special activities. It was the last day, but the three of them didn't go shopping or play around together.

The previous attack by the demon made the three people who were a little slack because of the stable and peaceful life tense up their spirits again.

After tidying up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to her room and began to digest the energy of the fortress-level demon, while Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao went to the point exchange point to redeem the harvest of this creation ceremony.

Because the match with Yue Qingwu was interrupted, the final result ended in a draw. Neither side got the other's points. However, for their outstanding performance against the demons, the academy rewarded them with a lot of extra points. All the points It is enough to add up to exchange for three divine power crystals.This time, Wen Hui and Wen Hui went for the divine power crystal, and wanted to make a final assault before the qualifying match.

Returning to the room, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mental power sank into her nebula vortex, and the pure blue energy solid was still suspended above the nebula vortex.Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to digest and absorb this unexpected joy with her divine power.

With the operation of divine power, the solid energy gradually shrinks, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power expands more and more, but every expansion will be squeezed by her spiritual power, making the divine power more condensed.Therefore, as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power circulated, the nebula vortex in her body became smaller and smaller, but as the nebula vortex shrunk, the golden light emitted by the divine power became more and more dazzling.

When the golden light of divine power shone to a certain limit, even Zhuang Xiaoyuan's spiritual power was covered by the dazzling golden light, and he couldn't clearly see the shape of the nebula vortex, the nebula vortex began to undergo some changes.The quality of divine power has been further improved.

The golden light continued to shine for a while before it gradually dimmed. At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that she had broken free from some kind of shackles, and her whole body felt a sense of comfort, as if the moment she soaked in a warm hot spring after experiencing the cold winter, her whole body was in a state of ecstasy. Relax.

After a long time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan recovered from the feeling of comfort. She found that the nebula vortex in her body had disappeared, and what appeared on her chest was a golden disc that was standing upright and slowly rotating.

This should be the main body of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's God's Armor, and the presence of the God's Armor's body in his chest also means that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has finally broken through to the level of divine grace.

The background of this disk is a bright golden starry sky, and two world cards are inlaid in the center of the starry sky disk.A character card and a newly born blank card evenly surround the world card and inlaid around the disc.The star disk slowly rotated in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, and traces of golden divine power flowed out from the disk from time to time, traveled all over the body, and finally returned to the inside of the disk.

Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could be happy because of the advancement of divine power, under the slowly rotating starry sky disk, the black hole vortex in the center of the nebula vortex also began to change, and thick darkness flowed out from the black hole vortex, and began to flow in the The back of the star disk spirals in a spiral pattern.

As the darkness gushed out rapidly, the original black hole vortex gradually faded and disappeared.When the last gust of darkness flowed out of the black hole vortex and merged into the spiral on the back of the starry sky disk, the speed of the spiral's rotation suddenly accelerated and shrank inward. At this moment, the deep darkness actually condensed a pitch-black circle of the same size as the starry sky disk. plate.

Several blackened cards were revealed on the pitch-black disk.The pros and cons of Yu Xiao Miku, Artoria, and Accelerator showing black wings seem to be divided into black and white, appearing on the two discs respectively.The three cards on the black side plus the second lady, Flandre Scarlet, have a total of four cards encircling the center of the black plate and inlaid on all sides.

(End of this chapter)

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