Chapter 207 The World of Magical Girls

After walking into the magical girl she had chosen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that the scene in front of her eyes suddenly changed, and she appeared in a dilapidated wooden house. The simple room only had a wooden bed by the wall and three wooden sticks in the center of the room. The erected iron pot is really a primitive stove.

Slightly frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced around, there was no prompt, no information, nothing, only the empty dilapidated wooden house.Is it like this again this time? According to the experience of the previous two times, I am afraid that this time the trial will eventually encounter evil gods or demons.

And Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao were not seen either.Last time the three of them also separated and reunited later, but this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always felt that they would not come together, it was not an educated guess, but pure intuition.

Withdrawing his gaze, he didn't find any possible clues.It seems that I have to go out to collect the necessary information by myself. What kind of world is this? Are there any strange things happening somewhere? What is the mission of coming here.Only when you go out can you know.

There was no worry at all due to the lack of information, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind became stronger after experiencing all kinds of dangers. Finally, he glanced at the empty dilapidated house, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened the door that had no lock at all. A piece was removed, leaving only half of the wooden door.

Outside the door is a dirty side street, the houses on both sides are not much better than the one Zhuang Xiaoyuan came out of, most of them are in dilapidated state, carefully bypassing the dirty water beach in front of the door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walks onto the side street, chooses at will He walked slowly in one direction, turning his head and looking around at the surrounding environment while walking.

This is a decadent street. Apart from the dilapidated houses on both sides, there are occasionally a few people sitting cross-legged on the side of the street, with dirty hair and worn clothes.But their gazes looking up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan were full of strong desire, not carnal desire, but the desire to survive.

Noticing how these people were dressed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan realized that his clothes were not much better than theirs at this time, and there were also a few holes and a few large patches.

Ignoring a few men who saw him and got up from the ground, followed quietly, eyes full of malice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked forward on his own.Until they came to a small dilapidated square.A bulletin board stood upright here, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed that it was the notice posted on it, which was obviously old.

"Arrest Warrant: Citizens of this city, the evil magical girls have brought us endless pain. They created countless monsters to destroy our homeland, but they directed and acted to complete the heroic drama. They want to get Our worship is to achieve their evil purpose of controlling human beings. How can we let them succeed. So, my dear citizens, let’s all act. If you catch the magical girl, we will reward you with 100 million cash from our Witch Church And the right to live in the inner city. If you provide clues to report the magical girl, you will be rewarded 20, and you will get the right to use the private house in the middle city for 50 years. As long as the information is verified, it will be honored in real time. Publisher: Witch Church."

"This is really... an evil magical girl." After reading the above announcement, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a large beast running through her heart.A magical girl of love and justice turns into a wanted evil villain.The three views are ruined.

Although there are speculations due to the previous choices, this time the world should be a world related to magical girls.But in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind, at most, evil gods and the like became powerful villains to fight against the magical girl. He never thought that the magical girl would become a villain instead.The trial this time may not be that simple.

"Little devil, I didn't expect there to be such a high-quality goods like you in the slums now, why don't you follow uncle, uncle will take you to a good place." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking at the bulletin board by himself, the three people who had quietly followed before surrounded him Being behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan blocked all her escape routes.

"Follow you? Where are you going to take me? Say I'm a magical girl and report to the Witch Church." Looking away from the bulletin board, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to face the three grown men behind her.

"Huh? Yes, there is such a trick. I wanted to sell you to Liuyingyuan, but it would be more valuable if you reported it to the Witch Church." The bearded man among the three looked at him. Liang, I started to calculate the prices of both sides. It is obvious that the Witch Church side is more lucrative.

"I have a question, I want to ask. Has anyone successfully reported it so far. This." Facing three men who are obviously much taller than himself, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed no expression on his face at all, pointing to the arrest warrant behind his back asked.

"Isn't it natural? Those lucky guys are all living in the inner city now. But soon I can live in too." Eyes filled with strong desire, the three men opened their hands and circled around Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Come here, obviously don't intend to talk nonsense anymore, let's grab the money first and then talk.

"That's right, it looks like the magical girl is a bit miserable." Muttering in a low voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her right hand.With three clicks, the three men performed a 360-degree maneuver in the air, fell to the ground and passed out, with clear red palm prints remaining on their right cheeks.

Although it is a world with a high degree of mystery like magical girls, the physical fitness of ordinary people in this world is not high. Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already observed carefully when he noticed the maliciousness of these people. The body can easily mow the grass once.

I squatted down and rummaged through a few people. Sure enough, it is impossible for such a person who would do bad things to have no money.Since if you want to do bad things, you have to be mentally prepared to capsize, this time it is better to charge some tuition fees.

Counting only 120 yuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan put the money into his pocket without any guilt, and didn't care about the three people on the ground stepping over them and walking towards the way they came.

The currency in this world is similar to that used by ordinary people in the world where Zhuang Xiaoyuan lives, except that the portraits on the banknotes are different.

It seems that I have seen a house similar to a grocery store before, and I should be able to buy food.According to the current known information, I am afraid that the trial will not be completed in a short time.Since I have to stay for a long time, I need to ensure that I have three meals a day. I don't know how many days the money can be used.

On the way back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave full play to her past demeanor as a bully of the South Street, and used the means of bargaining to find out the currency value of this world.

The more than 100 yuan in his hand is really not much. After buying the necessary seasonings and some fresh-looking ingredients, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fumbled back to his dilapidated house. Came back before dark.

Lighting the simple stove with a match, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to prepare his own dinner.Money is too tight, basically can't make any decent dishes, and there is only one iron pot at hand, not even bowls and chopsticks, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can only simply cook a pot of vegetable soup.

But with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cooking skills, even a simple vegetable soup has a special flavor.

(End of this chapter)

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