Chapter 208 Sudden Craving for Sweet Potatoes

"Enen, neither bland nor salty is just right. As expected of me, I can make delicious food even under the simplest conditions." After taking a sip of the vegetable soup in the pot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a satisfied expression on his face, and he was also in a good mood. Good self-possession.

"Bump" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was enjoying his own cooking, the broken wooden door hanging at the door was kicked away, and the wooden door, which was only half left, flew over Zhuang Xiaoyuan's head and hit the wall heavily, leaving a big hole behind. hole.

"My lord, it's her. The three of us fainted as soon as we waved our hands. They are definitely evil magical girls." The first to rush in was the three people who were knocked out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and then robbed them. The previous red seal pointed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan excitedly and said to a tall young woman following them.

He raised his head and looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a nonchalant face, as if he didn't see himself and the others, he tasted the vegetable soup in the pot on his own, and there was an appetite-stimulating fragrance in the air.

Slightly frowning, looking suspiciously at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the young woman took out a black disc from her bosom, and a small pointer in the middle of the disc rotated back and forth disorderly, as if broken.

"She's not." Although she was puzzled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's composure, the magical girl's magic power detection pointer was absolutely infallible, especially at such a close distance.Glancing coldly at the three people who lied, the young woman put away the disk in her hand and turned to leave.

"..." The three informants looked at each other in dismay, turned around and started to walk in panic, wanting to follow and leave.

"You broke my door and punched a hole in my wall, do you all want to leave like this?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan's crisp voice sounded as he drank the vegetable soup from the only wooden spoon into his belly.The three men froze in place.

"Well, we don't have any money." With a sad face, the bearded man who was the eldest of the three turned his head.

"I don't make it difficult for you, just fix the door for me, and you can leave." A faint thought flashed in his eyes, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan casually gave them a way to make up.

The person from the Witch Church always felt that it was not that simple, the way she looked at me last time just now.If it is really as guessed, these three people may...

The fire under the iron pot was gradually extinguished, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had no intention of lighting it up again, but started to rummage in the faint sparks.Pushing away the charcoal above, an oval-shaped object that was still steaming was turned out of the thick pile of ash.

His eyes narrowed slightly happily, and the corners of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth curved happily, and he was not afraid of getting dirty, so he reached out and picked it up.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan grabbed both ends and opened it, white hot air rose, and a faint fragrance spread into his nose.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up slightly, she opened her mouth and took a bite.Soft taste with a hint of sweetness.This is the taste.Sure enough, sweet potatoes taste best when they are baked in the ashes.You can't find such a primitive hearth in Central College.

One bite at a time, the whole sweet potato was eaten by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.After rubbing her already full stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the three people who were still working hard to cultivate themselves.If the guess is correct, these three people should never see each other again.

Although I can't bear it, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will not act irrationally for them, she is not the Holy Mother.She will not sacrifice herself to save others, and she is not a hero.She is just a slightly special ordinary person, a soldier who has been educated and raised by the army. A soldier is neither a saint nor a hero, but a group of ordinary people with their own principles.

What's more, these three people are not good people, they wanted to catch and sell Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the first place, judging from their actions at that time, it was obviously not the first time.How much blood and tears has accumulated on the hands of this kind of human traffickers?

"Hey, find a pot by yourself after repairing the door, and eat my vegetable soup. I'm going to rest, don't bother me." Shouted to the three men repairing the door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned and jumped into the room The only wooden bed in the house.Just take it as my self-satisfaction, and I hope your last journey will be happy.

The night passed quietly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened his eyes from a light sleep, and what he saw was a ray of morning sunlight shining through the hole in the wall.The room was still empty, and the original broken wooden door had been repaired, although it was still only half of what it was before.The iron pot that was originally full of vegetable soup was empty, but it was indeed thrown away by those three people.

Turning over and getting out of bed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took off the iron pot and took it outside to wash it, then came back and lit the fire to boil water.

"Oh, those three people are really hopeless." Withdrawing his hands from the vegetable bag, the last trace of guilt in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart disappeared.

Some of the vegetables left over from the vegetable soup made yesterday also disappeared, and it seemed that they were taken away by those three people.Fortunately, only those half-used vegetables were placed here, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan put the other ingredients by the bedside.Those three people didn't dare to approach them at the risk of being beaten again. I'm afraid they dared to take these vegetables easily.

I dug out a few sweet potatoes from the bag next to the bed and stuffed them directly into the fire. If there was boiling water, it would be delicious to cut the sweet potatoes into pieces, but there is nothing in this simple house that can be used as a sweet potato. What about the things used by knives, so I can only continue to use baked ones.

Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan waited boredly for the sweet potatoes to ripen, while wildly guessing the purpose of the Witch Church, whether the magical girls in this world are really evil or just being framed, this temporarily unresolved question, the light in the room Suddenly, it returned to its original state.A black-and-white creature had slipped through the newly opened hole last night.

This is a strange-looking rabbit, obviously recognizable as a rabbit only because of the pair of rabbit ears on the top of her head and the four short legs.But unlike ordinary rabbits, the color of this rabbit is black and white, not the black and white spots, but the left black and right white.In addition, a long squirrel tail dragging behind her, which is not what a rabbit should have, has also become a distinctive distinguishing feature.

At this time, the rabbit was covered with injuries, and after jumping in from the hole, it lay on the ground and did not move.This scene looks a little familiar.Such a strong sense of sight.

"Well, why don't you come and help me?" Probably the long silence made the rabbit a little embarrassed, she raised her red eyes to look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the rabbit's three-petal mouth opened and closed slightly, and said the human language.

After extinguishing the flame under the stove, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dug out a sweet potato from inside and took a bite, completely ignoring her intentions.Cupid must die.

(End of this chapter)

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