Chapter 209 Sign a contract with me

"Ahhhhhhhh." Bite a hot sweet potato, hot Zhuang Xiaoyuan breathed out, the faint sweetness melted in his mouth, although the quality of this sweet potato is not the best, but roasted sweet potato is not like other dishes I also care about the taste, this is the flavor.

"Excuse me, what are you eating?" Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still ignoring him, the black and white rabbit could only start the topic by himself.

"Sweet potato." Zhuang Xiaoyuan answered very simply after blowing on the sweet potato to cool it down.

"Is it tasty?"


"..." There was a silence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ate the roasted sweet potato on his own, while the black and white rabbit was still lying on the spot and didn't know how to continue talking.

"Well, I'm full." After eating two sweet potatoes and drinking a few sips of boiled water to moisten his throat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed open the broken wooden door and walked out.

"Hey, where are you going?" Watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan leave, the black and white rabbit shouted eagerly.

"Looking for a job." With three faint words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back disappeared outside the door, leaving only a wounded black and white rabbit.

In the evening, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came back from outside. Today's results were good, and she found a temporary job.It also roughly figured out the general structure of the city.Since the establishment of the Witch Church, the city has gradually been divided into three districts.

The most central inner city is populated by big shots who are either rich or expensive, and the headquarters of the Witch Church is also in the inner city.Outside the inner city is the Midtown. The people living in the Midtown are all ordinary people with good living conditions in the city. The minimum requirement is to own their own real estate in the Midtown.

And outside of the Zhongcheng District is the outermost urban district of the city, also known as the slum area, which is the urban area where Zhuang Xiaoyuan is located at this time.The slums gather all the inferior people in the city, the poor, the villains, criminals, and liars. It can be said that this is the darkest and dirtiest 'sewer' in the city.

Because of the hierarchical distribution of the city, people in the slums all want to live in the middle city, and most people in the middle city want to enter the safest inner city.So they are very keen on the arrest warrant for magical girls issued by the Witch Church, which manages the hierarchical distribution of the entire city.This is also one of the important reasons why magical girls are difficult to survive.

Creaking, following the sound of the wooden door being pushed open, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to his dilapidated house with a bag of rice in his hand, while the black and white rabbit that broke in this morning was still at the original place: "You haven't left yet?" .”

"Can you tell me your name?" After thinking about it for a day in the broken house, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who obviously didn't want to talk to him, the black and white rabbit planned to take the initiative.

"Zhuang Xiaoyuan." Putting down the rice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to cook the rice. Let's eat sweet potato rice today. Thinking about dinner, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a palm-sized knife from the bag next to the rice.With a knife, I can finally cut sweet potatoes.

"Ahem, that, Xiaoyuan. Sign a contract with me to become a magical girl." Determined to take the initiative to attack, the black and white rabbit called Zhuang Xiaoyuan's name very familiarly, and put forward his request straightforwardly.

"No." He refused without hesitation.Sure enough, it's not a good thing, I knew it would say such words.Knowing in his heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't pause at all in the movements of his hands, peeled and cut the sweet potatoes into pieces, put them into the iron pot with washed rice, and mixed them with the rice.

"Well, Xiaoyuan, don't believe the propaganda of the Witch Church, they are all liars. Magical girls are the real heroes who protect humans and destroy monsters. Those monsters are created by the Witch Church." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's rejection, The black and white rabbit thought she refused because she didn't want to be caught because of the Witch Church's propaganda.

"Oh." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's reaction was still very flat, she had already guessed about this situation, and besides, what the black and white rabbit said might not be true.

After experiencing the baptism of the magical girl Madoka, and seeing the extremely cruel magical girl breeding plan later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would believe that there are ghosts in this kind of MLM beast, and even if there is no such MLM beast, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can already transform into a magical girl up.If it weren't for the suspicion that the appearance of this MLM beast was too coincidental, and that it might have something to do with the Witch Church, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would have thrown it out a long time ago.

"I hate it, I hate it~~" Night fell quietly, the full moon in the sky hung in the sky like a disc, and a voice full of resentment spread from somewhere, and began to float in the sky.Along with this sound came subtle screams and the panic of the crowd.

The movements in his hands paused, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his eyes slightly, and finally continued to bow his head and start making his own dinner.This sound of resentment is different from the roar of the demon, it should be a native monster of this world.And judging from the sound and the panic of the crowd, there is still a long distance from here, so it is safe for the time being.

"Hey, Madoka, the grudge has appeared. Sign a contract with me to become a magical girl. Then you will have the power to defeat him." The rabbit ears on the top of the head moved, and it was obvious that the black and white rabbit also listened. To that voice full of resentment.At this time, its tone began to become irritable.

"No." Putting on the wooden lid of the iron pot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat by the fire and watched the burning flame quietly waiting for the dinner to be finished.She will not easily believe the words of the black and white rabbits, and she is also very curious about the so-called magical girls.

According to the plots of all magical girl shows, if there is a villain, then the magical girl will also appear. I just don’t know if there will be a magical girl after the so-called grievance appears. You know, the magical girls in this world are Wanted.

If the magical girl does not appear, what kind of means will the Witch Church, which manages the city, use to deal with this so-called grievance.Regardless of whether it was the magical girl or the Witch Church who came out to deal with it in the end, it would be very beneficial to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's intelligence collection.

"That's it, I won't let you do whatever you want." A subtle female voice came to my ears, and it seemed that there was a magical girl in this world.The moment he caught the sound, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up and opened it, pushed open the wooden door and walked out, looking in the direction of the sound.

From afar, you can see a tall giant with three heads walking in this direction, with every step, several houses will be trampled to pieces. Under his feet, the people who were sitting on both sides of the street before The previous numbness was long gone, and they all fled around in panic.

"Stop for me, bright starlight." Compared to the giant, a figure that was obviously much smaller jumped into the sky, and a large starlight flashed and blasted towards the giant while waving his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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