Chapter 212 Really Stupid and Cute
"Shua Shua Shua, Shua Shua Shua." The pen in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand danced quickly, and a series of numbers were born from the pen.With his left hand, he quickly flipped through the ledger.Glancing at the account book, quickly complete the calculation and write down the numbers.Ten seconds later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan closed the ledger.She put the white paper in her hand among the ledgers and placed them on a pile of ledgers stacked high on the right side. On her left side, there was no book left that was full.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really amazing, little girl. I completed the accounts that I have accumulated for four or five years in one day yesterday and half a day today, and all the white and black accounts are calculated clearly. It's a pity that I only run a small business in a poor area Otherwise, I will definitely hire you to be my accountant." On the sofa opposite Zhuang Xiaoyuan, a strong man with a fierce face was sitting, praising Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a look of amazement.

"Sorry, I don't plan to be an accountant for others. Besides, even if you praise me, I won't take less salary. The accounts are all done, so let's pay." Pushing the chair away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up and walked around Facing the table where the accounts were settled before, he spread his right hand facing the strong man.

"Haha, that's really a pity, I still want to save a few dollars. Here you go, some. This way we will settle the balance." Haha laughed, the strong man readily took out a stack of cash from the side and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Fingers flicked lightly on the thick banknotes, and the powerful dynamic vision could tell the amount of the money at a glance, no more, no less, exactly [-].Looking up at the strong man in front of him strangely, and then at the pile of banknotes piled up beside him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved the money in his hand and turned to leave: "Exactly, then I'm leaving, if there is still business, Contact me again."

"Boss, did you just let her go?" After Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, the brawny man who had been smiling brightly withdrew the smile on his face, stood up, bent slightly, and respectfully faced the person who had been standing behind the side of the sofa just now. An ordinary young man asked.

"Otherwise, are you still planning to renege on your debt? Be careful that someone will take the blame." Loosening his bow tie, the ordinary youth sat directly on the sofa and answered the subordinate's questions.What came to my mind was the picture I saw a few days ago.With one slap, three adults were sent flying.And it's still dizzy with one blow. With this kind of combat power, no one in the gang is an opponent.

Maybe she is the legendary magical girl. I have some guesses about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's identity, but the ordinary youth has no intention of reporting it. It's not because of sympathy for magical girls or anything else, but because they are simply dissatisfied with the Witch Church that rules the city. .Originally, their gang was the master of this city, although it was only underground.Now they can only hide in the slums, the hateful Witch Church.

"Ah, Xiaoyuan, you finally came out." Standing bored on the opposite side of the road, Lin Kexin carefully peeked at the house where several men in black were standing, and when he saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan coming out of it, a flash of relief flashed in his eyes, welcome over.

"You haven't left yet." Put away the cash in his hand, seeing Lin Kexin coming up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"I'm waiting for you." Lin Kexin said it as a matter of course, obviously the two of them just met each other.

"Wait for me to do something, you should listen to this rabbit, I'm not a magical girl." It's not a short time to work, and it's almost noon now, such a long wait is enough for Lin Kexin to change from a black and white rabbit. You must have inquired about your own situation there, even if you are a fool, it is impossible to just wait foolishly.

"It doesn't matter, even if you are not a magical girl, you are still my companion. Because you were chosen by it. Even if you don't become a magical girl, the grievances will come to you. Anyone who can become a magical girl will have the ability to attract grievances." I will protect you." Sure enough, he had already learned about it from the black and white rabbit, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Lin Kexin made a gesture of leaving it to me.

"My business seems to have nothing to do with you. Besides, if I am in danger, maybe I will choose to make a contract with this guy. Isn't this exactly what you want, you should also need help to do it for you What is it?" He glanced at Lin Kexin strangely, could it be that because he is an idiot, his thinking is different from that of ordinary people?

"However, Madoka doesn't want to be a magical girl. If she makes a contract like this, she won't be happy." Lin Kexin grumbled softly, obviously a little bit wronged by her kindness being said so.

"You are really an idiot. I didn't come to this world to play with idiots." The corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a soft look in her eyes. She is really an incurable idiot.

This is the real magical girl.An angel of love and justice, a fool hero who goes all out for others, although he doesn't want to be a hero, but facing such a fool, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't do it anymore.

"Oh, Xiaoyuan calls people stupid again. He is the one who calls others stupid." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Lin Kexin frowned.She didn't notice Zhuang Xiaoyuan's changing eyes and the smile on her mouth at all.

"Yes, I am the fool, so can you not follow me?" With a relaxed smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and continued walking forward. Now that he has money, he can go to buy ingredients. This time, he must buy more.I'm tired of eating sweet potatoes.

"No, I'm going to follow you..." Sticking out her tongue at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back, Lin Kexin followed quickly.There was a strange gleam in the eyes of the two rabbits behind him, and they also chased after him.

"I hate it so much~ I hate it so much~" As night fell, accompanied by a voice full of resentment, the three-headed giant that appeared yesterday reappeared.At this time, he was fighting Lin Kexin who had transformed into a magical girl, Flashing Star.

Although he recognized Lin Kexin's existence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had no plans to make a move for the time being.Anyway, she can handle this grievance alone. Before facing a new enemy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan plans to observe for a while longer.

She felt more and more that the two rabbits beside her were a little strange.Let's not mention the black and white rabbit who has been persuading Zhuang Xiaoyuan to sign the contract.Lin Kexin's yellow rabbit felt a little too rigid, not as flexible as an ordinary creature, but a bit like a mechanical puppet. Although it would react to a certain extent, sometimes it could feel its stiffness.

And Lin Kexin's transformation state is also a bit strange, although she looks the same as the magical girl Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan just felt awkward, as if that attire was not what she should have, or just a little out of place.It feels weird like wearing clothes as pants.Totally out of place feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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