Chapter 213 The Magical Girl of Light and Darkness
"That's it, today I won't let you run away again, Starlight ~ Whirlwind." Dressed in a starlight magical girl costume, Lin Kexin waved the five-star walking stick in her hand and drew a five-pointed star trajectory in front of her.As the trajectory of the five-pointed star converged, the final touch was completed, and the starlight remaining in the air condensed to form a huge golden five-pointed star dart.

Lin Kexin lifted up the five-pointed star, which was about the size of her body, dragged it around in two circles, and threw it towards the grudge.The Grudge's huge body had difficulty moving, unable to dodge Lin Kexin's attack.The swirling five-pointed star passed by the grudge like a sharp saw blade.

"So hate~I'm so~hate~" With the screams full of resentment, the eyes of the resentful demon showed the unique emotional color of intelligent life, and the deep hatred was revealed from the eyes, and he watched the inner city firmly. direction.In the end, the whole body turned into a black mist.Black mist floated into the sky, as if there was a breeze pushing them towards the inner city.

"How about it, I'm good. Hehe." After eliminating the resentment, Lin Kexin landed in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a smirk and a smirk, carrying the smoke and dust on his body that was blown away by several attacks before.

"Well, if you're not injured..."

"Papapa. Well done, kid, but it's a pity for such a good material. How are you going to compensate me?" Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could finish speaking, a burst of applause interrupted her.In this empty night, the applause was extra ear-piercing.

"That's..." Looking in the direction of the applause, I saw two girls, one black and one white, standing on the roof. They were dressed in pure colors and had two identical soft faces. Under the bright moonlight, they seemed to be falling. Like human elves.

"The light angel and the dark angel. Have they escaped?" Lin Kexin had a trace of surprise and joy in his eyes, and he raised his foot to meet them.

"Don't go, didn't you hear what they said, that grudge seems to be made by them." Zhuang Xiaoyuan grabbed Lin Kexin who was going to go there, and frowned slightly as she looked at the black and white twins on the opposite roof.Sure enough, very strange.

"However, they are magical girls. The legendary first generation of magical girls. Light angels and dark angels. They must have escaped from the Witch Church with great difficulty." Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped him, it was obvious that Lin Kexin There is no doubt about this pair of black and white magical girls.

"Look at them, they seem to have escaped. I think they may have become members of the Witch Church." Zhuang Xiaoyuan is not like Lin Kexin, who has an extreme sense of recognition for the identity of a magical girl .Moreover, I have watched all kinds of anime, and I have been cheated by the beloved warrior Laoxu over and over again, which is considered to be rich experience.The look at the black and white magical girl reveals deep suspicion.

"Hey, you are different from our juniors, you still have some brains." The black magical girl sneered, her eyes shifted from Lin Kexin to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"However, sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing." The white magic girl looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Lin Kexin with a cold face, full of hostility.

"How come, light angels, dark angels. You are not the first generation of magical girls, I am also a magical girl, we are companions." No matter how stupid you are, you can understand what they mean when you hear the words of black and white angels.And you can clearly feel their hostility towards you.Although she was naive and simple, Lin Kexin was not really an idiot.However, regarding the suspicion in her heart, Lin Kexin couldn't believe it.

"The quality of magical girls is really getting worse and worse. There are such idiots who can't understand human language. Magical girls should almost be cut off." The black angel showed a mocking expression.

"No need to talk nonsense, hurry up and go back." The white angel gave the black angel a cold look, and immediately started to charge towards Lin Kexin.

"Xiaoyuan, step back a little." She was actually facing the object of admiration and yearning for a long time.Lin Kexin still had great doubts in her heart, but in the face of their attacks, in order to protect herself and Zhuang Xiaoyuan beside her, she had to fight.Lin Kexin raised the starlight cane in his hand to meet the white angel.

"You're looking there, idiot." Before fighting against the white angel, the voice of the black angel suddenly came from behind, accompanied by a strong impact, and a sting came from behind.

Gritting his teeth to endure the scream that he almost let out, Lin Kexin waved the cane in his hand, and a faint starlight shot straight from the cane towards the white angel in front of him: "The stars are bright."

"Burning the sun with flames? Idiot." The white angel directly ignored Lin Kexin's starlight, and the starlight was scattered with a wave of his hand, and he hit Lin Kexin's abdomen hard with his fist with shining white light.

"Ah~" Finally, Lin Kexin couldn't hold back the sharp pain from his abdomen. Lin Kexin couldn't help but let out a scream, and was hit on the ground.The ground below her couldn't bear the attack of the white angel, and it split and shattered.

"Madoka, it's too late to hesitate any longer. Even if you are a magical girl, if you receive injuries that exceed the limit many times, you will be seriously injured. You don't want your friends to be injured. Sign a contract with me quickly. If you become a magical girl, You will have the power to save her." Looking not far away, under the attack of the black and white angels, Lin Kexin completely lost the ability to fight back.The black and white rabbit spoke eagerly to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Yeah, it's too late to hesitate. It's rare to meet such a fool. I don't want to take care of her who is injured." The voice was a little low, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes revealed a serious look.Witch Church, black and white angels.No matter what your purpose is.I have decided to be your hindrance.For some idiot.The only card that can be used appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand: "Transform."

Golden spiral double ponytails, a yellow-based magical girl uniform, and a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.Magical girl Asami appears. "Boom." Walking out of the golden light, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the flintlock gun in his hand and shot directly at the black and white angel.

Facing the sudden attack, the black and white angels shrewdly dodged Zhuang Xiaoyuan's first shot, but then they were greeted by more shots.As the first shot started, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop his attack.The left and right hands switch back and forth, one after another flintlock guns are generated, and the left hand shoots a shot and throws it away.The right hand is connected, the right hand is thrown away and the left hand is connected.Following the series of shots, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also approached the black and white angel step by step.

"A new magical girl?" While dodging Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack and resisting with the condensed magic shield in his hand, the black and white angel showed a puzzled look in his eyes.I didn't feel that the contract was completed, why did a new magical girl appear?What is black and white doing?
(End of this chapter)

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