Chapter 214

"Kexin, are you alright?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked in a deep voice as he pushed back the black and white angels and walked to Lin Kexin's side.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's really embarrassing for Xiaoyuan to see. But, I didn't expect Xiaoyuan to be a magical girl long ago. She has been hiding it from me." Struggling to get up from the ground, Lin Kexin wiped her face. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, although his tone was a little hoarse, he was in a good state of mind.

"You guys hide very quickly, so how about this? Restraint." Hearing Lin Kexin's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was slightly relieved, facing the black and white angel again, with his right foot lightly touching the ground, and the spirit core ring on his finger slightly After a flash, bright yellow ribbons stretched out from the void like out of nothing and bound the hands and feet of the black and white angels, making them have to stop their original evasive movements.

"Tiro·Finale (finale shooting)." After restraining the two, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not continue to fire the flintlock that he had fired before, but raised his hands and a super huge flintlock that was bigger than Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body appeared by her side.With her right hand, she snapped off the huge trigger.Boom, it is said that the gun is more like a cannon. The beam of light shoots out from the tip of the gun and shoots straight at the black and white angel.boom.

"Huh." Turning the gun head upside down, blowing off the smoke from the muzzle of the super-large flintlock gun, Zhuang Xiaoyuan threw away the big gun casually.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan let go of his hands, the gigantic flintlock turned into a ribbon and disappeared in all directions, as if it had never existed.

"This really surprised me. There are magical girls contracted by other people, and I didn't find it right in front of me." The voice came from the smoke of the previous bombing, accompanied by the air Flowing, the gunpowder smoke dissipated, revealing the intact black and white angel, and the black and white rabbit standing in front of the two.

"Sure enough, you are not a good person." Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly after glancing at the black-and-white angel who was showing some respect to the black-and-white rabbit, which was somewhat unexpected.

It seems that the rabbit that has been entangled with me is not just one of the MLM beasts as I imagined, maybe it is the general boss of the MLM beast, and it actually blocked Ba Mami's powerful bombardment.

"Originally, it would be nice to obediently become my magical girl. As long as I attract more people to become magical girls, I will not hesitate to give you more power. But now, I want to train you severely. After that, I will I'm looking for a newcomer." After revealing his true colors, the tone of the black and white rabbit has completely changed, and there is no cuteness before, only the contempt of the superiors looking at the subordinates.

"It's a pity. I don't want to be trained by you. If I really want to say, I would rather be in the position of training than being trained." With the bright yellow ribbon rolled into the palm of my hand, the ribbon turned into a Two silver flintlocks.Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his right hand and pointed the muzzle at the black and white rabbit.

"You can only show the sharpness of your tongue now. Soon you will be as obedient as them." There was a black aura on the body of the black and white rabbit, and the momentum changed. The originally well-behaved appearance became evil. .

"Cthulhu...that's how it is. I'm really sorry. I don't intend to be your puppet." Bang, he shot past, and was easily dodged by the black and white rabbit. Following its movements, the aura on his body fluctuated slightly.

Sure enough, it is the negative energy breath of the evil god.It seems that this is the purpose of my coming here.It's really dark under the lights.I hid it, and it hid it from me.Although neither of them took the initiative to conceal it, it just happened to make both parties make some mistakes in judgment.

"Give it to me, grab her. You will have a new companion soon." The black and white rabbit ordered, waving its front legs at the black and white angel behind him.

"I won't let you succeed, the star array." The series of changes made Lin Kexin a little dumbfounded, but after Zhuang Xiaoyuan's conversation with the black and white rabbit, she finally knew one thing, the two seniors of the black and white angels were controlled Knowing this news, Lin Kexin's fighting spirit finally recovered.

"You still don't understand, Miss Bait really doesn't know anything." Noticing Lin Kexin's movements, a strange smile appeared on the black and white rabbit's face.A yellow rabbit numbly walked out from behind it and looked at Lin Kexin.

Not paying attention to Lin Kexin's actions, the black and white rabbit opened its mouth to the yellow rabbit, and the original three-petal mouth suddenly turned into a blood basin and ate the yellow rabbit in one gulp.As the yellow rabbit was eaten by the black and white rabbit, the starlight that had originally appeared on the ground following Lin Kexin's actions quietly shattered just as the light array was about to be completed.In the next second, the magical girl costume on Lin Kexin's body also quietly shattered, turning back into the original ordinary girl.

"How did this happen?" Looking at the changes in her body in disbelief, Lin Kexin's originally ignited fighting spirit was extinguished again.

"This is my avatar, but you are the bait I specially selected to lure others to become my magical girl. It's a pity that you failed the first time. It's really useless." Xiaoxiao burped, The black and white rabbit laughed.

"Infinite magic bullet." Before he could pay attention to Lin Kexin's changes, facing the black and white angel who had rushed over while the black and white rabbit was speaking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the firearm in his hand, and following her movements, the black and white angels came one by one behind her. Guns floated in the air.

In just a short moment, countless Suihuo guns spread all over the sky behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, forming a densely packed Suihuo gun formation.With the movement of Zhuang Xiaoyuan raising his gun, all the firearms turned to point at the black and white angel.

Crack, the firearm in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand fired the first shot, followed by a series of gunshots.The musketeers behind her fired at the same time, and the ammunition formed a dense firepower net to meet the black and white angels.

"Guardian light." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, the white angel raised the white magic wand in his hand, and the moonlight from the sky gathered together to form a pure white barrier of light in front of her.

There was a crackling sound, and the barrier of light was shattered by seemingly endless gunshots.But the black and white angel had already approached, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was only four or five meters away, the black angel also raised the black magic wand in his hand, and the shadows under the moonlight gathered towards her magic wand as if summoned.

"Dark Impact." The gathered shadows shot out from the black angel's magic wand, heading straight towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Without dodging, the dark impact hit Zhuang Xiaoyuan's abdomen, but in the next second, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's whole body suddenly turned into a mass of ribbons, which scattered in all directions after the dark impact, all rushing towards the black and white angels.

The dense ribbons are even more difficult to dodge, not to mention that the black and white angels did not expect such a situation at all.Unsuspecting, they were directly tied into rice dumplings by these ribbons.

"General." Zhuang Xiaoyuan quietly appeared beside the black and white angel, and the two muskets in his left and right hands pointed at the head of the black and white angel.The outcome has been decided, shouldn't it be time to end the game in person?Black and white rabbit.Looking up at the black and white rabbit, I didn't expect to see three colors of red, yellow and blue.

(End of this chapter)

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