Chapter 215 The Intruder Magical Young Girl

"Useless guys, I'll leave it to you." The black and white angel gave the black and white angel a cold look, and the black and white rabbit ordered the three young girls who appeared next to them.

"Look at ours. My enthusiasm is already on fire." As the red magic girl spoke, a bright red flame was already burning on her body.

"Hand of rock." The yellow magic girl moved without saying a word, and as she swung the yellow magic wand in her hand, the ground under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's feet suddenly split open, and a huge rock hand stretched out.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan kicked aside to avoid the attack range of the Rock Hand, but the Rock Hand did not pursue because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's dodge. Instead, he grabbed the black and white angels, broke Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ribbon and dragged them over.

"Now, I'm in trouble. Ke Xin, are they also magical girls you know?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked as she approached Lin Kexin whose transformation state had been removed, looking at the five people who had gathered on the opposite side.

"They are the three primary colors, and they are magical girls earlier than me. Red flames, yellow earth, and blue ice. I didn't expect them to become the same as black and white angels." Lin Kexin's tone was a little low, for herself It is very sad that the identity of the magical girl is just a bait set by others. In comparison, losing the power of the magical girl is not so disappointing.

"Hey, feel the flame of my passion." Without giving Zhuang Xiaoyuan time to continue communicating, the red magic girl had already punched this way, and the crimson flame turned into a fist and blasted out.

"Tsk." The attack range of the flame is too large, not only Zhuang Xiaoyuan will be attacked by this punch, but Lin Kexin beside her will also be affected.Pulling up Lin Kexin beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hid to the right.

"This way is blocked." At some time, a blue magical girl appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right, and white cold air radiated from her body, condensing icicles to block Zhuang Xiaoyuan's escape route.

"I won't let you run." Immediately afterwards, the ground trembled, and two stone walls rose up to block Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back and left routes, so she could only face the flames and ice coming from the other two directions. .Compared with the black and white angels of the first generation, this team of magical girls in three primary colors is obviously more mature, and their cooperation is more tacit.Just the first contact in junior high school made Zhuang Xiaoyuan fall into a predicament.

"Ah, ah, it's so exciting, I want to join in." During the battle between the two sides, a clear and tender voice suddenly broke in.Along with the sound, there was a series of colorful bubbles. Bubbles, large and small, inserted into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's battlefield from the side, and met the fiery fist issued by the red magic girl.

"Why did she appear here? Or did she just happen to look alike?" The flames were offset by the bubbles, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled Lin Kexin to quickly avoid the ice attack on the other side, and looked up in the direction of the source of the bubble attack. It turned out to be a 'know' person.

Milky white big wavy curly hair is scattered behind the head, drooping to the waist, and there is a brown hat in the shape of cat ears on the head.Appears to be only 8 or 9 years old, wearing a slightly loose orange-red shawl-style coat.He was wearing brown suspenders and bloomers on his lower body, and he was holding a small black horn in the shape of a cartoon in his right hand, and he was looking at this side with a smile at this time.The bubble attack just now should have been blown from the small trumpet in her hand.

"Hey, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, I've been paying attention to you for a long time, this is the first time we've met officially." He met Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes.The girl who looks very much like Bai Jiangzhu raised her hand and said hello with a smile.

"I've been paying attention to me for a long time, who are you?" Hearing the words of 'Bai Jiangzhu', he obviously knew himself.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan has only been in this world for a few days, so she has been observing herself for a long time, or is it...

"I also have a lot to say to you, but now is not the time to chat. How about we leave first?" While speaking, Bai Jiangzhu raised the small trumpet in his hand and blew it hard at her black and white angel. Two huge colorful bubbles.

This kind of fragile bubble seems to be easy to break, but the moment the black and white angel attacked the bubble, it actually passed through the bubble and fell into the inside of the bubble, and was locked in the bubble and suspended in mid-air.I can't touch the bubble with my hands and feet, and I'm afraid I won't be able to get out for a while.

"Okay, I don't want to be surrounded and beaten all the time. Dance of magic bullets." With his right hand, he threw Lin Kexin into the sky forcefully, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his musket with both hands free, moved quickly with his feet, and turned his body around.

While dexterously dodging the follow-up attacks of the three primary colors, he quickly switched the musket in his hand to force back the magical girls in three different directions. After the last shot, the three magical girls had been forced back together by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, throwing away the last shot in his hand. With a musket, he raised his hand just in time to catch Lin Kexin who fell down.

"Snack Witch, come to eat cheese." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan's magic bullet dance ended, Baijiang Nagisa turned around lightly, and suddenly turned into a petite doll, shaking the pink candy-shaped hair on the top of his head , opened his mouth to the front.

A black worm with a clown mask came out of the doll's mouth. As the worm got out of her mouth, the size of the worm became bigger and bigger. The huge black worm waved its red and blue wings , opened its huge mouth and bit directly at the gathered magical girls of the three primary colors.

"Uh." Seeing the changes in Baijiangzhu, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shivered shiveringly and dodged the huge bug far away.Staring at the black worm, Zhuang Xiaoyuan always felt a little cold on his neck.Sure enough, this Baijiangzhu is the real Baijiangzhu, at least her ability and appearance is indeed Baijiangzhu.That bug is the culprit who bit off Mami's head in the world of Magical Girl Madoka.

Boom, the black worm opened its huge mouth and bit heavily on the position of the magical girl of the three primary colors.

"Now, let's go quickly." Bai Jiangzhu, who had recovered his human form, jumped to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side.Not noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movement of pulling away quietly, she said with a smile.

"Oh, good. Let's go." Reflexively dodged a little, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a little impolite again.Facing Bai Jiangzhu's smiling face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled awkwardly.Pulling Lin Kexin up, the three quickly left together.

In the wilderness outside the city, at the foot of a leeward hillside near a certain stream, a small wooden house was built here, which was more dilapidated than Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous wooden house.At least Zhuang Xiaoyuan's wooden house has four walls and half a door.And this small wooden house has only three walls, and the fourth side is an empty piece as an entrance.

In the center of the wooden house, a fire was built, and a few skewered grilled fish beside the fire were exuding a faint smell of fish.

(End of this chapter)

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