Chapter 216 The Last Clover

"Well, it's really delicious. To be able to make such a delicious grilled fish with such a simple tool is indeed Madoka. I have been looking forward to your craftsmanship for a long time." Facing the grilled fish by the fire, she deeply took a breath.Bai Jiangzhu praised with a smile.

At this time, her attire was no longer the attire she wore in previous battles, but a red dress with milky white long hair hanging down her back.Bai Jiangzhu's face remained unchanged.And Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat opposite her and returned to her original appearance. It was obvious that Bai Jiangzhu knew Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and she had no doubts about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's changed appearance at all.On Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right side, Lin Kexin folded her hands on her knees and looked at the burning flames with a depressed expression on her face.

"Well, can you stop adding 'say' at the end of the sentence, I think it's cute when watching anime, but it's a bit awkward in reality." He reached out and turned the grilled fish next to the fire to let the grilled fish be heated evenly.Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at Bai Jiangzhu opposite and said.

"Hey, there's nothing I can do about it. After I become like this, every time I talk, I will bring it up and say it myself." With a depressed face, he pouted, as if he was helpless about his mouth addiction.

"It became like this... You didn't look like this before. Speaking of which, you haven't told me who you are." There was a pause in the movements of her hands, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly and looked at the girl opposite.

"Ah, didn't I say it?" After receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's nod, Bai Jiangzhu introduced himself with a mysterious smile on his face, "Then let me introduce myself first. My name is Feng Xiaoxuan, and it's you my sister."

"...Impossible." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's self-introduction, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's brain froze for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she jumped up from the ground with wide eyes and denied loudly.

"Okay, calm down. I knew you would do this." The smile on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face did not change because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's surprise, Feng Xiaoxuan smiled and beckoned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan to calm down and sit down.

"Well, Xiaoyuan's sister? Why does Xiaoyuan show such an expression?" Lin Kexin, who was a little depressed about her situation, was startled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's yelling. Under the influence, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has always been calm and steady.I didn't expect to show such a gaffe expression at this time, but Feng Xiaoxuan's words don't sound like anything surprising, right?

"Ah, it's no wonder you don't know. In fact, I was already dead. I told you five years ago." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan calmed down and sat down, Feng Xiaoxuan told Lin Kexin that she died with a smile on her face. fact.

"Dead? Hey, hey, hey. But, could it be that you..." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's explanation, Lin Kexin's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Feng Xiaoxuan carefully, but she couldn't tell the difference from ordinary people at all. , there are shadows, but also body temperature.It doesn't look like a ghost.

"Are you really Sister Xiaoxuan? But why? Are you alive? But you haven't been back in the past few years. Or are you imprisoned in this world? But why do you look like Baijiangzhu?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind was in a mess It was confusing, she couldn't figure it out at all, and when she heard Feng Xiaoxuan tell the truth about her death, she also believed that it was really Feng Xiaoxuan, but this made her even more doubtful.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will answer you one by one. Huh? Baijiangzhu, so this child is called Baijiangzhu. This name sounds good." Zhuang Xiaoyuan who poured out a lot of questions at once With a wave of her hand, Feng Xiaoxuan took out a piece of grilled fish from the fire and took a bite in her mouth: "Yeah, I finally ate Xiaoyuan's food. Every time I just look at it, it's really not easy to say."

"Okay, don't worry. I'm about to say it. In fact, I died five years ago. I really died. But I have eaten the immortal heart of the fetish list, and my patron saint Even among the gods of rules, I am a special sun god. So after my body was destroyed, my soul was preserved. Said in the sun." After eating the grilled fish in two or three bites, Feng Xiaoxuan casually threw away the stick, He stretched out his right hand toward the fire again.

"In the sun? Isn't the soul afraid of fire?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't doubt the existence of the soul.Because she herself is the best evidence of the existence of the soul.But is the soul so strong?You must know that ghosts and the like are most afraid of the sun.And Feng Xiaoxuan's soul is hidden in the sun?

"So I said my rule god is very special. Originally, I was the type who was much stronger during the day than at night. It is normal to return to the sun after death, but it is a soul after all. In five years, my soul has become stronger I'm getting weaker and weaker. If there is no chance, I'm afraid I will really disappear." He didn't seem to care much about the fact that he almost disappeared.Feng Xiaoxuan spoke very casually, but instead focused more on the grilled fish.

"So, did that opportunity arise?" Being able to see Feng Xiaoxuan here, although she was in Bai Jiangzhu's state, clearly indicated that she had come out of the sun.

"That's it. This thing jumped into the sun all of a sudden. I was really shocked at the time. But thanks to it, I got a shelter." Feng Xiaoxuan was still holding the grilled fish in her right hand. Sending it to his mouth, he pulled out a diamond-shaped yellow crystal from the collar with his left hand.

"The last piece of four-leaf clover? I didn't expect to go to sister Xiaoxuan. Then, how did sister Xiaoxuan come to this world? Is there still the appearance of Baijiangzhu?" Seeing the last piece of four-leaf clover Zhuang Xiaoyuan was convinced that the person in front of him was indeed Feng Xiaoxuan, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan had also experienced the power of the four-leaf clover crystal. Although he didn't know what the four-leaf clover was, the leaves separated from the four-leaf clover did have Fantastic power.

"Hey, four-leaf clover? Do you know this thing? So you have it too. I don't know why I came to this world. It just started to flicker a few days ago, and then I have a body again. Although it is the same as the original It's different. Well, it's the child named Baijiangzhu you mentioned." She looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan suspiciously, and after seeing the spade crystal that Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out from her collar, Feng Xiaoxuan showed a dazed look on her face. expression.

"Hakue Nagisa, it seems that it is because I chose Asami. After all, she is the official CP of senior sister. If it is a holy girl, it should be Shirayuki, but if it is Precia, could it be Feite?" Knowing Feng Xiaoxuan's reason, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's thoughts started to diverge in another direction and murmured in a low voice.

"Saint girl? Bai Xue? What is it? Who are these?" Feng Xiaoxuan didn't expect such a soft voice to be heard.

"Well, just acquaintances." Shrugging, Zhuang Xiaoyuan perfunctory.

 In other words, when typing the three characters of Baijiangzhu, the author Jun has typed it as Baihezhu several times, and I am also drunk with this input method (it is definitely not because of the author Junmeng Baihe, absolutely not.)
(End of this chapter)

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