Chapter 217 What Are You Pursuing After All?

"Next, what are you going to do?" Feng Xiaoxuan rubbed her stomach after eating the third piece of grilled fish, she didn't plan to eat any more, she was obviously full.

"Sister Xiaoxuan should have noticed it, the breath of the evil god. I must have come here to deal with him. But if this mission is over, sister Xiaoxuan, you..." After listening to Feng Xiaoxuan's explanation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was almost the same. Understand her state at this time.

It's similar to the last time when Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao were involved in the trial, but this time it was Feng Xiaoxuan who was involved. I don't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. After entering this world, Feng Xiaoxuan got a new body, which may be different from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own. Related, because Zhuang Xiaoyuan chose Ba Mamei, Feng Xiaoxuan temporarily obtained the state of Baijiangzhu.

But this is only temporary, if this trial task is over and Zhuang Xiaoyuan returns to her own world, Feng Xiaoxuan who came here with Zhuang Xiaoyuan will definitely go back too.So after going back, will Feng Xiaoxuan continue to be in this state?Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't think such a good thing would happen.Feng Xiaoxuan's current state should be because this world is the world of magical girls.

"It doesn't matter, I can go back to the sun at most. With this, I will be fine for the time being. And in the sun, I can see it wherever the sun shines." Regarding her status and future, Feng Xiaoxuan seemed to be Very calm.It didn't seem like it was a sad thing.

"Yes, that's how it is. I'm going to deal with the Witch Church. Sister Xiaoxuan and Kexin will help me." Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan's expression at this time, and the clear calmness in her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know why she felt It is a deep heartache.

What kind of experience made Sister Xiaoxuan have such a broad mind.Is there any way I can save her?Think of all kinds of Two-dimensional girls that I have transformed into.Maybe there is an existence among them that can resurrect humans.For example, Nuwafeng Xiaoxiao, is this Ukriwood in Zombies, or Orochi in Naruto?

"No problem." Feng Xiaoxuan readily agreed to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's request for assistance, since she was her sister after all.Moreover, although I have gained a body, I have the experience of being alive again.But after all, this is not my own world.

"I, I don't need it. I'm no longer a magical girl, so I can't help Madoka." Unlike Feng Xiaoxuan's straightforward promise, Lin Kexin obviously flinched after losing the power of a magical girl.Without the power of a magical girl, she is just an ordinary girl after all.It's okay if you can't help, but in the end, maybe it will hinder Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

Seeing Lin Kexin's gloomy expression at this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.Obviously she was so dazzling in the battle before, even when she was injured by the black and white angel, her eyes were shining with beautiful light.But what's going on now, do those dark and deep eyes really belong to Lin Kexin, an idiot?If you are an idiot, just show me your stupidity, don't pretend to be deep.

"What are you talking about, who told you that you can't help if you are not a magical girl. Besides, are you sure you can't become a magical girl? You know, every girl can become a magical girl. The power of magical girls comes from themselves Dreams, hopes, kindness, gentleness, wisdom, etc. are the sources of power for magical girls. Ask your own heart, have you really lost these powers? Or are you just facing difficulties and wanting to To escape, I ignored this most original power."

Zhuang Xiaoyuan suppressed the flame of indisputable anger in his heart, and countless animations of magical girls passed through his mind, those tenacious girls, those girls full of dreams and hopes, those girls who fell and climbed up girl.That's the real magical girl.A magical girl is not a magical girl because she has the power of magic.

But because of their innocence, persistence, tenacity, kindness, and gentle hearts.As a magical girl, you may not have the power of magic, but you cannot live without the perseverance of a magical girl.

"The power of magical girls comes from their own hearts. Dreams, hopes... Ask my own heart. Is that what real magical girls should be like?" Muttering Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Lin Kexin's eyes, from His eyes began to glow faintly.That is hope, that is longing, that is renewed light.

"Think about it, what is your power? Is it the light and darkness of black and white angels? Is it the three primary colors of water, fire and earth? Is it that false starlight? Or something else? What are you pursuing now? What is your goal? What exactly are you fighting for?" Putting his hands on Lin Kexin's shoulders, Zhuang Xiaoyuan fixed his eyes on the sparkle in Lin Kexin's eyes, and asked while chasing after the victory.

"Light and darkness? Water and fire? Starlight? No, it has nothing to do with me. What I want is to protect everyone, what I want is a companion who fights side by side, and I want to be friends with Madoka. I want to help Xiaoyuan." Yuan is busy, I don't want Xiaoyuan to dislike me for being weak. I want to eat Xiaoyuan's cooking again, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Answering sentence by sentence, while speaking, Lin Kexin's expression finally changed, it was no longer the original depression and loss.Drops of crystal water dripped from her cheeks, Lin Kexin hugged Zhuang Xiaoyuan's waist, and cried bitterly in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arms.

Lin Kexin, who was crying, didn't notice that a faint pink halo was emitting from her body at this moment.The pink halo flickered slightly, and finally condensed together, turning into a crystal-clear heart-shaped gemstone.

Ah, that's right, this world is the world of magical girls after all, and the power of magical girls comes from their hearts.Reach out to catch this pink heart-shaped gemstone, and look at the light flickering slightly in the palm of your hand.Zhuang Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief.It was a real surprise.I didn't expect this world to be such an orthodox magical girl world.

"Wooooooooooooow, sobbing..." Lin Kexin's crying gradually weakened and finally disappeared. It seemed that she had almost vented her emotions.Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down and saw her peaceful sleeping face with tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.Today's dark and dirty conspiracy must have dealt too much blow to her who is innocent and innocent.

"Sleep well, everything will be fine when you wake up. You are a magical girl of love and justice, Lin Kexin." Carefully put Lin Kexin on the paved haystack, the pink heart-shaped Gems were also placed beside her.After touching her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan went back to sit by the fire.

"You're really gentle, Xiaoyuan." Feng Xiaoxuan, who had been watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelling and comforting Lin Kexin, said with a gentle smile on her face after Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat back down again.The tone is full of intimacy.

"Cough, it's nothing. It's just that this kind of idiot is hard to make people feel at ease." With a slight blushing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned her head away.For some reason, at this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt like she and Feng Xiaoxuan were sisters who had been together for a long time.It's not like the righteous sisters who met for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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