Chapter 218 Fighting with you
"Xiaoyuan, thank you." Looking at Xiaoyuan's shy expression, Feng Xiaoxuan showed a soft smile on her face, with a hint of gratitude in her eyes.

"Huh? Why did Sister Xiaoxuan thank me? I didn't do anything." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's thanks, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head and his face recovered, but there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Thank you for taking care of Dad. I am an unfilial daughter who made Dad and the elders feel sad for me. Fortunately, you are here." Thinking of her father, Feng Xiaoxuan showed a trace of regret in her eyes.She did not regret her sacrifice.The only thing he can't let go of is his father, because he is the one who is most sorry for his sacrifice.

"You don't need to thank me. I didn't do anything worthy of your gratitude. On the contrary, Uncle Feng has always been taking care of me. Sometimes, I feel like a thief, secretly stealing the things that belonged to Xiao Sister Xuan's concern. Originally, it didn't belong to me." Being thanked by Feng Xiaoxuan made Zhuang Xiaoyuan a little embarrassed, because she didn't think she could accept her thanks.Moreover, facing Feng Guoqing's care, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has always been uneasy in his heart.

"No, that belongs to you. I believe that no one can replace my position in Dad's heart. So it is impossible for Dad to regard Madoka as my substitute. Dad's concern for Madoka is definitely not because of you Seeing my shadow on your body is such a boring reason. It must be that Madoka is worthy of Dad's care. Dad puts Madoka in his heart, and will really care about and take care of you as if he were his own daughter. Madoka , This kind of thinking is negating Dad's intentions."

As Feng Guoqing's daughter, Feng Xiaoxuan knows her father very well.It is impossible for a warrior with firm belief to be influenced by foreign objects in his decision.It was definitely his own decision to show concern for Zhuang Xiaoyuan.It is impossible to be influenced by this unfilial daughter who died young.

"I don't doubt Uncle Feng's concern for me. It's just..." Zhuang Xiaoyuan denied her doubts about Feng Guoqing, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still couldn't fully accept his concern, because she always had a sense of inferiority in her heart.On one side is himself as an orphan, and on the other side is Feng Xiaoxuan as a hero.It's not comparable at all.

"Don't deny yourself. Madoka, you have done a good job, even better than me. At least I have never encountered a fortress-level demon, and I wiped it out in a few strokes. I can't cook such delicious food by providing technology. Compared with you, I just lost my life easily. I didn't save everyone. I also made my father sad and the elders who cared about me sad. I just let everyone down who expected me."

Everyone has regrets, and Feng Xiaoxuan is no exception. No matter how generous her heart is, there will be times when she has regrets about certain things.She is very sorry for her early death, because there are many things that have not been completed, but if she had to choose again at that time, she would still make that choice.There are some things that you won't do if you don't have regrets.If I hadn't done it then, I'm afraid I would have regretted it more then than I do now.

"No, if it wasn't for Sister Xiaoxuan, there wouldn't be so many people who survived at that time. Besides, Sister Xiaoxuan also set an example for many people. At least I have been chasing after Sister Xiaoxuan and watching you all the time. I have always wanted to stand beside Sister Xiaoxuan and fight side by side with you." She never thought that Feng Xiaoxuan, who was her goal, would agree with herself, and she would also have such regrets in her heart.Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that he was getting closer to her.Feng Xiaoxuan's approval also made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inner inferiority gradually disappear, and she began to have confidence in facing her.

"It seems that your goal is about to be achieved, fight side by side with me." Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a gentle expression on her face, Feng Xiaoxuan would say that, although she followed her own heart, but more But it was to make Zhuang Xiaoyuan more confident.Because in her, Feng Xiaoxuan saw the faith and brilliance that she once had, um, still has now.

"Huh? So it's true. This time I'm going to fight side by side with Xiaoxuan." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's prompt, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was slightly stunned and realized that this time is really a rare opportunity to fight side by side with Feng Xiaoxuan. , although not her original state.

"Hehe." The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.At this moment, the relationship between the two became more harmonious and intimate, and the gap that was a little strange at first completely disappeared, and they might be closer than sisters.

The night passed quietly, the first beam of light in the east broke the dark night, and then the world began to show bright colors from the east, and the sun rose.In the small wooden house outside the city, the fire had already been extinguished, and the three girls were huddled in the only quilt with only their small heads exposed.The morning dew wet the room without one wall, and the early morning air-conditioning made the three people in the quilt close together.

"Ah~" The stimulation of the cold air made Zhuang Xiaoyuan sneezed, rubbed his nose, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened his misty eyes.It's always getting colder.Sweeping his eyes across the room, he finally looked at the missing wall. After a moment of stupefaction, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sighed slightly and crawled out of bed.Sleeping in such a ventilated room, no wonder you feel cold.

Getting out of the bed, wrapping the quilt tighter for the two girls who were still in the bed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to get dressed and got up.Today may be the last day in this world.Having found the mission target, Zhuang Xiaoyuan planned to make a surprise attack directly.Of course, the surprise attack is not to rush directly into the wave of hard steel, but to look for opportunities to break through one by one.After all, the number is still the opponent's advantage.

Washed his face with stream water, the icy cold stream completely drove away any trace of drowsiness that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had left.Picking up the homemade harpoon used last night from the side, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is about to start preparing the ingredients for the morning. It’s a pity that the ingredients I just bought yesterday, because I ran away in a hurry, I didn’t remember to use them at the end, so I threw them in the original room inside.Now they can only fish self-sufficiently.

In my previous life, I only saw this primitive fishing method on TV.Even in this world, the ingredients are bought from the market, and there is no chance to catch them by yourself.After all, there are basically no ingredients in the wild, and most of the food is artificially cultivated.After arriving in this world, I finally experienced the feeling of spearing a fish.

Of course, it would be even better if there were some other wild game, but it's a pity that even a rabbit can't be found in this barren area.There are rabbits in the city, but can the rabbits be eaten?

Relying on strong dynamic eyesight and physical fitness, how could the ordinary river fish in the creek escape Zhuang Xiaoyuan's clutches, so it didn't take long for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to fork several fat river fish.But compared to last night, these fish are much more sluggish, could it be that they haven't woken up yet?

With weird thoughts floating in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved the fish he caught to the cabin, and started to grill the fish over a fire.Prepare your breakfast this morning, after breakfast you will probably start to move.

(End of this chapter)

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