Chapter 219 I Think You Are Simple and Stupid

"Ahh, umm. Xiaoyuan's cooking is really delicious." Later in the day, Lin Kexin sat beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fire, holding two skewers of grilled fish in each of his left and right hands, and ate one bite at a time.He also praised while eating.

"Eat yours. Don't talk while you're eating." Handing a piece of grilled fish to Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan cast a blank glance at Lin Kexin, who had regained her energy and appetite, and continued to jump up and insert the grilled fish into the By the fire.When grilling fish, it is best not to put it on the fire. Instead, it is not easy to burn if it is grilled by the fire, and it is not afraid of undercooking. It is the best place.

"Oh." Nodding in response, Lin Kexin continued to lower her head and tried hard to deal with the grilled fish in her hand. At this time, her face had long since lost the previous frustration. Instead, she had a happy smile, and the true power of the magical girl appeared. , which is one of the reasons for her joy.What was more important was Zhuang Xiaoyuan's encouragement before. Thinking of what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to herself before, Lin Kexin knew that she had been approved by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and the two finally became friends who recognized each other.

"It's terrible, Xiaoyuan. Another ignorant girl was captured by you. Xiaoyuan's harem team is getting bigger and bigger. You really are a child who has committed a lot of crimes." Seeing Lin Kexin Obediently lowering her head to eat the fish, Feng Xiaoxuan showed a gloating expression on her face.

"Harem?" Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's words, Lin Kexin raised her head from the grilled fish, with confusion in her eyes.This innocent child didn't understand what Feng Xiaoxuan said at all.

"So much grilled fish can't stop your mouth, Miss Xiaoxuan." Picking up the almost cooked grilled fish by the fire and stuffing it into Feng Xiaoxuan's hands again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a speechless expression.It's very gratifying to hear about the harem, but it's a pity that it's impossible in this life.Unless the lost little brother is found.

"Hehe, then, what do you plan to do next, Madoka. We have many opponents." Smiling slightly, Feng Xiaoxuan took a bite of the grilled fish in her hand, and asked with a hint of seriousness on her face.

The black and white angels plus the three primary colors already had five magical girls. According to Lin Kexin's information, it wasn't just the five of them who were captured by the Witch Church. There were even more magical girls, some of whom were even unknown to her.Obviously, no matter in terms of numbers or combat power, it is absolutely disadvantageous for them who only have three of them.

"Sister Xiaoxuan should also know what to do in such an obvious disadvantaged situation." With a slight smile on his face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Feng Xiaoxuan without any fear of the current situation.

"Ah, under such a disadvantage, there is only one way to say it." Shrugged, obviously understood what Zhuang Xiaoyuan meant.Feng Xiaoxuan took the last bite of the grilled fish, dropped the stick and clapped her hands.

"Well, Xiaoyuan and sister Xiaoyuan? Can you make it simpler?" Compared to the two who already knew it well, Lin Kexin was obviously still at a loss.Hearing the riddle between the two, it was even more unclear.

"It doesn't matter even if you don't know, Kexin just needs to follow us." Patting Lin Kexin on the shoulder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan comforted her, if it wasn't for the obvious sympathy in her eyes.

"Xiaoyuan, are you calling me an idiot again?" Although she didn't like to use her brain very much, Lin Kexin's intuition was surprisingly sharp.Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's comfort, she looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with suspicion in her eyes.

"Absolutely not. How could I call my friend an idiot? I just think you are stupid." Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Lin Kexin sincerely with an expression of please believe me.

"Oh, it's fine if you don't have one. Eh, that's not right. In the end you still called me stupid, I heard it all." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's denial that she had lowered her head and continued to eat grilled fish, Lin Kexin didn't realize it until a few seconds later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said Isn't the single stupidity just calling yourself stupid?

"He's unexpectedly smart in this respect." Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Lin Kexin with a surprised expression on his face when he was actually seen through.

"Hey, of course, I don't even look at who I am." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's praise, Lin Kexin puffed out her chest proudly, but quickly realized that she dropped the wooden stick in her hand and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "No, Don't try to get away with it. You have always regarded me as a fool, and this time you must not be easily spared. Look at the trick."

"Haha, you actually shot at me, so I can't sit still and watch my counterattack."

"Hahahaha, tickling is a foul, so I will use this trick too, hahaha."

Suddenly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Lin Kexin rolled into a ball, and the dilapidated wooden house was filled with laughter.

"It's back again. It seems like nothing has changed. Do you think we dare not come back?" After breakfast, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his party returned to the small wooden house where Zhuang Xiaoyuan lived in the slum area.The environment and furnishings in the wooden house are exactly the same as when Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, without any change, it seems that no one has entered.

"It should be confident. If the evil gods are really manipulating behind the scenes, they should also feel the divine power coming from us. According to Madoka, the evil gods are in these worlds to get the world crystal control The world, rather than dealing with us, it is more important to gain control of the world, and in the end it is our side that is running out of time." Standing at the door, Feng Xiaoxuan looked at the surrounding environment, looking for possible surveillance people, while Make your own guesses.

"In this way, the situation is even more unfavorable to us. Well, time is running out, let's start to act." Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan agreed with Feng Xiaoxuan's meaning, and Feng Xiaoxuan signaled that there was no suspicious person around, Zhuang Xiaoyuan The raid is about to start.

"Well, let's start taking action, what are we going to do?" After returning to the city, Lin Kexin was still at a loss as to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's plan.

"Hey, didn't I tell you?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared at Lin Kexin with wide eyes in surprise.I remember it should have been mentioned during breakfast.

"No, I just watched you two play charades during breakfast, and you didn't tell me." Lin Kexin showed a dissatisfied expression on his face.Speaking of it, it seems that in the morning, I was so busy playing and joking that I completely forgot about the business.

"Cough cough." Coughing a bit awkwardly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to Lin Kexin with a serious expression on his face: "Aren't we planning to deal with the Witch Church, but they have already captured many magical girls, according to the black and white we saw before In the state of the angels and the three primary colors, in the worst case, all the captured magical girls will be our enemies. There is no chance of winning in the face of so many numbers. So we have to defeat them one by one, weaken each other, and disguise themselves Strengthen yourself. So our current actions are to find the enemy who is alone, and slowly solve Luo."

"That's right. But, how does Xiaoyuan get in?" Finally knowing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's plan, but there was a problem that Zhuang Xiaoyuan probably didn't notice, Lin Kexin asked hesitantly.

"Go in?"

Sure enough, I don't know. Seeing the doubts on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face, Lin Kexin had such an expression: "In the middle city and inner city, there are people managing the entry and exit, and the inspection is very strict. If you don't have a residence permit or a pass, you can enter." Not going."

(End of this chapter)

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