Chapter 220 I'll Prepare Before You

"Eh? Really? You can't get in without a certificate?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes widened in surprise. This is the first time I've heard of this news. Although I know that the city is severely divided, I didn't expect that there would be strict divisions between urban areas. Check the defense: "However, ordinary city walls can't stop us, can't we just transform into it?"

"No, I've tried it before. It's fine when I'm not transformed. After the transformation, an alarm will sound as soon as you get close. It is said that the Witch Church has a special device for checking magical girls. If you get too close, it will It was discovered, because the energy on the body is exposed after the transformation, even if the distance is relatively far away, it will be discovered." Shrugging helplessly, Lin Kexin said that she once tried to die and climbed over the wall, and was finally chased for a long time.

"Check the magic girl's device, it's that one." Hearing the device Lin Kexin mentioned, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought of the woman who was brought here by three gangsters on the first day she came to this world.She seemed to be holding something similar in her hand.But he didn't find out who he was.Maybe if you climb over the wall yourself, you won't be discovered?But if it is discovered, the exposure will be over.Just be careful, it's better to find a way to get in.

"Then what should we do? If you can't even get through the door, let alone a surprise attack, I'm afraid you can only passively wait for them to come to the door." After making sure that there were no suspicious people around, Feng Xiaoxuan walked into the room and asked.She also heard the conversation between Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Lin Kexin at the door just now.

"If you want to sneak in without being discovered, the only way is to get a pass or get someone to help you in." For this city, Lin Kexin is most familiar with it.After thinking about it but not thinking of any other way, Lin Kexin nodded to Feng Xiaoxuan who walked in and replied.

"People who can help... I seem to have a solution." Speaking of people who can help, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but think of the gang member he had contacted before.

Let the subordinates pretend to be the boss to contact Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but stand in the subordinate's position to observe Zhuang Xiaoyuan.With a bit of brains, having seen Zhuang Xiaoyuan's combat power, he resolutely gave up the hostility with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, knowing that there is a sense of proportion in advance and retreat.In addition, dissatisfaction with the rule of the Witch Church, as well as the background possessed by the original underground ruler.Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that he would definitely be able to give her a lot of help.

That ordinary young man who was the boss of the gang really did a good job of disguising, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't notice anything wrong at all.It's a pity that he still underestimated Zhuang Xiaoyuan after all.As soon as he left, he immediately relaxed his vigilance.You must know that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's physical fitness has long surpassed that of ordinary people, and his hearing power is certainly not comparable to that of ordinary people. Zhuang Xiaoyuan heard all the conversations he had with his subordinates at the end.

With that person's means and ability, he can definitely help Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others sneak into the middle city or even the inner city.As for whether he will agree?Do you need to ask? No one with ambition will give up such a rare opportunity.They don't need to pay anything.Just to provide a little convenience.

As expected, things were exactly as Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and his party found that person, pointed out his identity, and asked for assistance.The ordinary young man agreed immediately.And soon began to arrange things to enter the city.As for the possibility of his betrayal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thinks he is a rational and ambitious person.

"Knock knock, three young ladies. We're here." In the dark and narrow space, the three of Zhuang Xiaoyuan huddled together and huddled inside.This state lasted for more than an hour, and with the knocking sound from the top of the head, it could finally end.Fortunately, Feng Xiaoxuan is now an eight or nine-year-old girl, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's figure is also a slender and petite type.Otherwise, it might not be possible to squeeze in such a narrow place under the car.

As the overhead boards were removed, the dark space was illuminated, revealing the three people inside.Lin Kexin hugged Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hugged Feng Xiaoxuan again, and the three of them squeezed inside while bending over.Finally freed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan crawled out of the inside, twisted her neck and waist, even with a physique far beyond ordinary people, it is very tiring to maintain a posture for a long time, although the softness behind her and the body that fills the entire space The fragrance made Zhuang Xiaoyuan feel a little nostalgic.

"Three ladies, this is already an inner city. Please take this, the boss told me to give it to you. I wish you all the best." Standing by the cart was the strong man who had previously disguised himself as the boss. While talking, he handed a disc to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The last sentence was obviously urging Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others to leave.Although they helped Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, they just did it conveniently and didn't want to be implicated.

"This is... the compass for checking magical girls. It really bothered you. Thank you boss for me." After receiving the compass handed over by the strong man, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up, it's a good thing.With this, it will be much easier for them to move.

She waved to the strong man to let her metabolize to their boss, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't care about the urging in his words, turned around and left with Feng Xiaoxuan and Lin Kexin.Now that you're in the mix, let's start acting.

"Well, there is a reaction in this direction. Go this way." At the corner of the alley in the inner city, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced down at the compass in his hand, waved his hand behind him, and quickly rushed out of the alley into a private house. .As Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed into the houses, the pointer on the compass jumped even more violently.

This is a two-story small bungalow. I don't know if it's the owner's carelessness or the inner city is so peaceful. The door of this small bungalow was not closed, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others came in easily.There was no one on the first floor, and according to the direction of the compass, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others' target was upstairs.

"Xiaoyuan, what are you going to do? Do you want to ask her about other magical girls after you catch them?" Feng Xiaoxuan waved to Zhuang Xiaoyuan behind her and asked softly as she approached the stairs cautiously, looked up and found no one. .If they can ask other people's information, it should be very helpful for them to break the plan one by one.

"I don't need it for the time being. I can't be sure whether these magical girls have contact information that we can't detect. If they notice it early, it will be troublesome. Let's confirm the information after we have traveled the entire city." Slightly squinted After thinking about it for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan decided to be more cautious.Although it is not certain whether they will be discovered if they stun the magical girl, but this chance is much smaller than when they are awake.

"Okay, Kexin, keep an eye on the doors and windows. If we fail, block her escape route so that no one can escape. I'll make the first move. It's best if I can catch it with bubbles, which can isolate the sound and radio waves. If I don't catch her If you stay here, Xiaoyuan will leave it to you later." Raising the small horn in her hand, Feng Xiaoxuan arranged for the action.Although she is only eight or nine years old at this time, when Feng Xiaoxuan becomes serious, people will ignore her physical age.

(End of this chapter)

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