Chapter 221 Half-hidden is the most attractive
"Get ready, three, two, one, up." With one word, Feng Xiaoxuan and Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed up to the second floor.When they rushed up, a girl in a bath towel came out of the bathroom, and looked surprised at the two who rushed up suddenly.Without saying a word, Feng Xiaoxuan blew a big bubble at her.The completely defenseless girl basically had no resistance and was locked in the bubble.

Suddenly being attacked, the towel girl's expression changed from surprise to panic, but she still couldn't stop Feng Xiaoxuan's bubble, and was directly locked inside. As the girl entered the bubble, her face became more relaxed, and her eyes closed together Yes, in the end he couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell into a deep sleep.

"The first accident went well, which is a good sign, but I didn't expect Baijiangzhu's bubble to have the ability to hypnotize." The girl was locked in the bubble, her body calmed down, and the bath towel on her body could not be dropped. On the body, the appearance that is not covered is particularly attractive.Zhuang Xiaoyuan was firmly attracted.

"This is something I researched myself. Combined with my abilities, sunlight can have hypnotic power at certain times. Hey, Madoka, what are you looking at? If you want to see a girl's body, see if your own is better. Okay, you can watch as long as you want." Patting Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the shoulder, interrupting her gaze from the bath towel girl, Feng Xiaoxuan showed a funny expression on her face.

"Ahem, looking at my own body always feels weird, and doesn't Miss Xiaoxuan think this half-covered look is very attractive?" With a guilty conscience, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shrugged her shoulders, with a small smile on her lips asked rhetorically.

"Well, it's true, because it didn't fall, but you can see part of it, so people have a desire to see the picture after it falls." Looking up at the girl in the bubble, Feng Xiaoxuan touched it. Chin nodded approvingly.It was perfunctory.She didn't notice Zhuang Xiaoyuan's guilty look at all.

"Is it over? You guys are so fast." Hearing the voice upstairs, Lin Kexin also came up, and saw the girl in the bubble at a glance, but she didn't recognize this girl.It seems that she is one of the magical girls that Lin Kexin doesn't know about.

"Well, the effect of this sudden attack is good. Sister Xiaoxuan, let's continue to speed up our actions. I don't know if these magical girls are in regular contact. It would be bad if something is found out." Put away the somewhat chaotic thoughts , the expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face returned to its original seriousness.Now is not the time to admire the girl's posture, there is business, business.Get the important tasks done first.

"Okay, let's continue. Find the location of the next magical girl. The raid plan is still the same as before." Nodding, Feng Xiaoxuan looked away from the girl, and her face became serious.The jokes are temporarily put aside, the business is important.

Afterwards, the three of them began to conduct a blanket search along the roads in the inner city, avoiding the eyes of pedestrians as much as possible, and looking for alleys with fewer people.Although occasionally there will be a few fish that slip through the net, but there will be no mistakes in a large range.

It seems that the methods of the Witch Church are really powerful. From morning to evening, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others simply ate some dry food prepared by themselves.Along the way, the three of them moved more and more smoothly. They traveled all over the inner city in one day and captured sixteen magical girls in total.Some of them were known to Lin Kexin, but more were unknown.

"It's almost gone, the last spot. There are no black and white angels and three primary colors. It seems that they are all in the Witch Church." Looking down at the direction indicated by the compass, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to the two people around him.It is now evening, the sun is about to set, and the bright red sunset is overhead.Bypassing the Witch Church in the center of the inner city, the three of them have traveled the entire inner city.

"Well, after this is resolved, only their base camp will be left." Looking up at the dessert house across the street, Feng Xiaoxuan's expression was a bit serious, and all the plans to be defeated were basically successful.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were very fortunate to have used this kind of action. They did not expect so many magical girls to gather in the inner city.But after catching these dozen or so, they still had to face the situation of few to many.Because they did not find the black and white angels and the three primary colors.In the end, we still have to raid the Witch Church head-on to complete the final battle.

"Hey, she came out." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were about to carry out the raid plan again, the door of the snack room was opened from the inside, and a flustered girl rushed out from inside.

"No, I was discovered. Sister Xiaoxuan did it directly." Although she didn't know the reason, the girl's flustered expression was obviously because she realized that a certain magical girl couldn't be contacted. Although there were still many pedestrians on the street, But now I can't handle that much anymore.If it can reduce the opponent's combat power, try to reduce it as much as possible. Anyway, you will have to face the Witch Church head-on.It doesn't matter if they find out now.

"Okay." Feng Xiaoxuan's reaction was also very quick. Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could speak, she had already raised the small horn in her hand.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice fell, the big bubble with hypnotic ability had already rushed towards the girl who came out of the dessert house.

"The thorn of the rose." Accompanied by the crimson light, the flustered girl transformed into a magical girl in an instant. The magic wand in the shape of a rose in her hand waved towards Feng Xiaoxuan's bubble, and a string of petals shot out from the magic wand. It directly broke Feng Xiaoxuan's hypnotic bubble.

"Bunches of ribbons." But this is not alone, when Feng Xiaoxuan shot the hypnotic bubbles, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was ready to join forces, the magic girl just swung the petals to attack, and the yellow ribbons burst out. Shooting from the void directly bound the hands and feet of the rose magic girl, and before she was about to shout out, the ribbon stretched and directly sealed her mouth.

"Ah, we're fighting."

"Evil magical girl."


"Notify the Witch Church quickly."

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others took action, the surrounding pedestrians suddenly panicked, which was different from the slum area who wanted to report the magical girl for their own desires.People in the inner city have basically become believers in the Witch Church.Regardless of whether they are controlled or sincere, they all believe in the Church of the Witch.Think magical girls are evil beings.Therefore, even the magical girls belonging to the Witch Church will not reveal their identities under normal circumstances.

"Huh, I caught it." Frowning at the panicked crowd around her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief.The last step is considered complete, and there is still a tough battle to fight.

As if to confirm her thoughts.The five colors of black, white, red, yellow, and blue in the distance rushed towards this side quickly.The reaction speed is really fast, and the other side came over just after the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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