Chapter 223 The Battlefield Begins to Deflect
"I hate it~" A voice full of resentment was accompanied by the crazy attack of the resentful demon.The surrounding buildings gradually collapsed under the destruction of the grudge, and human screams were everywhere on the ground.For a moment, the city seemed to have fallen into the end of the world.These human beings who have lived in the area stipulated by the Witch Church for many years have become so comfortable that they have no ability to fight against monsters, not even courage.

"Xiaoyuan, what should we do? If we let them continue to destroy..." Feng Xiaoxuan frowned as she watched the grievances destroying everywhere in the city. She might not take the death of one or two humans to heart, after all It is not my own world, and I am not familiar with the people here.But such a large-scale casualty, even if it wasn't her own world, she couldn't accept it.

"There are too many, and we can't solve them all at once, so let's leave it to Kexin. As long as we get the culprit out, everything will be solved." Zhuang Xiaoyuan was also a little apprehensive about the chaos around him.Although the grievances only showed combat power similar to that of chariot-level demons, there were too many of them. When they eliminated these grievances, there would not be much left in the city.So in the end we still need to solve the root of the problem.

"The culprit, you mean me as the king of the future world. I'm really underestimated. If you want to solve me, you can try." As soon as the words fell, the black and white rabbit's body suddenly swelled up, and four The short legs grew sharp claws, the three-petal mouth also turned into a bloody mouth, the red eyes revealed wild light, and the pine tree tail on the back turned into sharp barbs.He rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan directly.

"Dance of the magic bullet." Zhuang Xiaoyuan moved nimbly, dodging the black and white rabbit's attack, quickly switched the flintlock gun in his hand, and shot at the black and white rabbit one after another.On the other side, Feng Xiaoxuan also blew the small trumpet in her hand, and the heavy bubbles shot towards the black and white rabbit as quickly as bullets.

Ding ding ding, the bullets and bubbles hit the black and white rabbit, and there was a crisp metallic sound.It only left small marks on its body, but it didn't break through its defense at all.

"Tsk, it's really hard. If you can't break one shot, then try this. The infinite magic bullet." Flintlocks emerged from the void, densely scattered all over the sky, and with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, they all pointed at Black and white rabbit.

"Do you think I just stand still, black blade spikes." The black and white rabbit's eyes full of wildness raised its head and stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, flicking its tail behind it, the black spikes stood up one after another, following it With a flick of the tail, the spikes shot straight out, shooting towards the dense flintlock guns in the sky and Zhuang Xiaoyuan in front of the gun array.

Dingling, bang bang, bang bang, bang bang, a series of crisp sounds.Zhuang Xiaoyuan threw out a ribbon and tied it to the chimney of a house. With the help of the ribbon, he avoided the attack of the black thorns, but the originally dense flintlock formation was severely damaged. At least half of the flintlocks were destroyed by the black spikes. up.

The attacks from the remaining flintlocks were partly blocked by the second wave of black spikes that followed. When the remaining attacks from the flintlocks hit the black and white rabbits, they had lost their original density.It can no longer be damaged.

"Come out, familiars." On the other side, the bubble attack couldn't break through the defense of the black and white mice. Feng Xiaoxuan's face suddenly changed, as if wearing a clown mask. The witch and the familiar were summoned to rush to the black and white mouse.Let it jump at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movement and was blocked involuntarily.

The actions of the black and white mice were temporarily held back by Feng Xiaoxuan, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised an oversized flintlock in his hand.Since quantitative attacks are ineffective against him, then increase the attack power of the flintlock.Try my final shot.

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan started to fight black and white mice, there was a group of people active in this city.For example, the gang members in the slums, as the original underground organization, actually took over the work that the city management should do and began to arrange for civilians to take refuge.Of course, in addition to this group of gangsters, there is also a group of outstanding combatants who have also started their own actions.

"Dark Impact." The black magic girl shot out a dark beam of shadows, piercing through the heart of a grievance, directly destroying the grievance into a black mist that filled the sky and drifted away.

"Guardian Light." The white magical girl held up the magic wand in her hand, and a white shield emerged, blocking the straight punches that had been hitting the grudge.

"Wind Scythe Weasel." Behind the white shield, a green magical girl waved the magic wand in her hand, and a series of sharp wind blades shot out from the magic wand, directly chopping off the attacking arm of the Wraith.

"Burn, my passionate flame. Fist to the flesh." A group of bright red flames soared into the sky, jumped directly onto the shoulder of the grudge, and hammered toward the grudge's head with both flaming fists.A few punches smashed the grudge into black mist.

"Hurry up, the next location is ahead, Rose Flower Dance." As the rose flower magic girl waved her hand, petals flew out and surrounded the surroundings, canceling out the sound waves from the grudge's mouth.Blocking the attack of the resentful demon, the rose magic girl led Lin Kexin into a small two-storey bungalow.As soon as they entered the bungalow, several people rushed upstairs. On the second floor, a half-hidden girl lay quietly in the bubble and slept peacefully.

"Xiao Zi, this is really true. She just came out of the shower. Alas, the capital is not bad." Seeing the girl in the bubble, the Rose Flower Magical Girl had a gloating expression on her face.

"Don't delay, do it quickly, my beloved magical girl." The yellow magical girl in the three primary colors calmly patted Rose on the shoulder, signaling Lin Kexin to do it.Now that the whole city is in chaos, there is not so much time for a few people to continue to delay.

"Pass my love here, Love Beam." Walking in front of the bubble, Lin Kexin intentionally raised her hands to the girl in the bubble.The pink magic light emanated from her body and gathered in her hands, and the beam of xinxing shot out directly, covering the girl in the bubble.

When the pink light beam gradually dissipated, the girl was liberated from the bubble and lay quietly on the floor.

"Well, I always feel like I've had a nightmare for a long time." The eyelids trembled a few times, and the girl who was called Xiao Zi by Qiangwei opened her confused eyes, glanced around, and blinked to get rid of the confusion. There was a trace of doubt in Xiao Zi's eyes: "Earth, Rose, why are you here?"

Lin Kexin awakened her own magical power, which is a kind of power full of heart.At that time, after a beam of love directly knocked down the five magical girls, Lin Kexin quickly found them who were lying on the ground.

Originally, they planned to restrain the five magical girls, but when they regained consciousness, they were already out of the control of the black and white rabbits.This made Lin Kexin discover the special usage of her power.

So, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the black and white rabbits were fighting, Lin Kexin, with the help of the black and white angels and the three primary colors, started to go to the location where the magical girls were, and began to release all the magical girls from their control.

As the magical girls wake up one by one, the outcome of this battle that has spread to the whole city seems to be tilted towards the magical girls.One after another, the magical girls recovered and devoted themselves to the battle against the grudge, and this Xiaozi was already the last magical girl to be controlled.

(End of this chapter)

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