Chapter 224 The Final Demon King
"Tiro·Finale (Final Shooting)" bright yellow bombardment shot from the giant flintlock in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, and shot straight at the black and white rabbit caught by many weird familiars.

"It's useless, I'm the king of the world." The dense darkness emanated from the black and white rabbit, and the originally distinct black and white sides began to turn into pure black, and the black part gradually spread, encroaching on the white area.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's bombardment hit the black and white rabbit in the darkness, but it only shrank inward before returning to its original state.In the black, escaping energy, the scarlet eyes flickered slightly, and the aura of the black and white rabbit became more and more fierce.

"The king of the world? Don't be ridiculous. It's just a rabbit. Let you experience the real bombing. The finale of infinity." The attack has not had any effect on the black and white rabbits, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan also became impatient.If a single bullet is useless, then use multiple bullets, if multiple bullets are useless, use a powerful one, and if a high-power bullet is useless, then fire multiple powerful shells.Regardless of quantity or quality, as long as the quantity is increased, no matter how solid the defense is, how strong the resilience is, it can be broken through. If it can't be broken through, the quantity is not enough.

Throw away the gigantic flintlock in your hand.All the divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body was mobilized and transformed into Ba Mamei's magic power, which was input into the soul gem.As the soul ring on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's finger began to flash a bright yellow light, flintlock guns began to appear from behind her.Densely packed the entire sky behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan again, but this time the flintlocks were all oversized.

"Launch." He swung his right hand heavily.The giant flintlock guns scattered all over Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back pointed at the completely black rabbit in front and spit out bright yellow flames.A series of thick beam cannons shot straight out, instantly covering the area where the black and white rabbits were located.Rumbling, the violent roar of the explosion resounded throughout the city.

"Did it work?" The flintlock guns on her back disappeared one by one like ribbons, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat down on the ground a little detached. The cover output at this moment basically exhausted the divine power in her body.This is already the most powerful attack she can use at this time, if it is not successful, she has no other way.

"Shua, Shua, Shua." A dense black blade spike shot out from the smoke, covering Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The sudden counterattack made it too late for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to dodge, and just finished outputting with all his strength, it was the emptiest moment in his body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan really didn't have any extra strength to resist this attack.

"Guardian Light."

"Rose flower dance."

"Barrier of the Wind."

"Earth Shield."

One floor, two floors, three or four floors, five floors, six floors, seven or eight floors.All kinds of colorful protective skills suddenly covered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face.The attacking black blade spikes were finally blocked after breaking through the first few layers of defense.

"Xiaoyuan, are you alright?" Lin Kexin hurried over with a worried expression on her face, she was really shocked just now.After gathering all the magical girls who rushed over, what they saw was the thrilling scene of a large black blade attacking Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Fortunately, it finally caught up.

"Huh?! It turned out to be you trash. Why, do you all want to resist me?" The smoke from the previous attack dispersed, revealing the completely black figure of the black and white rabbit inside.

It didn't look very good at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's full output was still very effective, the black and white rabbit's body was covered with large and small wounds, and even one of its front legs was broken.But for the injury on his body, the black and white rabbit seemed to be unconscious, looking at the magical girls gathered here with contemptuous eyes.

"Black and white, we've recovered, and we won't let you do whatever you want." The black angel stood up, glaring at the black and white rabbit with anger in his eyes, remembering what he did after being controlled, the black angel couldn't forgive the black and white rabbit. Easily control yourself.Of course, there is no forgiveness for the culprit in front of him.

"Surrender, or I will let you taste the flames of my anger." The fists collided to spark a spark, and the eyes of the red magical girl in the three primary colors were also ignited with the monstrous flames of anger towards the black and white rabbit.

"Surrender? You actually asked me to surrender. You are still so naive, magical girls. Do you think the outcome is settled? Let me teach you what is the real master of the universe and the king of the world. Enjoy my preparation It's been a feast for a long time. Hahahaha." Looking up and laughing wildly, the black and white rabbit roared towards the sky.

Dark clouds began to loom overhead, no, those were not ordinary dark clouds.It was a cloud of resentment condensed.Everywhere in the city, the wraiths that were destroying everywhere began to collapse, turning into black smoke and gathering toward the center.The human beings who died tragically in this chaos also revealed a trace of resentment.The black mist that had been wiped out before was also re-condensed.

All the black resentment gathered towards the black and white rabbit in the center.Following a wave of creepy resentment was absorbed by the black and white rabbit.Its body is getting bigger and bigger.At the same time, the body began to change significantly.The ears on the top of the head spread out and turned into a pair of huge wings.The sharp claws that were already sharp stretched out again, as if turning into sharp knives.The tail behind it covers the back and fuses into a solid carapace.

When all the grievances are absorbed by it, the black and white rabbit is completely different, its body shape becomes very large, and the expanded black and white body covers half of the inner city, and at this time it does not have the appearance of a rabbit at all, but more like growing out A pair of hedgehogs with weird wings.The wings above the head flapped slightly, and the black and white hedgehog flew directly into the sky.

The huge body hovered in the sky, blocking the afterglow of the setting sun, and the shadow cast by the light enveloped the entire city.This is the real final battle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others are going to face such a monster.

"Hahahaha, innocent magical girls. Incompetent warriors in costumes, feel the power of the king of the world." Black and white arrogant laughter came from above their heads, waving their wings and hovering over several people's heads, densely packed with black blades Spikes fell from the sky and covered it.

"Xiaoyuan, be careful." He pulled Zhuang Xiaoyuan out of the range of the black blade spikes, and when the black blade spikes chased him, he jumped far away again.Feeling the staggering of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's footsteps, Lin Kexin had a concerned expression on his face.

"It's okay, it's just too much consumption. This is troublesome. Attacks can't hit it, and even if it hits it, ordinary attacks can't break through its defense. And this kind of covering attack can't be avoided every time. Yes." Looking up at the figure hovering above her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.After all, the attack power is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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