Chapter 225 The Final Blow of Assembly

"Xiaozi, come here and help Xiaoyuan replenish her magic power." Supporting Zhuang Xiaoyuan's weak body, Lin Kexin turned her head and shouted to a girl on the other side.Hearing Lin Kexin's shout, the girl walked around the area where the black blade was spiked and approached.Taking a closer look, this girl is the girl in bath towel that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others attacked first.

Without speaking, the girl named Xiaozi directly put her hand on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back, a faint purple halo radiated out, Zhuang Xiaoyuan obviously felt that the divine power in her body began to increase rapidly, this was not an automatic recovery of divine power, it was more like a foreign body outside the body The energy entered the body and transformed into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own power.The speed of energy transmission was very fast, and within a few seconds, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power had recovered by one-third.The little purple girl stopped what she was doing, and the magic power in her body was not much left.

"Wait, Xiao Zi, can you transfer other people's magic power to me?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped her directly when Xiao Zi finished supplementing and was about to leave.Xiao Zi's energy supplement made Zhuang Xiaoyuan think of an idea to deal with black and white.The previous attacks have been unable to harm black and white.Because the attack power is not enough to break through the black and white defense.

Only the previous Infinity Finale hurt Black and White, which is probably why Black and White flew into the sky immediately after absorbing resentment and evolving.As a former contracted beast, it has never fought before, even if it has acquired the memory and ability of the evil god, it is not strong in combat experience and awareness. It has been hurt before, and it is actually afraid of it, and it is afraid of being hurt again.

This also shows in a disguised form that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's finale of infinity is effective for it.If the power is increased a bit, maybe it can really eliminate black and white.And the magical girl Ba Mamei transformed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan at this time does indeed have a stronger attack ability.It's just that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own upper limit of energy can't provide the energy needed for that blow at all.

But with the help of Xiao Zi, it will be different, as long as the power of all magical girls is gathered.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's upper limit of energy is not the limit of her ability.That trick can be used.

"What do you want to do?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question was not answered, but Xiaozi's rhetorical question already showed that she could indeed transfer other people's energy.

"I can attack it, but the energy requirement of this attack is too high, and I can't use it myself. If I can gather everyone's strength." Xiaozi asked back, confirming her ability, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up .Said his plan.

"I'll contact them." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Lin Kexin turned around and went to find someone without saying a word.Compared to other magical girls, Lin Kexin trusted Zhuang Xiaoyuan the most.Since Zhuang Xiaoyuan said yes, it is absolutely possible.

"I'll go too." Nodding to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Xiao Zi followed Lin Kexin and ran towards the magical girls scattered around to avoid the black and white attacks.

"Xiaoyuan's harem is getting bigger and bigger." Feng Xiaoxuan came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side after changing her face before returning to her original posture, and teased with a smile.

Gathering everyone's power, it's like a plot like a real magical girl anime.I never thought that one day it would be my turn.Zhuang Xiaoyuan slightly lamented the similarity of history, didn't care about Feng Xiaoxuan's teasing, turned to face her and asked: "Sister Xiaoxuan, can you hold it temporarily so that it doesn't move, at least let it move within a certain range Inside."

"No problem, I've already made preparations for this." With a slight smile, Feng Xiaoxuan raised her right hand and made a no-problem movement.She also had some expectations about her mission. After all, a powerful attack is useless if it misses. Someone must be able to hold back black and white temporarily. In this world of magical girls, the one Zhuang Xiaoyuan trusts the most is from the same world , and Feng Xiaoxuan, her righteous sister again.

"Okay, let's start." With a decision, the plan began to move quickly.Magical girls began to gather, and each got their own mission.Girls who are good at protection magic set up a temporary shield to resist black and white attacks.The magical girls of the long-range bondage system all began to secretly prepare the strongest bondage magic.The rest of the magical girls gathered behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, connecting hands, and asked Xiaozi to transfer everyone's magic power to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

The final result depends on the final blow.

One by one, the magical girls holding hands emitted various lights, and all the lights were connected into one piece and passed into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body through Xiao Zi's hands.With the influx of energy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again experienced the feeling of fullness that he had experienced before.When the body's energy storage reached its limit, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to mobilize the energy to use Ba Mamei's ultimate kill: "Try this. The ultimate magic system,"

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan put all the energy in his body into the soul ring, the feet of the magical girls holding hands trembled violently.A super huge fort rose from the ground.The muzzle of the fort was pointing obliquely at the sky, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was standing at the front of the muzzle.The caliber of this battle cannon is so huge that even two or three Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't fill the firing port of the fort.

"Let's go, Dessert Witch." The moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan summoned the super-giant ultimate magic system, Feng Xiaoxuan also transformed into the state of Dessert Witch, and a huge magic insect appeared again with her mouth open, flying towards the black and white in the sky.At the same time, some magical girls with long-range binding ability also used their binding magic with all their strength, temporarily restricting black and white's movements.

The black monster flew into the sky, and the weird clown mask smiled at the black and white, and directly twisted around and wrapped around the quilt, completely ignoring his body pierced by the black and white spikes.The mocking clown opened his mouth wide open, biting black and white's neck.The ensuing restraint magic restrained the magic insect and black and white in place layer by layer.

"Ultimate magic line, launch." Feng Xiaoxuan and the others trapped black and white, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan seized the opportunity.Adjust the direction and fire directly.The bright flames pierced the sky, pierced obliquely through the clouds in the sky, and shot further away.The direct shelling instantly penetrated the entangled magic insects and black and white.Black and white's original strong defense was easily pierced like a fragile piece of paper.

"No, I'm the king of the world~ How can it, how can it end here~" With the final scream, the black and white rabbit disappeared in the beam of shelling light that soared into the sky.

This shot gathered basically all the magical girl's magic power, and finally lived up to everyone's hopes.Completed his mission.Once the shot was over, the ultimate magic system turned into ribbons and disappeared in all directions.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others all sat down on the ground exhausted, this time it was finally over.

Looking at the ruined cities around them, the eyes of the magical girls revealed deep sadness.Although black and white were successfully eliminated in the end, many people died in this chaos.

For the magical girls, I am afraid that this victory can only be regarded as a miserable victory, or even a failure.Because they did not protect what was supposed to be protected.

The last blow wiped out the black and white, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was sitting on the ground exhausted, and Feng Xiaoxuan, who ran over not far away, both began to emit a faint halo. It seems that their time has come, and it is time to go back. .

 Today's New Year's Eve, I wish everyone a happy new year in advance, all the best, Gong Xi Fa Cai, and bring red envelopes.Keke, it's easy to say.Do you want to join the book club?Group number 2.The problem of adding a group is the name of the protagonist.Tonight, New Year's Eve, after 1 o'clock, red envelopes (⊙o⊙) will be given out from time to time.There are fast hands and slow hands.Hey.

(End of this chapter)

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