Chapter 226 The Red Magic World Card
"Xiaoyuan, you two, are you leaving?" Of the magical girls immersed in grief, only Lin Kexin noticed the abnormalities in Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan.Reminiscent of what they said before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan from another world probably has time to go back.Thinking of this, Lin Kexin couldn't help showing a trace of reluctance on her face.

"Well, it looks like it's time." Seeing the reluctance on Lin Kexin's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had a faint smile on her face, and patted her head comfortingly.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan herself is a bit reluctant to part with this stupid and cute new friend, there are friends waiting for her in her own world.Besides, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has always had an intuition in her heart that one day in the future, they will definitely meet again, and then they must introduce Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao to her, um, and Zhuang Xiaosi.

"Xiaoyuan, will you come over again?" Lin Kexin opened her arms and hugged Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and asked softly in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ear.There was a trembling cry in her voice.In fact, she never said that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was her first and most important friend.She really didn't want to separate so soon, since they had only become friends for a short time.

"I don't know, but I believe that we will meet again soon. I am looking forward to it. When we meet again, I will have a pleasant and pleasant expression." Holding Lin Kexin back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted her face. back, with an expectant smile on his face.These are not words of consolation, but sincerely looking forward to the arrival of that moment.

"Well, we will definitely meet again. I will let you see my growth when the time comes." Nodding, Lin Kexin's voice also revealed her expectation for the future.

"Come on, Kexin. I look forward to seeing you again." The halo on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body became stronger and stronger, and her body began to become transparent.Looks like time is running out.I'm leaving soon.

"Well, I will definitely work hard. Next time Xiaoyuan comes again, I will definitely let you see a completely new world. At that time, this city will definitely be the most prosperous and peaceful city." Lin Kexin said in a firm tone. Set future goals.At the end, she still couldn't hold back the tears, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan in her arms had disappeared without a trace.Goodbye, Madoka, my most important friend...

"I'm back. I don't know how Sister Xiaoxuan is doing." In the dark space, in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the golden parchment that I hadn't seen for a long time was suspended there, emitting a faint golden light.The harvest of this trial task is clearly displayed on it.In addition to being promoted again, he has already advanced to the second-level divine power cultivation potential.There are also two card harvests, one world card and one character card.

"Strange, why did you get the world card? You have never seen the original crystal of the magical girl world. Did you touch it by accident? Or, you don't need to touch the crystal to get the world card? Forget it, no matter what, this A one-time harvest is unexpected. This world card may become an additional killer card."

Looking at the information on the world card and character card that appeared on the golden parchment.The reluctance in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart was diluted by the joy of harvest.

The Red Magic World: The World Guarded by Magical Girls

World Guardian: Love Magical Girl - Lin Kexin

special power:

Magic character card cooldown halved
In the state of character transformation, you can temporarily summon a specific companion of the transformed character to attack/assist once with full power.

How to use: Passive effect/autonomous use
In addition to this world card with amazing special abilities, Zhuang Xiaoyuan got another character card this time.It's not a blank card, but a card that already has a fixed role.As a result, Zhuang Xiaoyuan obtained his second character card of a magical girl.That's right, the character card I harvested this time is also a magical girl.A magical girl with a predominantly red hue.Possesses excellent ability to attack and break defenses.

After confirming what he had gained, and taking a final look at the pitch-black space to make sure that he hadn't missed any information, Zhuang Xiaoyuan left the space directly.Although this space can be regarded as my own spiritual world, unexpectedly I don't like it very much, this kind of pure black world.

"Xiaoyuan, you're back." When she regained consciousness, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyelids trembled slightly, and before she opened her eyes, she was spotted by the two people in front of her.The time of the Patronus Trial will be significantly different from the present world.Zhuang Xiaoyuan spent a few days in the magical girl, but not long in this world.

"I'm back. Hey, Miss Xiaoxuan." Smiling and nodding to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao in front of her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered her head and noticed the abnormality on her right hand.Before entering the trial, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand was holding his spade crystal.At this time, the spade crystal was indeed still in his right hand, but besides that, there was an extra bright yellow cube crystal.

"Why is there an extra piece?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's surprised voice, Wen Hui also noticed the extra crystal in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand.

"Xiaoyuan, what happened? When you went to practice just now, the black crystal suddenly disappeared. It only appeared when you came back. And there is an extra piece." Chu Miaomiao's eyes fluctuated slightly, showing a trace of concern, and said Remember the changes when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was in the trial before.

"Hehe, the harvest this time is very good, and I also met new friends..." Feeling the warmth from the cube crystal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a reassuring smile on his face.

Pulling Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao to sit down beside her bed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to tell the two of her experiences with a look of reminiscence on her face.I met new friends, met Feng Xiaoxuan who was looking forward to, and all kinds of magical girls in the magical girl world.Of course, there are also black and white rabbits that incorporate the memory and abilities of evil gods.

When talking about new friends, Wen Hui had an expectant expression on her face. She also really wanted to meet Zhuang Xiaoyuan's new friend.When talking about Feng Xiaoxuan, Chu Miaomiao looked at the crystal cube in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand. She was also very curious about the legendary figure that had been passed down among the students for a long time.When it comes to black and white rabbits, both of them will show a little nervousness.

In this way, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shared her experience with her two childhood sweethearts.Until the sun gradually shifted to the west, the sky was reddened by the sunset glow.Time passed quickly in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's narration, and soon it was dinner time.And several people are still discussing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's trial this time.When they noticed the hunger in their stomachs, night had already fallen quietly.There is only one night left until tomorrow's qualifying session.

Finding that the time was late, the stomach growled intermittently, the three of them looked at each other and smiled, and started preparing for dinner.It's a bit late at this point in time.So there is nothing too complicated for today's dinner, just a few home-cooked dishes.The three spent another dinner time.

After dinner, the few people stopped discussing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's trial, and the two of them almost knew about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's experience in the afternoon.So the three of them went back to their rooms and started their final strength sprint.It's time to use that divine power crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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