Chapter 227 Upgrading of Character Cards
"Sister Xiaoxuan, you can hear it." Feeling the warmth from the cube crystal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed to see Feng Xiaoxuan's smile.Unexpectedly, after the trial, Feng Xiaoxuan's crystal would appear beside her.Her soul should also be inside the crystal.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, wait a little longer, and I will definitely get the ability to resurrect you." Zhuang Xiaoyuan knows that there are many two-dimensional girls who have the ability to resurrect, not to mention that she herself has the ability to resurrect you. unknown.However, no matter how much the resurrection ability is compared to the huge two-dimensional world, it is only a small part.If you want to get the resurrection ability, you must use the ability to generate the specified card.Zhuang Xiaoyuan is ready to save the card to be drawn.

Although it was only a short day or so to meet Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan unexpectedly felt a sense of closeness to Feng Xiaoxuan.In addition, Uncle Feng has always taken care of himself. If it wasn't for Uncle Feng, what would he be like now?Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't imagine.Therefore, not only her own personal feelings, but also to repay Uncle Feng's care, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had to think of a way to revive Feng Xiaoxuan.After all, she has this opportunity, rather than being completely powerless.

As if it was Feng Xiaoxuan's response, the crystal cube in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand flickered slightly.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but smile at Crystal's reaction.Hanging the spade crystal and cube crystal on his chest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out the divine power crystal.I don't know what kind of improvement this crystal of divine power will bring to me.

After making her own promise to Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt relieved as if she had let go of some burden.Holding the divine power crystal in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mental power was concentrated on the star disk in his body, and he began to absorb and digest the divine power crystal.

From the perspective of spiritual power, one can clearly see the bright light emanating from the crystallization of divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands.Control a trace of divine power, flow out from the starry sky disk, and flow into the divine power crystal along with his hands. With the integration of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power, the divine power crystal emits more dazzling light.

The divine power that flowed into the divine power crystal stopped for a moment and then flowed out again, flowing towards the star disk in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.At this time, this trace of originally golden divine power has been mixed with blue strange energy, which is the energy from the crystallization of divine power.

The golden divine power mixed with blue energy returned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's star disk.Zhuang Xiaoyuan could clearly feel that with the incorporation of this trace of divine power, the quality of the divine power in the starry sky disk had slightly improved.

Slightly happy in his heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't expect the effect of the crystallization of divine power to be so obvious, and he could feel his progress so clearly at the first trace of absorption.Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop her actions because of the joy in her heart.With the outflow and inflow of traces of divine power, the quality of divine power in her body is also gradually improving.The faint phantom standing beside the golden disc was also slightly clearer.

Seeing the changes in the divine power in his body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also began to sink his mind and try to absorb it.He has already advanced to the level of divine grace, and the previous Patronus Trial also raised Zhuang Xiaoyuan's potential for divine power cultivation to the second level, which has completely surpassed the original slow cultivation speed. more than double.Therefore, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's absorption of divine power crystallization has also been accelerated a lot.

With the flow of divine power, the outer crystals of the divine power crystallization were absorbed.Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to absorb the dark blue crystal inside the divine power crystal, which was like a flame.The moment the first ray of divine power mixed with dark blue energy merged into the star disk, Zhuang Xiaoyuan only felt a sudden shock in his body.The only dim character card on the golden starry disc began to emit a bright light.

That bleak character card was Chloe Einzbern, who was in an unusable state after being hit through the heart by a ground-level demon during the battle in Maple City.As the dark blue energy entered the starry sky disc, there was a special rule contained in the energy, and all of them rushed to this dim card.

It continued like this for a while, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands were empty and the divine power crystal was completely absorbed.Chloe on the star disk in her body has returned to its original luster.And it is more shining than before, and there is a golden border around the card that other cards don't have.Chloe's transformation card seems to be stronger.

Slowly opening his eyes, a ray of morning light has already appeared on the horizon.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had practiced all night, didn't feel tired at all, instead she was filled with joy. The crystallization of divine power is really a good thing, and it's secondary to the improvement of one's own divine power.After a night of practice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was only close to the middle level of divine grace, and did not complete the breakthrough.But the crystallization of divine power greatly increased Zhuang Xiaoyuan's combat power.

The crystallization of divine power itself has the ability to strengthen the patron saint, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan never thought that the effect of the crystallization of divine power on him would be to upgrade his character card.Let the cards that were originally limited by their ability, or even the character itself, break through themselves and complete the transformation.At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Chloe has completed a perfect transformation, and she has become stronger. In terms of combat power, she has surpassed other cards.It's just relatively, the consumption has also become more serious.

The consumption of normal transformation is quite normal, and there is no problem with ordinary ability transformation, but the powerful skills obtained after Chloe's promotion, with the upper limit of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power at this time, I am afraid that he will be drawn directly after using it once or twice. Do it.

Although I am happy to have become stronger, this ability can only be used as a special move in the end.But at this time, even if Chloe's transformation doesn't use those newly acquired nirvana skills, the combat power in normal state has been greatly strengthened.It completely surpassed Chloe's original ability.

"It's finally recovered, Chloe. Add the new red card. This time, let the special class experience the counterattack of the ordinary class." The eyes of Huo Wenwu when he left came to mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

It's not just that Wen Hui wants to fight against the special class, she has already fought once, but no one knows how Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who tried her best and only left him with a small wound, felt in her heart. At that time, she had already made a decision in her heart. Be sure to return his 'entertainment' well.

Of course, in another room, Chu Miaomiao, who had recovered from her training, was also full of fighting spirit.It's been a long time since she was suppressed in the eleventh position, and it's time to make a space for her.Chu Miaomiao's expression was still calm, but in her eyes, there was a fierce beast lurking, ready to go.

Creak, the crisp sound of the door opening.The three of them opened the door almost at the same time and walked out.Looking at each other, smiling slightly, it seems that they are all ready.It's time for those guys who have been occupying their seats for a long time to give up the seat under their ass.

 Happy New Year everyone~\(≧▽≦)/~.I wish all book friends a happy new year, wish everything come true, and be happy every day~~~
(End of this chapter)

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