Chapter 228 The Five Saints Breakthrough Qualifying Competition

"A lot of things have happened recently, especially a few days ago, a high-ranking evil god sneaked into our academy, causing a lot of chaos. Many students who should have made greater contributions to mankind died , Many innocent civilians also died, and even many college teachers died. We are very sad for this kind of sacrifice. But now we have no time to mourn."

Beside the teleportation array that has been temporarily repaired in the training area, the petite school principal Allie Chu stood on the top of the teleportation gate, and her clear and steady voice spread throughout the training area.

"The footsteps of the evil god are getting closer and closer. This attack is a warning. No matter how strict the inspection is, it cannot prevent the invasion of the evil god. Therefore, we need to remember the heroes who sacrificed, and remember that at this time, what is in our hearts Let this sadness become the driving force for us to work hard. Only when we become stronger can we avoid more injuries and save more tragedies."

In the voice of the dean, the students who were immersed in sadness raised their heads one by one, and looked at the dean on the top of the portal. Their eyes were ignited with a fierce fighting spirit to continue to work hard to become stronger.

"And in this chaos, there are also countless students who performed very well. They not only saved countless lives, but also eliminated countless ferocious demons. For these excellent students, we must fully support and give Encouragement. As a result, the qualifying match that was suspended last month will start again, let us witness everyone's growth together." While speaking, Ellie pointed her right hand at the four students of 120 in front of the portal.

These people are the winners of the previous knockout rounds.They are also about to rank their students in the next competition.The ranking rewards this time are extra generous, and the participating students are full of fighting spirit.

"Okay, now I announce that the third round of the qualifying competition, the Five Saints Breakthrough Competition, will officially begin. Please invite the four winners of 120 to enter the portal." With Ellie's announcement, the teleportation array under her feet was activated, A faint blue halo emitted.

This portal was used by evil gods before, and countless demons rushed out of it.But this kind of thing will not happen again after the dean returns.As the God of Time and Space, Dean Ellie's mastery of time and space is unparalleled.

She has strengthened the application of the teleportation array. If the evil god wants to use this teleportation array next time, what will greet him will be a small-scale space explosion.Even if he can't be killed, he will destroy all the teleportation functions of the teleportation array itself.

"Five Saints Breakthrough Competition. Sure enough, it's faster than breaking through." Hearing what the head of the academy said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed the crowd to the teleportation formation, and said to Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao beside him.

"I'm the best at speed. Let's compare who can pass the level the fastest. How about Xiaoyuan, who has a paralyzed face." Walking along with the crowd, Wen Hui smiled confidently when she heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, and turned to face Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao asked.

"The last one does the laundry, cleans the dishes, and takes care of all chores for a month." Calmly looking up at Wen Hui, Chu Miaomiao spoke out her conditions without any ups and downs in her voice.How naive, idiot Hui, although the five sages compare the speed of breaking through the level, but it doesn't mean that the faster the speed, the faster the level is cleared.

"No problem." Wen Hui, who had no idea what Chu Miaomiao was thinking, agreed directly.

"I have no objection either." Noticing Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao's turned eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also nodded and agreed.All three are confident in customs clearance efficiency.Because the three of them have made all the preparations, and their state is also their peak moment.

While speaking, it was the turn of the three of them.One last look at each other.The three didn't say anything more.One followed one into the blue halo of the portal.

Turning the screen in front of me, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has appeared in a lush forest.Towering trees rose from the ground, covering part of the sky above.The lush weeds under the feet occasionally have a few small flowers.The breath of spring is everywhere.

"Forest, so the first level is of wind and wood attribute. Let's solve it quickly." Noticing the surrounding forest environment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already knew what he was about to face.

The qualifying competition has also been held several times. Although each competition is different, the basic theme remains the same. The rules of the Five Saints Breakthrough Competition are very simple, which is to clear the six levels.There will be a clearance guard in each of the first five paths.Participants must pass through the door guarded by the customs clearance guard, and at the same time obtain a special customs clearance certificate from the customs clearance guard.This is related to the clearance of the sixth level.

A character card emerged from the star disk and appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand.Since he was going to compete with the two childhood sweethearts in speed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to admit defeat.And this competition itself is not the focus of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attention, she can't wait to fight against the special class.Therefore, as soon as she came in, she immediately started the transformation.

Accompanied by the dazzling golden light, a petite girl flapping bat wings soared into the sky.The character Zhuang Xiaoyuan chose to transform into is the young lady Remilia.As the fastest character among the character cards held by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, it is perfect for clearing the level.Although customs clearance efficiency is not equal to its own speed.But the speed still has certain advantages.

"Aww~" Just after completing the transformation of the eldest lady, Zhuang Xiaoyuan heard the sound of a dragon chant coming from a certain direction. It seems that someone with good luck teleported directly to the holy beast.The wings behind her flapped rapidly, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed directly towards the source of the sound.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached, he could already see the battle situation from afar.The horns are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the scales are like a fish, the beard is like a shrimp, the belly is like a snake, and the feet are like an eagle. A creature with obvious characteristics of a dragon is tossing in the forest accompanied by a violent storm. Among the holy beasts, the oriental holy beast Qinglong.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed Qinglong, a emerald green figure had already headed up against the wind, rushed directly to Qinglong's side, paused slightly, bypassed Qinglong and rushed into the passage behind Qinglong.This kind of speed, and the ability to not fear the storm, is definitely Wen Hui.

"It's a step late. As expected of Wen Hui, she moved really fast." Seeing Wen Hui pass the level with his own eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also sighed at her speed, but now is not the time to sigh, the wings on the back are flapping rapidly, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan is already close to Qinglong The storm rolled up the area.At this time, around the green dragon, there were still four or five figures of men and women.

(End of this chapter)

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