Chapter 229 The Pure White Knight Princess
"I don't have the ability to ignore the storm directly, but it's easy to just get the green dragon's beard. Night charm, vampire surprise attack." The spell card in my hand flashed, and it turned into a large group of black bats, scattered around Peripherals of the storm area.

"Although, I always feel that this usage is a bit like hitting mosquitoes with a cannon. But I don't want to be left too far by Wen Hui. Come on, sharp gun Gungnir." The bright red sharp gun appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand.Completely ignoring the men and women who surrounded Qinglong and rushed into the range of Qinglong's storm time and time again.Zhuang Xiaoyuan aimed at his target and shot the magic gun in his hand.

A red light flashed across, alas, with the angry howl of the green dragon, a thick beard fell from his face, was swept up by the surrounding storm, and was blown far away.As soon as Beard left the range of the storm, he was caught by the waiting black bats and delivered to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Hey, let's get the props. I'll go first, everyone, come on." Putting away Qinglong's beard, he waved to the hardworking men and women on the ground, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed directly into the storm.

The sharp spear attack just now made Qinglong notice Zhuang Xiaoyuan's existence.Therefore, as soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered the range of the storm, the storm around her became more and more violent. At the same time, Qinglong also twisted its body, and its sharp dragon claws directly grabbed it.

"I've seen the route of fate." The scarlet eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth curled into a smile, revealing her pointed canine teeth.The wings on the back fluttered quickly, moving left and right in the air, up and down, across a strange path, directly passing through the sharp claws of Qinglong, and dodging several subsequent pursuits, and quickly flew into the passage behind Qinglong.

"Are you in the end? It looks like we're going to speed up the progress." Not long after Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered, a petite figure came out of the forest.Looking up at the huge green dragon, Chu Miaomiao walked directly into the storm as if nothing had happened.On the way here just now, she had seen Wen Hui and Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushing in.

"Oh." Everyone ignored the existence of this dragon. Although it was just a copy of the virtual personality and not the real Qinglong, the virtual personality also had dignity.Ignoring myself and rushing in again and again.This one is even more daring, actually coming forward.Absolutely can't let her pass, thinking so, Qinglong twisted his body and ignored the other people, rushing towards Chu Miaomiao.At the same time, he raised his sharp right claw.

"Boom." The petite fist collided with the thick claw, and Qinglong was directly sent flying far away, hitting the cliff behind him.Chu Miaomiao continued to move forward with a blank expression, as if the previous punch was not from her.When walking past Qinglong's body, he grabbed a beard and Chu Miaomiao also walked into the passage.After Chu Miaomiao entered, Qinglong shook his dizzy head and got up again.

"The second level is the ice and snow labyrinth. It's just right to catch up with them." Through the passage, a wall of ice appeared in front of Chu Miaomiao, and there were several forked roads on the wall.It is obviously a large maze made of ice.Knowing that it was a maze, Chu Miaomiao went straight to the ice wall and raised his right hand.

With a bang, she punched a hole in the originally flat ice wall.A few more punches followed, creating a gap that would allow her to pass through.Chu Miaomiao walked in with a calm expression.Behind the ice wall are several forks.Chu Miaomiao continued to raise her hand without hesitation.Accompanied by a rumbling sound.Chu Miaomiao walked straight towards the direction she had determined.

On the other side, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly shuttled through the ice and snow maze.The vertical eyes on the forehead swayed from side to side, and a clear plan of the maze appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind.Through Huang Xiaoyan's sky eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan chose the right path to move forward quickly.Soon I saw the white tiger sitting cross-legged at the finish line. The goal of this level is the white tiger's fluff.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the white tiger, the white tiger was still sleeping peacefully.Probably did not expect someone to come to the end so soon.With a shout of luck in her heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly rushed past Baihu, pulled off a bunch of fluff from his body, and rushed straight into the passage behind him.It didn't care how Baihu, who was suddenly awakened from his sleep, would treat the contestants who came later.

"The third level...why is there such a big sun in this kind of place?" Passing through the passage of the second level and entering the third level, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly lay down on the ground full of sand, under the sunlight , the skin even began to smell of burnt.

After a little hesitation, feeling the tingling pain from all over her body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still gritted her teeth and released the eldest lady's transformation state.Although it's a pity that the eldest lady is temporarily unavailable, but there is no way to do it.The third level is a boundless desert, the sun above the head is particularly dazzling.The young lady who is a vampire can't deal with this scorching sun at all.Even if the sun can be blocked by wrapping it in red mist, the consumption of divine power is too serious.

"Ha, what a pity. Originally, I wanted to use the eldest lady to rush to the finish line." Sighing slightly regretfully, Zhuang Xiaoyuan climbed up from the sand.Undoing the transformation of the eldest lady, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is no longer afraid of the sun above her head.However, this kind of hot sun, even if the body is not afraid of the sun, if it is too long, it will still become dehydrated.It seems that before looking for the customs clearance guards, we must first find the water source.

"I remember that the scope of this area should be the largest among several levels. Without the speed, you need to look at the durability. Use this." Looking at the endless desert with no end in sight, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought for a while, Finally, he took out a character card and chose the pure white knight princess, Arturia.

The Artoria character card owned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan is in the state of not becoming the King of Knights, and the character attributes are all biased toward resilience.Faced with this kind of area that will gradually become dehydrated and weak due to long-term stay, Artoria, who has a strong and durable combat capability, is the best candidate.

With the dazzling golden light shining in this desert.Artoria appeared here in a white backless armor.Holding upside down the golden sword drawn from the stone to guide victory.Transformed into Arturia who didn't have Wang Ge yet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan chose a direction and walked away quickly.With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movement, Arturia's inherent ability Journey of Flowers began to take effect, and as long as she was in the moving state, her recovery power would increase.

After Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, some time passed.Chu Miaomiao's figure appeared in the desert.He looked up at the dazzling sunlight above his head.She frowned slightly, and also chose a direction, and the propulsion device on her feet adapted to the movement of the desert quickly left.

 Today is Saturday, and tomorrow the book will be recommended.So today is the last day to add updates, and tomorrow will resume double updates.


(End of this chapter)

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