Chapter 230 The Pride of the Premium Class
After Chu Miaomiao left, some time later, the energetic Wen Hui finally appeared in this desert.Passing through the labyrinth on the second floor, the positions of the three of them have changed.

Looking up at the desert environment, Wen Hui took control of the breeze and began to rush in a certain direction while blowing herself to cool down.After the three of them left, people began to enter the desert one after another.Of course, more people are still stranded in the Ice and Snow Labyrinth, or even the Azure Dragon Storm.

Each of the five levels is different, and different environments have different impacts on the participants.After passing the desert level, the order of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's three people changed again. Wen Hui, who was the fastest, was the first to pass, and Chu Miaomiao was the second.After that, it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan who belatedly started to deal with Suzaku for obtaining feathers.

After passing the desert level of the third level, the three of them entered the swamp level of the fourth level one after another. The guard of this level is Xuanwu with a solid carapace.The complex terrain of the swamp seriously affected Chu Miaomiao's progress, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to speed up at this level. Artoria has the protection of the goddess of the lake, and no river can stop her progress. The river passes as if it were flat ground.Of course, the same goes for swamps.

When facing the guard Xuanwu, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally caught up with Wen Hui who lacked powerful means of breaking the defense and was slowly grinding with Xuanwu.Facing Xuanwu with a solid defense, Artoria of the White Knight had no way to break through his defense.Therefore, it was necessary to change the transformation state. After a little hesitation between the newly obtained card and Lily of the Bell Branch, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still chose Lily of the Bell Family.

Although the new card's defense-breaking and assault capabilities are stronger, but thinking of the next level, Yuriko Suzuke really has the advantage.Utilizing the right amount of manipulation ability, manipulating the vectors around him, and gathering together for a burst, finally broke Xuanwu's defense and obtained Xuanwu's carapace fragments.Zhuang Xiaoyuan temporarily took the lead.

Not long after Zhuang Xiaoyuan left, Chu Miaomiao also came to the Xuanwu guards, and Chu Miaomiao, who possessed natural supernatural power, was even more relaxed.The second passes the fourth level.Wen Hui completely watched Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the two surpass her.After Chu Miaomiao passed, Wen Hui finally broke Xuanwu's tortoise shell, got the carapace fragment of Xuanwu's guard, and quickly chased after the two people in front.

After clearing the swamp pass, there is the plain of the fifth pass, but this is not an ordinary plain, but a thunder plain, where deep purple lightning strikes from the rain clouds overhead.There is no law or order, just random scattered lightning.And the frequency of lightning is terrifyingly high.

But to Zhuang Xiaoyuan at this time, this kind of terrain was like an ordinary plain, and the thunder and lightning that fell from the sky had no effect on her at all.All the lightning attacks were reflected by her right amount of manipulation, and she also used the right amount of manipulation ability to push her body forward quickly.

The guardian of the Thunder Plain is Lei Qilin, and he needs to get his scales. Although Lei Qilin emits paralyzing static electricity all over his body and can manipulate the thunder in the sky, he will be completely useless when he encounters Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right amount of manipulation. After all, these saints The beast guard is just a virtual personality, without its own intelligence, completely unaware that moderate manipulation can be broken by controlling the direction of its own power.

After successfully passing through the Thunder Plain, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to a wide hall. On one side of the hall was the direction of entry, and on the opposite side was a closed stone door. There was a stone table in front of the door. On the table were five symmetrical pits.Although it was the first time seeing the situation here, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had also heard Chu Miaomiao talk about it.It is also very clear how to use the five props.

Walk to the stone table, put the five props obtained in the first five levels into the corresponding pits, and with the roaring sound, the stone door slowly opens.As long as you walk through the stone gate, it means that the five sages have passed through the barrier.Looking back at the direction they came from, Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui haven't come yet.Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to wait for them here, and directly stepped into the stone gate.With the scene in front of him changing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to the portal in the training area.

"Oh, the first one has appeared. The quality of the person this time is good. They came out so soon." Before recovering from the scene change, a lively voice came from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ear.However, although the voice sounded harmless, the tone revealed a strong sense of confidence, as if he was looking at a promising junior.

"This kind of tone really makes people uncomfortable." Hearing this tone, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew the identity of the speaker.Looking in the direction of the voice, sure enough, ten different figures stood there.They should be the ten members of the special class.Because Huo Wenwu, who had fought before, stood first on the right.

"Unhappy? The current rookies probably don't know how powerful our special class is, so let me treat you well later." Among the crowd of special class, standing in the seventh position, the body is huge, and the whole body looks like A round, white-faced fat man, with a proud expression on his face, taught Zhuang Xiaoyuan a lesson.

"Do you want to entertain me? What a pity, my target is not you." Shrugging, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced directly at the seventh person, looking at Huo Wenwu who was ranked first: "Long time no see Alright, number one."

"...So it's you, it looks like you're catching up too." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, Huo Wenwu turned his head, looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the state of Lily of the Bell Branch, and felt the aura of deja vu divine power.Huo Wenwu's eyes flickered and he already thought of the owner of this breath of divine power.At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power fluctuations were obviously much stronger than before.

"Thanks to your teaching last time, this time I intend to let you feel my progress. If you don't plan to use all your strength, you will definitely suffer a lot." Looking at Huo Wenwu, his eyes burned. With a strong fighting spirit, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has become much stronger than before. This time, he must be forced to use all his strength.

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it." With his arms folded around his chest, he replied to Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a calm expression. Although he said he was looking forward to it, I'm afraid Huo Wenwu didn't pay too much attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan. He, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, is still hovering at the lower level of divine grace.

"Xiaoyuan..." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan challenged Huo Wenwu, Chu Miaomiao walked out of the teleportation formation.

"Wow, it's just a little bit close. You have a nasty face." Immediately after Chu Miaomiao, Wen Hui also rushed out shouting angrily.

"It's almost, even if it's only a little bit, you will be the bottom one in the end. One month as agreed."

"I know, I know, one month is one month." Now all three of them are together.

(End of this chapter)

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