Chapter 234 Wen Hui's Hidden Card

When everyone in the special class was not optimistic about Wen Hui, they faced Lei Bao who was wearing armor and holding a heavy hammer to complete the transformation of God.Wen Hui also showed a dignified expression on his face. This kind of power is really incredible. Lei Bao, who specializes in thunder and lightning, has gone farther in the element of thunder than Wen Hui, who is comprehensive in elements.The purple lightning emanating from him has already suppressed Wen Hui's purple lightning.

"Little girl, you are already proud of a person who has just advanced to the middle position and let me do my best in the upper position. I will use this blow to make you leave the stage without regret. Thunderbolt hammer." Lei Bao held high Raising the Thor's Hammer in his hand, accompanied by the purple-red thunder and lightning falling from the sky, it hit the Thor's Hammer, and the Thor's Hammer, which gathered all the surrounding thunder and lightning, hammered heavily forward.The ferocious thunderbolt turned into a purple-red thunderbolt cheetah and rushed towards Wen Hui.

"Humph, it's still like this. I still have a superior face. When did I say that I have used all my strength. Flame God Storm." The purple on the body quickly faded, and the red and green dyed Wen Hui's body at the same time.Her purple hair is dyed green with a hint of red in her bangs.The purple light armor on his body was dyed red, and emerald green patterns were carved on the shoulders, forearms, and calves.This is Wen Hui's new form - Yan.

With the switching of elements, Wen Hui raised the Flame God Spear with a green barrel and a red tip in his hand and spun it quickly.As the flame god's spear spun in Wen Hui's hands, emerald green storms and bright red flames appeared at the same time, the green storms and red flames merged with each other, and orange storms soared into the sky around Wen Hui.The crystallization of divine power last night not only raised Wen Hui's level of divine power from low to middle, but also allowed her to comprehend the simultaneous application of multiple elements.

At this time, Wen Hui was using the only new element that he had fully comprehended and had been dubbed Yan by himself.Combining the power of wind element and fire element, this is a new element that mixes green wind element and red fire element, which is more explosive than wind and more active than fire.The wind helps the fire, with the fire element as the main wind element and the wind element as the supplement, the flame element that is hotter than the flame.

The orange-yellow tornado swept towards Lei Bao, and the purple-red Thunder Cheetah rushed towards Wen Hui.The storm and the cheetah met halfway, and the cheetah opened its huge mouth to bite the storm, and the storm ignited a flame that burned the cheetah.The two sides were in a stalemate for more than ten seconds. Finally, following the cheetah's wailing, the orange-yellow storm was involved. With the purple-red lightning still flashing on its body, the orange-yellow storm rushed towards the leopard.

Lei Bao was surprised that his own attack could not beat Wen Hui's storm, but the experienced Lei Bao quickly came to his senses and released lightning protection to protect his whole body in the face of Wen Hui's storm, as long as he survived this time If you attack, you still have a chance.

However, the outcome was decided long after the storm wiped out the cheetahs.The orange-yellow storm quickly came into contact with Leibao's lightning protection, but unlike Leibao's imagination of being involved in the storm, this storm that hit directly carried a very strong repulsive force.

Leibao, who was completely defenseless, was directly pushed away by the repulsive force on the storm.When he recovered from the unexpected repulsion, he was lying on the ground and fell out of the ring.

"The winner has already been divided, and the winner will challenge Fang Wenhui." As Lei Bao fell out of the ring, the battle was decided.Wen Hui became the first student to enter the premium class today and ranked fifth.Correspondingly, Leopard's ranking dropped from fifth to sixth.Wang Wenjie, who was originally tenth, had already shown a gloomy expression, because with Wen Hui's promotion, he was squeezed out of the special class.

"It's an unexpected result. It looks like you're in danger too, Xiaotu." Feng Xiaofeng had an obviously surprised expression on his face.Wen Hui's victory was something no one in the special class had expected.

"Hmph, this kind of good luck won't happen a second time." Although she said so, Yang Jie, the rabbit god who fell from the ninth place to the tenth place, frowned slightly, and turned her eyes to Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the other side and Chu Miaomiao.It looks really dangerous. Let’s not talk about the one who came out first. The little princess of the Chu family has a high chance of success. They are already at the upper level of divine favor. The challenge is absolutely achievable.

"You're too careless, Lei Bao." Lei Bao got up from the ground and walked back. He was greeted by the serious expression of the second-ranked Steel God.

"Hmph, you don't need to meddle in your own business. Even if I was really careless, there are still a few people who can take advantage of my carelessness and defeat me. You'd better be careful yourself. I'm afraid that one won't be as easy to deal with as before." At the end of the battle, even though he had failed, Lei Bao no longer had the previous anger in his eyes.He is not an unreasonable person, but he has a bad temper and is easily provoked.With this failure, his mentality has also improved a lot.

"Yeah, Xiaoyuan, I'm back, little meow." With the joy of victory, Wen Hui returned to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Chu Miaomiao.

"Congratulations. You are the first among us to enter the special class." Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted Wen Hui's return with a smile.

"It's not bad, I'm not ashamed. I'll be next." Chu Miaomiao, who was still indifferent, walked towards the ring where Wen Hui came down, with a smile in her eyes.Pa, when the two passed each other, they raised their right hands and clapped lightly.Although they have been arguing and arguing with each other, the relationship between the few people has become deeper and deeper.

"Excuse me, what student Chu Miaomiao is going to challenge..." Chu Miaomiao walked up to the ring, and the teacher who was the referee still asked with a gentle face.

"I don't need to ask this anymore. I'm right, little princess." Before the referee finished asking, King Kong, who was ranked second, had already stepped onto the ring.The tall and strong King Kong and the petite and cute Chu Miaomiao stood face to face, which was extremely uncoordinated.It's like a combination of a giant and a lolita.

"..." Silently looked up at King Kong, Chu Miaomiao did not speak, but the faint white light emanating from her body fully expressed her choice. In the faint white light, Chu Miaomiao completed her divine descent.It is not a long-range strike mode that is fully armed in a normal state, but a set of tight light armor that covers the whole body.He didn't even summon a weapon in his hand.

In contrast, King Kong's body also began to shimmer with bright silver metallic luster.In the silver light, he also directly used his own divine descent. With King Kong's divine descent, his skin changed from the original blackness to golden gold.Against the backdrop of golden skin, King Kong said he was a human being, perhaps more like a golden statue.

"Okay, the ring match between the second place and the second place in the breakout competition. Let's start." Looking at the fighting spirit of both sides, the referee teacher shrugged helplessly and stepped aside, announcing that the competition was starting.

The moment the referee teacher finished speaking, there was a violent crash on the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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