Chapter 235 Chu Miaomiao's Absolute Power
"Boom." The confrontation of fist and fist erupted with violent roar and strong fist wind.Chu Miaomiao's slender right fist collided with King Kong's thick fist, creating a strong sense of contrast.After one punch, both sides were shocked back a step at the same time.

The moment they retreated, both sides rushed forward and punched again almost at the same time.The two fists, one big and one small, collided again, and the impact sounded like a missile bombing resounded throughout the training area.If the previous battle between Wen Hui and Lei Bao was a confrontation between elements, then between Chu Miaomiao and King Kong was a pure confrontation of strength.

With the second punch, Chu Miaomiao took another step back, while King Kong took a step and a half back.The next second after the retreat, the two sides punched again.The fists, one big and one small, collided for the third time, but this time the result was beyond everyone's expectations.Chu Miaomiao didn't take a step back, but King Kong was sent flying, almost falling out of the ring.

"It's really dangerous. I almost lost directly. This time, the little princess' God of War will strengthened so fast. Three punches knocked me away. If it was before, it would take ten punches at least." The dust on his body climbed up from the ground, and King Kong looked at Chu Miaomiao with a more serious expression.

"I'm already stronger than you, let's end it quickly." The intersecting of the three punches made King Kong feel Chu Miaomiao's progress, and also let Chu Miaomiao fully understand King Kong's strength at this time.

Compared with the previous two fights, King Kong has indeed become stronger, but compared to himself, he has become weaker.Because recently, Chu Miaomiao has become stronger faster.Now the pure power has completely surpassed King Kong.And also as the existence of the upper level of divine grace, there is no gap in the level of divine power.not to mention.Chu Miaomiao also obtained a special new ability last night.

Chu Miaomiao's progress is really terrifying. There was a big gap between her and herself a month and a half ago, and her basic strength was completely inferior to her own. Chu Miaomiao will probably get stronger and stronger, the longer the time delays, the worse it will be for King Kong, so it is right to fight quickly, but the winner belongs to me.

"Better than me? It seems to be true, but the battle is not simply determined by strength. The steel chariot." After making up his mind, King Kong roared, his golden skin became more shiny, and his hands clasped chest, and rushed towards Chu Miaomiao with heavy steps.The strongest thing about King Kong is not his strength, but his defense.Solid defense coupled with heavy impact is also his forte.As long as he is hit once, basically no one can stand up again.

"When I see through you, I have already won. Killing consciousness." Chu Miaomiao's silvery pupils began to flicker bright red, and a huge steel giant sword appeared in her right hand. At the same time, a strong A strong killing breath spread from her body, as if she had fallen into a pure killing battlefield in an instant.

King Kong who stepped into the area of ​​Chu Miaomiao's aura had this feeling, as if he had moved from the arena to the battlefield full of blood and killing in an instant, and the person he faced became a bloody executioner.In this atmosphere full of bloody killings, King Kong's footsteps involuntarily slowed down, and his aura suddenly dropped.Even the strength of the body has been weakened to a certain extent.

Compared with Chu Miaomiao's original God of War will to strengthen himself.This kind of killing consciousness newly obtained through the crystallization of divine power has a weakening effect on the enemy.Even according to the firmness of the enemy's consciousness, the degree of weakening will be greatly strengthened.Although King Kong had a very strong defense, his will was obviously not strong enough to be immune to Chu Miaomiao's killing consciousness.So his ability is still weakened.

Wielding the giant sword in his hand, he faced King Kong who was weakened by the speed reduction.Chu Miaomiao directly met King Kong's steel chariot with the spine of his sword.Boom, a louder crash than ever before.King Kong's whole body was shot flying, and fell heavily to the ground.There was a blurred, distorted and dizzy feeling of vomiting in front of his eyes, his willpower was attacked, and he was hit hard again. For a while, King Kong couldn't get up at all.

Papa papa papa, as the footsteps approached, King Kong's eyes finally recovered a little. He looked up and saw Chu Miaomiao's gaze, and then he was greeted by the sword spine's attack again.With a bang, King Kong was knocked off the stage.

Compared with Wen Hui's seemingly 'fluke', this time's battle.What is more prominent is the suppression of strength.From the beginning to the end, Chu Miaomiao showed strength beyond the God of Steel.Relying on strong and terrifying strength, he directly suppressed the steel god, and finally defeated him without giving him the slightest chance to fight back.

Chu Miaomiao's battle was over, and the special class fell into an unusual silence.The premium class treatment for several years in a row, and the challengers who challenged them were defeated time and time again made their hearts involuntarily proud.And the two defeats this time finally made them realize that the premium class is not invincible, and they will be defeated by the new juniors just like the seniors they challenged successfully before.

"Win." Walking down from the ring, Chu Miaomiao just uttered two words to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui who greeted her.

"Oh, I finally defeated my old opponent. You should be more happy, meow." With a helpless expression on her face, Wen Hui stretched out her hands and rubbed Chu Miaomiao's head for a while, messing up her hair directly .

"Don't touch my hair, idiot Hui." Responding to Wen Hui was Chu Miaomiao's 'full strength' punch.

"Ah, it's over, it's over, I was seriously injured, and I have to pay for the medical expenses. The chores for the next month can only be entrusted to you." Wen Hui very cooperatively made an injured look, facing Chu Miaomiao said.

"Don't try to renege." Chu Miaomiao stretched out her hands and grabbed Wen Hui's cheeks, pulling them to both sides and making grimaces, ignoring Wen Hui's painful cries.

"Then, it's my turn next." Seeing Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui's fight, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled, and looked at Huo Wenwu who was opposite.Chu Miaomiao has accomplished her goal.Then it's my turn to go beyond the small goal I set before.

"Well, come on, Xiaoyuan." Letting go of Wen Hui's cheek, Chu Miaomiao looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan seriously and cheered.

"Come on, Xiaoyuan. Beat him." Rubbing her reddened cheeks, Wen Hui finished speaking to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, raised her hand to grab Chu Miaomiao's cheek, and Chu Miaomiao, who had been prepared for a long time, turned sideways to avoid it Wen Hui's sneak attack.

"Well, watch me win." Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked onto the ring after waving his hands behind his back.Time seems to have returned to half a month ago.It is also in the training area, and it is also facing this opponent.Zhuang Xiaoyuan believes that the victory is still her own, but this time the victory will not be as disappointing as last time.

(End of this chapter)

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