Chapter 243 The Mysterious Guardian Captain

"By the way, where's your captain? Have you gone on a mission?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked into the dormitory arranged for him by the guardian team, looked around for a while and asked.Regarding the accommodation conditions, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not dissatisfied at all, she was not a delicate girl, she had even lived in a wooden house full of holes, not to mention that the layout of this room was unexpectedly good at this time.

"Well, the captain isn't very good at dealing with strangers. So..." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Tang Chao's face flushed slightly, and he explained in embarrassment.

"That's it, okay. Then, do you have any other plans next?" Noticing Tang Chao's reddish cheeks and the embarrassing expressions of the other guardians behind her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shrugged and didn't care, and asked instead road.

"Next, I will show you the cafeteria, garage, headquarters, training ground, and the daily combat area..." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan obviously didn't want to hold on to the question, Tang Chao's face showed a smile. With a relieved expression, he began to introduce the follow-up visit plan with his fingers.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Tang Chao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Lei Zeming visited several areas that she had reserved, and got acquainted with the surrounding environment and routes.On the way, Lei Zeming borrowed the jeep that Tang Chao drove back to pick up Wang Xiaofei and Sadahong.The warehousing work of the armor has been completed.Tomorrow, the two of them will be required to conduct short-term manipulation training for the drivers provided by the military.

Time is always passing by quietly and quickly. Unknowingly, it has been three days since Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others arrived in Ningcheng. During these three days, the mecha control training went very smoothly. 90.00% of the pilots can already use the IS machine proficiently. Armored.After all, it is controlled by brain waves, and it does not require long-term practice like keyboard control.The main thing is to adapt.

And the Shiranui Mecha's manipulation training is also effective. Although the Shiranui's manipulation method is a bit more cumbersome than the IS Mecha, it is not too difficult. It is mainly based on brain wave manipulation. The original manipulation method has been replaced by Zhuang Xiaoyuan. improved.A brain wave manipulator is also installed for Shiranui, but the electromagnetic reconnection gun carried by Shiranui still needs to be manually operated to launch.

This day was the fourth day that Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to Ningcheng.In the evening, Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned from the training ground with three members of his research team and Tang Chao who had been following them on protection missions. The driver of the car was still the shy girl with twin ponytails Tang Chao.After the fourth day of training today, the pilots of these new mechs are ready to start combat.

They were not the kind of recruits who had just joined the army, they were originally elite pilots who belonged to the mech group.After adapting to the manipulation method of the new mecha, he can already fight proficiently.Starting tomorrow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others can also get out of training and start free activities in Ningcheng.

However, just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others drove into the gate in front of the dormitory's playground, Ula-Ula sirens sounded all over the city.The city that had been quiet for three days began to become noisy.The tide of evil monsters has begun.

Almost at the moment when the siren sounded in the city, a figure with a bright red aura emerged from somewhere in the dormitory building, dragging a long phantom behind him, and quickly swept towards the southwest of the city.Immediately behind this figure were the twins Liu Wen Liu Wen and Xue Feng whom they both met a few days ago.

"Captain..." Tang Chao yelled louder than before when he saw the leading figure passing by the car and quickly left. Did not follow.

"Let's go too, turn around and go to the city gate. It looks like the actual combat test is about to start today." Looking away from the distant figure, Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at Tang Chao's gloomy face, and a flash of suspicion flashed in his eyes. Said to Tang Chao who was driving with a thoughtful expression.

"Huh?'s very dangerous." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Tang Chao's eyes flashed a light of surprise, but he was quickly replaced by hesitation. He looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan at a loss, and then at the captain's far away direction.

"Let's go, don't underestimate me. I'm not the kind of weak researcher." Patting Tang Chao on the shoulder, she shrank slightly in fright, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled helplessly.Open your mouth and say.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan's divine power cultivation should be seen from her divine power level, it is obvious that she regards Zhuang Xiaoyuan as the patron saint of auxiliary abilities.

How did someone so introverted and timid become the vice captain?And looking at the appearance of several guardians, there is no dissatisfaction.What a strange thing.However, it probably has something to do with their captain.I don't know what kind of person this captain who has been elusive and hasn't seen for three days is like.

Soon Zhuang Xiaoyuan met the captain of the guardian team. At this time, she was outside the city, facing a dozen or so earth-digging demons by herself.Long silver hair fluttered in the air, and the tall girl was holding a huge blood-colored saber in her hand, dancing gracefully in the siege of the earth-digging demons.

While the bloody saber was sliding, a ground-digging level demon was split into two pieces, turned around to avoid another ground-digging level demon's attack, the girl jumped high and came above the head of the ground-digging level demon, the bloody saber in her hand Pointing to the top of the demon's head, under the influence of gravity, the bloody saber plunged straight into the head of the digging level demon.

"This guardian captain's fighting style is really wild." Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the figure who was unscathed in the siege of more than a dozen earth-digging-level demons and split the earth-digging-level demons in half with a wave of his hand. With a deep sigh in his eyes.

The aura exuded from this captain of the guardian has already surpassed the teachers of the Shenzhuang Academy, and even seems to be different from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's uncle Feng Guohua. It is definitely fusion level.

"Blood Soul, stop me, your opponent is me." A thick voice full of anger came from a distance, and at the same time came a very powerful coercion.

"Hmph." A sneer curled up at the corner of his mouth. The captain of the guardian jumped off the head of the slain earth-digging demon and pressed his right hand to the ground. A few words: "Blood killing in ten directions."

As soon as the words fell, swish swish swish, the sound of a sharp sword piercing through the flesh resounded beside the captain of the guardian.Suddenly, a huge blood sword emerged from the ground and pierced through the lower body of the earth-digging demon, directly piercing through all the surrounding earth-digging demons, and completed the lore in an instant.

When the owner of the previous voice came to the captain of the guardian, the surrounding earth-digging demons had dissipated into pieces of ashes.Gradually dissipated with the occasional breeze.

"Blood soul~" The owner of the voice roared, and the scarlet field expanded instantly, covering the captain of the guardian.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Raging God General-Blood Prison." With a sneer, the captain of the guardian also emitted the light of the domain, which was brighter red and bloodier than the light of the Raging God General.The bloody domains of the two contacted each other, resisted, and started their exclusive battle outside the city.

 Add more changes, even if I am lazy and have advanced cancer, I have to get up and type.Thanks to book friend [Bronya Zajcek] for the reward of [-] coins, now there is a hall master at the beginning of the creation of the world.Thank you thank you.

  The members of the guardian team that appeared in the last few chapters are guest appearances provided by book friends over at the starting point, although I have made a small modification.If you are interested, you can browse through the previous posts of the author, and leave a message in it. When a character needs to appear, the author will give priority to using the one in it, of course, it should be based on suitability.Thank you again for watching, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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