Chapter 244 Time Elf's Castle

The domain battle over there has already started, and this kind of high-end battle is not something that Zhuang Xiaoyuan can participate in yet.Although Chloe's intrinsic barrier exists in a similar domain, it's okay to defeat Huo Wenwu's copycat version. Facing the real domain of the God of Destruction level, the divine power consumption at the moment of opening the intrinsic barrier is probably enough to spare Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself 's divine power.

"You guys start to prepare, the mecha team has come." Looking away from the coverage area far outside the city, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ordered to Wang Xiaofei, Lei Zeming and Sadahong who had just got off the car.

When the three of them heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order, they immediately ran to the trunk of the jeep, took out various instruments and began to operate and debug.For this actual combat test, they have installed a monitoring system on each mech, so as to better collect the operation and combat data of the mecha.

Just as the three of them obeyed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order and began preparations, the combat team wearing IS mechs had already quickly approached the city wall.The number of people who came over was not as many as the previous training, only about a quarter of it.It should be diverted to the other three city walls.But even if it is not here, the data of the mechs on the other three walls will be transmitted to the instruments here in real time.

"I'll leave it to you here, and I'm going to do some necessary things." Seeing the IS mecha on the city wall that had already started fighting the demons climbing up, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved at the busy three people, Walk towards the city wall.With the three of them on official business, it's time for me to handle my own private affairs.

"Wait a minute, you can't go there, it's too dangerous." However, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan planned to go outside the city to do something he had planned a long time ago, and even took out the card, he was grabbed by the girl with two ponytails who was following her. Pulled.

"I said, you should be able to see my level of strength. Even those who have been demoted from the gods have joined the battle. Why can't I go over." Zhuang Xiaoyuan struggled a few times and couldn't break free when the girl with two ponytails grabbed her arm tightly.With a helpless expression on his face, he pointed to Xuefeng who was holding a naval gun on the city wall, which was obviously manifested by divine power, and said.

"You guys are different. With the luck of that idiot, even if there is only one person, you won't get hurt. And my mission is to protect you." Looking up at the snow wind that was active on the city wall, jumping up and down, Tang Chao's There was a strange look in his eyes.

Even if he turned his head to look at Xuefeng, Tang Chao's hands were still holding on to Zhuang Xiaoyuan firmly and would not let go for a moment.But soon Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought of something, his eyes flickered slightly, his empty left hand stretched out his index finger and pointed at Tang Chao's back, with a very deliberately surprised expression on his face, he shouted: "Hey, your captain is back."

"Zero is back? Where?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shout, Tang Chao's eyes flashed with surprise and he turned his head to look, and the strength in his hand could not help but loosen.Taking this opportunity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan broke free from Tang Chao's hands instantly with her right hand, and raised the card in her hand high, dazzling golden light bloomed in the city.

"You lied to me, I can't let you go to a dangerous place." Seeing that there was nothing behind him, Tang Chao knew he had been cheated, and the golden light in front of him also showed that Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to sneak away.A dark blue halo shone slightly on his body, a pair of cats appeared on top of Tang Chao's head, a slender tail behind him shook slightly, and Tang Chao quickly pounced on Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the center of the golden light.

"Hey, let's take a step first. One bullet." The huge clock flashed behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, accompanied by a crisp gunshot.Tang Chao rushed directly to nothing.Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already appeared on the city wall, and was still standing on the pier outside the city wall.

A head of long black hair was tied into two braids, one long and one short, and it drooped slightly happily. The neat bangs hung slightly obliquely on his forehead, and a few strands of slender hair fluttered in the wind beside his cheeks.

The slender limbs make people feel as if they will break with just a little force. They don't seem to have strong strength at all, but they make people feel pity.On the astonishingly beautiful face, there is a pair of very different pupils inlaid, and the right eye is as clear as a ruby ​​red.And the left eye is bright gold like a topaz, but this piece of gold reveals the shape of a clock, and the hands on the golden clock in the left eye are still slowly turning as time goes by.

Under the strange eyes is a straight nose bridge and lips as delicate as cherry blossom petals. In such a beauty, there is a devil-like charm that can capture a man with just one interlacing of eyes.Her skin was also very fair, not sickly pale, but as white and smooth as a pearl.

Standing on the city wall at this time, she was wearing a black and blood-colored Gothic outfit, and she was holding an ancient spear of different lengths in her hands.

This elf who seemed to have fallen into the mortal world formed a very strong contrast with the vicious demons outside the city.It makes people feel more and more pitiful.She is the third in the sequence of the tree of life, representing the particle of understanding, the elf of time-Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Ah, so much, so much, so much. I don't know if it can satisfy my desire." With a charming smile on his face, he looked down at the boundless demons below him.Zhuang Xiaoyuan kicked off the city wall.

"City of Eating Time." As Zhuang Xiaoyuan descended into the group of demons, rose-red shadows spread from her feet, as if the color of a certain domain, but a completely different ability from the domain expanded.

As the rose-red domain covered the surrounding ground, large areas of demons were restricted in place and unable to move. Chariot-level demons could still struggle to move a few times, but they couldn't move as freely as before, let alone those low-ranking soldier-level general-level demons. up.The general-level demon was completely unable to move, and could only fall to the ground as if being suppressed by gravity.And the soldier-level demon even began to decompose in this rose-red area, turning into fly ash.

"Ah, this is this. More, I want more. Hahahaha." Standing in the immobilized demon, the pointer in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's left eye that was slowly moving with time began to reverse rapidly, and the time of the surrounding demons Began to be absorbed by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

This is the purpose of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's coming to the front line. Tokisaki Kurumi's Twelve Bullets can travel back in time.If you want to resurrect Feng Xiaoxuan, you don't necessarily need the ability to resurrect others. If you can go back to that time and directly save Feng Xiaoxuan who must die, history will change, and Feng Xiaoxuan can also be resurrected in another way.

But Tokisaki Kurumi's time ability cannot be used indefinitely. Her ability consumes not only Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own divine power, but also her time, which is lifespan.

If you want to use the Twelve Bullets, you need to go back to five years ago, and the time consumed is even more terrifying.It's not that it takes five years to go back to five years ago, even 50 years may not be enough.

But in this world, there is still a way to quickly replenish the time that Zhuang Xiaoyuan needs. There is no doubt that these demons who will never get tired, as if they will never die.However, now Zhuang Xiaoyuan discovered that these demons might also have a lifespan.The soldier-level demon that decomposes and dissipates after being absorbed by oneself is the best proof.However, it is also possible that it is just a physical breakdown caused by the forced extraction of time.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan absorbed the surrounding demons, each soldier-level demon began to disintegrate and dissipate.After that, the general-level demons didn't last too long, and began to collapse and disappear one by one.However, with the disappearance of the soldier-level demons and the general-level demons, the unintelligent demons behind were completely unaware of the dangers of this area, and still rushed in.Then there is an endless loop.

(End of this chapter)

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