Chapter 245 Auspicious Xuefeng's Good Luck

"I didn't expect that the researchers sent by this central city are surprisingly powerful." The eyes were involuntarily attracted by the rose-red area created by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Liu Wen's eyes no longer had the original impatience, but a touch of surprise.

"Ah, it's really surprising. But it's better for us to focus on ourselves now. The halo of good fortune." Standing in a mecha troop, Liu Wen looked very inconspicuous, but with the huge silver cross in his hand, Inserted on the city wall, the emerald green light spread out around the cross, bringing an emerald green halo to the mechs around.

When the mech was equipped with this emerald green halo, it could only damage general-level demons, but could not resist the bullets of chariot-level demons. The general who was originally unkillable was torn to pieces a few times before the firepower of this bullet.

The emerald green halo created by Liu Wen greatly enhanced the attack power of these mechs.Not only that, but the original speed and flexibility of these mechas have also been greatly improved.It even surpassed the limit of the mech itself.After the new IS mecha joined the battle and entered his halo, the effect of the increase became more obvious.

"Hey, I understand." There was a sneer of contempt on the corner of her mouth, Liu Wen did not stay on the city wall with Liu Wen, but jumped off the city wall just like Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The handle of the huge black sickle in his hand was turned upside down and inserted towards the ground.

"A blow to convict." With the surge of divine power in Liu Wen's body.The ground under her feet turned black quietly, and pitch-black ghost hands stretched out from the ground and grabbed the surrounding demons.

With the contact of ghost hands and demons, the defense, speed, strength and even resilience of the demons were greatly weakened.Facing the strengthened mecha bullets, the weakened demons directly grew from ferocious beasts to farmed livestock, and several of them were instantly torn apart by the firepower behind them.

Once the blow was completed, Liu Wen began to shuttle in the dark land. The scythe of doom in her hand danced quickly and passed through the demons. Only.

The demons hit by her had strange changes, some were frozen by pure white ice crystals, some fell into chaos and began to attack other demons around them, some fell into a deep sleep that demons would never enter, and even Some of them just started to crumble and disappear after being scratched a little.

There is no need for Liu Wen to go back and harvest these demons in various states. The fighters of the mecha team behind them seem to be used to it. Some people follow Liu Wen and start to move forward to harvest the demons injured by Liu Wen. .

"Hey, that's great. Xuefeng also wants to go with Senior Liu Wen." Seeing Liu Wen leading a group of people among the demons, and attacking the demons with naval guns on the city wall, Xuefeng showed envy expression.

"Ahem, I think it's better for you to stay in the rear. If you follow, the troops that returned uninjured might be completely wiped out." Holding down Xuefeng who was eager to try, Liu Wen stared at her with a serious expression.

"No way, Xuefeng is not the god of plague, but Xuefeng is a good boy blessed by auspiciousness." The dissatisfied Duduzui, although honestly quieted down, it was obvious that Xuefeng was very dissatisfied with Liu Wen's words.

"Ah~" A green beam of light flashed past, brushing Xuefeng's side and piercing the arm of the mecha beside her. Seeing the flashing electric current, this mecha was definitely scrapped.

"Chirp." Immediately afterwards, another emerald green light beam shot out from the group of demons, brushed against the other side of the snow wind, and directly smashed the machine gun on the city wall.The soldiers who were so frightened to use their machine guns retreated far away.

"Look, the child blessed by auspiciousness. All the good luck has gone to you, and everyone who follows you will be unlucky." Shrugging at Xue Feng, Liu Wen pulled out a cross handle from the ground. The long sword stood in front of him, and an emerald green light beam splashed on the long sword.

"..." Speechless, the facts are the best proof.Depressed pouted.Xuefeng vented like a large naval gun, aiming at the group of demons below and started a continuous artillery attack.

In the rose-red area, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not stay in place, but walked out step by step, meeting more demons rushing in.As the demons entered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's time-eating city, more time flowed out from the demons and was sucked into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body.Not enough, not enough.Come on, come on more.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan was walking forward, a few dark shadows ran in the shadow of the demon, and quickly rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the center.The original black shadows were not very conspicuous in this deep rose-red area, and these shadows approached Zhuang Xiaoyuan with the help of the shadows of demons scattered around, making it even more difficult to detect.

"Die, you hateful guardian." Almost at the same time, a king-level evil god with a black magic pattern engraved on his forehead jumped out from among the shadows near Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Hee hee hee, it seems that the time-eating city is not very effective for the same level." A dark shadow similar to the king-level evil gods appeared under the feet, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan sneaked into it, making several king-level evil gods rush into the air.

"One, two... six and seven, that's not a lot. But in terms of quantity, I still have the upper hand. After eight." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who came out from the other side, counted the evil gods one by one. With a seductive smile on his face, he raised the short gun in his right hand and pointed it at his head.

The huge clock on the back, Angel Ke Kedi, emerged, and the red and black energy flowed out from the number eight pointed by the hour hand, and flowed into the short spear.Crack, accompanied by the crisp sound of gunfire, an identical figure appeared beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan. This was Zhuang Xiaoyuan a second ago.

Papapapa, the series of gunshots made the evil gods on the opposite side feel a little terrified.Because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shooting.Beside her, there are more and more identical figures.

Eight bullets, one of Tokisaki Kurumi's twelve special bullets.Can reappear one's own past, which is equivalent to having a clone of one's own body and consciousness.Although this kind of avatar does not have the special power of the deity, the strength and speed of the elf body itself are far beyond ordinary people.Moreover, these avatars can be stored in the shadow without limit, and can be summoned at any time before they are used up.

Not only that, after possessing the avatar, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can freely exchange positions with the avatar.That is to say, at the moment of death, let the clone replace oneself.Although this clone is the past self, it is not the past.If you want to say it, it should be an existence like a copy of yourself in a certain timeline in the past.So the death of the avatar will not affect the past self.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped firing the gun in her hand and looked at the seven king-level evil gods facing her with a smile, dozens of identical figures had already appeared beside her.With Zhuang Xiaoyuan standing close together, these king-level evil gods didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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