Chapter 246 Tang Dynasty Died of Anemia
"Come on, let's go." One of the dozens of Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved his right hand towards the king-level evil gods, and a large group of Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed towards the evil gods.That picture really makes people can't help but shed tears of pity for them.

"Huh, I didn't expect you to hide such a trick. But it's useless to resist. Soon you will feel the deepest despair." The black blade burning with anger met the guardian captain's blood blade Hit, suppressing the captain of the Guardian to retreat step by step. In terms of strength, the tall and strong Blood Prison really had the upper hand.

"Despair? I've experienced enough of that kind of thing." The bright red blood flowed down from his left hand, and a slender blood blade was lifted up obliquely, slashing towards the blood prison.When Blood Prison retreated, the huge blood blade in his right hand followed and swept towards Blood Prison.At the same time, in the field controlled by the captain of the guardian, blood swords floated into the air and shot towards the blood prison.

"That's it for today, I will come again next time. Until that time comes." Boom, the bright red flames ignited, blocking all the approaching blood swords and evaporating, and the figure of the blood prison was in the flames. Lopsided.

The captain of the guardian stood still and did not pursue, watching the blood prison gradually go away.It wasn't that she didn't want to stop him.However, feeling the emptiness in his body, the guardian captain frowned slightly, turned around and rushed towards the city wall.Sure enough, she is still too reluctant to deal with the general.
With the departure of the blood prison, the demons around who had been rushing forward also began to retreat one after another.Absorbing the time of the demons within his range and turning them into fly ash, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the demons who had run away, turned around and returned to the city wall.I have absorbed a lot of time today, but it is not enough.

Back on the city wall, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was greeted by the three Wang Xiaofei who had put away the machine, and the guardian captain and Tang Chao hugging together.A faint smell of blood filled the air.The smell of blood came from the two people hugging each other.

"What's the matter?" Noticing the strange gazes of Wang Xiaofei and Tang Chao at Captain Guardian and Tang Chao, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a hint of doubt.Is there anything strange about those two people?Just a hug.

With a snap, the two hugging each other finally let go.At this moment, you can see the pale face of the guardian captain.But in the short time when she raised her head, her paleness was quickly replaced by rosy.The slapping sound was the sound of Tang Chao falling to the ground.

At this time, Tang Chao closed his eyes slightly, and fell to the ground with a faint smile on his face, his face and skin revealing a pale and dead air.There is no trace of life in the body at all, as if dead.No, it was really dead.The fluctuation of divine power in her body also gradually weakened as she fell to the ground.

"You bastard, what did you do?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan was shocked by this sudden scene, and then a deep anger welled up from the bottom of his heart.The exposed wound on Tang Chao's neck was obviously bitten by someone, and according to the posture of the two embracing each other just now, the murderer was Captain Zero.

"Ahem." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help rushing towards Zero, Tang Chao, who was already dead on the ground, coughed, opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.At this time, she looked completely healthy and energetic. The previous paleness, lifelessness, and wounds all disappeared.

"Hey, what's going on here?" A screeching brake stopped in front of Zero, looking at Tang Chao who seemed to have just woken up and sat up on the ground, with the tail of a cat behind him swaying coquettishly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had no idea what he should do at this time. What kind of expression did you make?

"It just ate her. Tang Chao, bring me some food later." With a cold face, he glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and Ling's eyes swept over Tang Chao on the ground.He turned around and walked towards the city.

"Eat... what's going on?" Seeing the indifferent captain of the guardian go away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze turned to Tang Chao who was still sitting on the ground.This seems to have a lot of inside information.Listening to the content in the zero chapters is really a bit creepy.

"I'm sorry, she has always been like that. The battle just now consumed too much blood, and it must be replenished immediately to eat me. And today's battle should be very intense, and it is rare to eat me three times." Showing a shy expression, Tang Chao apologized to Zhuang Xiaoyuan for Zero's indifference before.

"That doesn't matter, but this is, eat it, and it's three times... You really died just now, right?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out his right hand to Tang Chao who was on the ground, and shook his head indifferently, with doubts in his eyes.These two people must have a story to use the word "eating".People can't help but think crookedly.

"Well, thank you. Zero, ah, is our captain. Her patron saint is the blood soul. She is very powerful in combat and can control her own blood, but after every battle, she will fall into anemia. She must drink other people's blood to maintain herself life." After a little hesitation, Tang Chao reached out and grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand and stood up, explaining as he stood up.

"So, was she sucking your blood just now?" Hearing Tang Chao's explanation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had some understanding of Ling, so it was a side effect of her patron saint or something.But sucking blood seems to suck people to death, but this dead person is still standing in front of him, talking with a full of energy.It's really weird to think about it that way.

"Well. As long as he starts to suck blood, Zero can't control his bloodthirsty desire, and he can't help but suck too much. Before I came, I used those humans who were found to be possessed by evil gods to supplement, but after all, the number is not enough. Many. And every time they will suck people to death. Although those people are possessed by evil gods and can no longer restore human beings, they still blame themselves for killing Zero." Nodding, Tang Chao explained while defending the captain.

"Before you came? That is, after you came, did he suck you specifically?" This is easier to guess.Now that this is said, it means that Tang Chao should have a special ability to become Zero's smoking target without damage.

"Well, because my patron saint is a cat god, its combat power is average, not as strong as Zero. But cats have nine lives. I have the ability to resurrect nine times a day, so even if Zero sucks my blood, I will It will soon be revived at full strength." Nodding again, Tang Chao showed a shy smile on his face.For being able to become Zero's smoking target, the girl with twin ponytails seems very happy.

"Nine times... your ability is really amazing." Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't help showing a little envy for resurrecting nine times a day, but thinking of Tokisaki Kurumi who he transformed at this time.

It seems that if it really counts, doesn't Tokisaki Kurumi's ability have a disguised immortal body?As long as you have enough time to replenish, don't say nine times, even nine hundred times you won't die.Thinking of it this way, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't envy her anymore.

It seems that he really got an amazing character, but relatively, Tokisaki Kurumi's own attack power is really insufficient.Although the bullets fired are all equipped with the attack effect of divine power, but it is difficult to deal with higher-level enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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