Chapter 247
"Well, should we go back?" Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already understood the cause of the incident, Tang Chao raised his head and glanced at the direction where Ling left, and asked in a low voice.

"Well, well, just now your captain asked you to bring her food." After saying this, seeing Tang Chao showing a shy expression again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded in satisfaction, turned and said to the three people watching the theater behind him. : "Clean up, we are going back, the actual combat data has been collected."

"Don't worry, team leader, everything is normal, the data collection is complete, and none of the new IS mechs are damaged." Wang Xiaofei gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a thumbs up with a big grin.

"Then let's go back, it's almost dinner time." Withdrawing Tokisaki Kuumou's transformation state, the time absorbed before seems to have not existed, and he can't feel the strangeness of the body at all, but in the Tokisaki Kuumou's photo The number 9954 is clearly displayed on the character card.

According to the number of demons absorbed before and the difference between the time the demons were sucked out and the time they entered their body, the four-digit unit should be calculated in terms of days.That's 9954 days, or a little over 27 years.

It seems that wanting to go back to five years ago is not as easy as I imagined.It's not how much time you can get as much time as you absorb the target.There is a clear difference between these.The time ratio is really very different, which makes people helpless.

This also means that a single demon can provide not much time, and the actual time obtained is much less than imagined, although according to human observation and research, demons are a species of immortality, they are not normal physical creatures , is a contradictory creature between spirit and flesh.

But after absorbing the time of the demon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that the time for this immortal species to be absorbed by him was not as long as he imagined.Although it varies from individual to individual, it is within a certain range.Of course, one thing is not unexpected, that is, the stronger the demon is, the more time it will take to be absorbed by him.

Based on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous feelings, he vaguely estimated the time it took for different demons to be absorbed by him.Soldier-level demons only provide ten to thirty days.General-level demons take a little longer, about 30 to [-] days, and the time for the small number of tank-level demons to absorb is basically between [-] and [-] days.

The more advanced turret-level and digging-level are probably the real big heads, but with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's current ability, he can't directly absorb their time.Just like those king-level demons, they can move freely in their own area, and they can't absorb their time at all, but they can absorb them smoothly after they are stunned.At least half of the time currently absorbed is what they provide.

If you want to go back to five years ago, you need at least 50 years of time reserves.And if you want to stay five years ago, every second will consume a hundred times the time.In addition, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was going back to save Feng Xiaoxuan, so there was no doubt that she would need to fight. I am afraid that the battle at that time would be very fierce.And Tokisaki Kurumi's combat effectiveness depends entirely on her reserve time, so 50 years is not enough, even 100 years is not enough, and more preparation is needed.

"Team leader, what are we having for dinner?" Wang Xiaofei, who was in the back seat of the jeep driving back, suddenly asked.

"The cafeteria." Zhuang Xiaoyuan recovered from the time calculation, and secretly decided in his heart that he must work hard to collect more time.At this time, when Wang Xiaofei asked this question, she knew what she was thinking.

"Hey, it's the cafeteria again. The food in the cafeteria is not good at all." Even though he was already in his third year, he still spoke coquettishly. He really didn't look like an adult at all.

"Huh? The food in the cafeteria is obviously delicious. Doesn't it suit your taste?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't intend to pay attention to the coquettish adult behind him, but Tang Chao, who was sitting in the driver's seat, asked back with a surprised expression on his face.Letting guests from afar eat unappetizing meals, but her dereliction of duty, at least she thinks so.

"Cough, it's not that it's not delicious, but it's not as delicious as the team leader's." When asked by Tang Chao, it was as if she was accusing her of poor hospitality, and Wang Xiaofei couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment.

"Team leader? Does the team leader mean Xiaoyuan? Can Xiaoyuan know how to cook?" After getting an answer from Wang Xiaofei, Tang Chao looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan sitting beside him with a surprised expression in his eyes.

"Okay, what do you want to eat tonight?" Noticing the surprise in Tang Chao's eyes and Wang Xiaofei's expectant eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but see Wen Hui Chumiaomiao's happy expression when eating her food.Thoughts flashed across his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shrugged and asked.

Although it's only been a few days, and it's not even a week, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already started to miss them.Wen Hui's energetic smile, Chu Miaomiao's nostalgia despite his coldness, and the warm dormitory full of the atmosphere of three people.

When I was in the academy, I didn't feel that way, even if I didn't see each other for more than a month because of the busy research team, I didn't have such emotions.However, now that we are thousands of miles away, we are only separated for a few days, but we miss each other as if we have been separated for several years.I kind of want to go back, but it's not done yet.Sister Xiaoxuan...

"What do you want to eat... The team leader asked me that, so I want to cook myself. Yeah, that's great, I want mousse cake." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Wang Xiaofei jumped up and almost fell out of the car , but the expression on his face did not show a trace of fright at all, only a strong expectation.

"Mousse cake...that's dessert." Seeing Wang Xiaofei's appearance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that it would be better if he regretted it.

"Then seaweed roll sushi, glutinous rice chicken. By the way, there are also glutinous rice intestines." Thinking of the taste of the long strip cut sushi that she ate during the celebration not long ago, Wang Xiaofei felt that her saliva was about to flow out.This is a glutinous rice control.

"Where's Sister Ming?" Since I plan to do it myself, let's cook all the dishes that several people like, and I should borrow the kitchen of the cafeteria.After getting Wang Xiaofei's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked Lei Zeming who was sitting next to Wang Xiaofei.

"Well, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, fermented glutinous rice ball soup, and shredded apples." When it comes to food, the somewhat introverted Lei Zeming is full of energy and his eyes are shining.After the identification, this is a dessert control.

"What does Lao Sa like?" After asking Lei Zeming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to Sadahong who was sitting behind.

"Seafood sandwiches, saffron pistil Breton shrimp hot soup, salmon sashimi." It seems that he prefers seafood dishes, but it's a good thing he can remember the long name of the European dish of lobster soup.

(End of this chapter)

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