Chapter 248 I want to borrow someone from you

Time does not stop according to human will. That night, Zhuang Xiaoyuan borrowed the kitchen of the cafeteria to cook a sumptuous dinner.At the same time, several members of the guardian team were invited to participate, except for the captain who still did not show up.After the dinner was over, Tang Chao specially reserved a copy and sent it to Ling, hoping she would like it.

After that night, not only the three subordinates of the research team, but also several members of the guardian team began to expect Zhuang Xiaoyuan to show off his skills again.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan won't spoil them, so he just shows off when he is in a good mood occasionally, or when he misses Chu Miaomiao and Wen Hui.

In this way, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stayed in Ningcheng for more than a month, during which the tide of evil monsters came several times.They were all repelled by the efforts of Ningcheng's guardians and the new mechs.Even a plug-level demon that appeared once was harvested by Captain Zero after taking two hits of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection cannon.

During this period, the time on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Tokisaki Kurumi's character card was also increasing rapidly. In every battle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ignored Tang Chao's persuasion and rushed into the tide of evil monsters, frantically devouring the time of the demons. .

Of course, it didn't go smoothly every time, and there were a few times when I encountered an ambush from emperor-level evil gods and earth-digging demons.However, after Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had clones to replace, sacrificed a few clones, he also killed those emperor-level evil gods.Absorbing the time of the emperor-level evil god also greatly accelerated Zhuang Xiaoyuan's time storage speed.

Today, the storage time in Tokisaki Kuang 300 character cards has exceeded 250 years. Although they can continue to be collected, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to feel a little impatient.As early as 300 years ago, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't bear it anymore, and now it has finally been stored for [-] years.So Zhuang Xiaoyuan decided to leave Ningcheng to carry out the Feng Xiaoxuan rescue plan he had planned.

On this day, another wave of demonic beasts was repelled, and after a night of rest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan woke up three people from his research team and a few people from the guardian team early in the morning, and revealed his plan.

"What? The team leader plans to go to the island city? What are you going there for? There are ruins there now. There is nothing there, maybe there are many unknown dangers hidden inside." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's decision, Wang Xiaofei jumped straight away Stand up and resolutely oppose Zhuang Xiaoyuan's risky behavior.

"That's right, there is nothing there anymore. After the human retreat war five years ago, the island city has been razed to the ground by demons." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan talking about the island city, Tang Chao, who was originally shy and introverted He showed a serious expression.

"Not only that, don't look at the tide of demonic beasts that come every few days now, they have not completely receded. As far as I know, the gathering place of demons is not far from the road between Daocheng and Ningcheng. The line of defense is not a simple matter." Liu Wen, who was originally gentle, also frowned and raised objections.

"Huh? Is that so? But I have been there several times, although there is nothing there." Compared with the seriousness of Tang Chao and Liu Wen, the expression on Xuefeng's face seemed very puzzled.

"The adults talk, the children don't interrupt." Liu Wen rolled his eyes at Xue Feng, this child is definitely a special case.Liu Wen was even more rude, she directly covered her mouth with her hand, and pulled her back.

"Wait a minute, Xuefeng, how did you get there?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked, leaving Xuefeng behind to stop Liu Wen's actions.Although several people were against it, this matter had to be done, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already made a decision, even if everyone opposed it, it was useless.

"Me?" Xue Feng tilted his head suspiciously from the stares from all around, did I do something bad again?However, when he heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, the child replied very straightforwardly: "I just walked over there, and I haven't encountered a single demon before."

"Madoka, Xuefeng's opinion is completely meaningless. She is born with good luck, no matter how dangerous the place is, she will not have any accidents, but the people who follow her are more likely to attract the disasters she avoids. " Sighing helplessly, Liu Wen raised his hand and patted Xuefeng's shoulder and said to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Luck, maybe it's feasible." Hearing Liu Wen's opinion before, he also treated Zhuang Xiaoyuan's difficult journey to the island city with seriousness.But after hearing Xue Feng's answer and Liu Wen's evaluation of Xue Feng.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but stretched out her right index finger and tapped her lips, but felt that going to the island city might be surprisingly easy.

"It's feasible? Do you still decide to go?" Frowning tightly, Liu Wen still couldn't agree with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's decision, not only Liu Wen, but also several other people. A blank expression on the face.

"Well, I've made up my mind. This is what I have to do. But I want to borrow someone from you." There was a slight smile on his face, but the firmness in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes answered Liu Wen's last question.

"Borrower? Let me state in advance that we won't mess around with you. Every guardian is an important force for Ning Cheng." Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan's request was not rejected outright, Liu Wen's words made it very clear.At this time, Liu Wen looked more like the manager of the guardian team. As the deputy captain, Tang Chao just sat quietly and watched anxiously.

"Oh, don't worry, the person I borrowed, even if you go with me, you don't have to worry about her." She has already made up her mind, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan is determined to achieve her goal this time.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, the guardians sitting around and the three members of the scientific research team couldn't help but look at the person sitting on the side.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing looking at Xuefeng? Could it be that I am the one who wants to borrow it?" The sights gathered around him made Xuefeng show a surprised expression, and pointed his index finger at his nose.

An hour later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Xuefeng arrived at the gate of the city.Those who sent them here were everyone who had been opposing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's decision before.Although they were opposed in terms of opinions, Zhuang Xiaoyuan really made this decision, and everyone still made every effort to make perfect preparations for Zhuang Xiaoyuan.There are all kinds of things such as food reserves, simple field survival tools and so on.

"Okay, let's stop here. If everything goes well, we will be back soon." As the door slowly opened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said goodbye to everyone behind her, and responded with concern, arrogance, or accusation. say goodbye.

"Madoka, how do we get there?" Although Xuefeng's character is a bit natural, heartless.But when she was about to leave, she was still a little worried.Not worried about herself, but worried about Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"You just go according to your original method. Don't worry about me, I will follow you." Nodding to Xue Feng to let her go on her own, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a character card.

(End of this chapter)

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