Chapter 249 The Interference Time
Accompanied by the dazzling golden light, black bat wings, petite figure and small canine teeth around the mouth.Miss Remilia appears again.Looking up at the sunlight in the sky, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly and took out a red spell card.A faint red mist diffused from the spell card, this time it was not used on a large scale, but wrapped around Zhuang Xiaoyuan to block all the sunlight for her.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan performed the transformation, Xue Feng didn't stop, she obediently set out to the island city at her own pace, squatting down from time to time to look at the wild flowers on the ground, and chasing the dandelions blown by the wind.

Although these actions seemed like children's actions and took a lot of time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't show up to stop her, and kept following her in a state of red mist.The red mist that blocked the sun could not see Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body inside at all, only the bright red pupils flickering slightly in the red mist.

In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's bright red pupils, not only Xuefeng's playful behavior, but also the changing direction of fate are revealed.Every time Xuefeng stopped her progress and started to play around because of something, her fate showed that she avoided a huge danger.

At this time, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan needs to do is to try to bring his current fate line as close as possible to Xuefeng's.Just now Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Xuefeng said that they would follow her closely. This sentence not only means that the body that can be seen by the naked eye will follow her closely, but also that his own fate line will closely follow her fate line.

Although Remilia's grasp of fate is not complete, especially Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own strength has completely restricted her fate rules.But it is still possible to control one's own destiny, and not to reverse one's destiny, but to deviate slightly and keep up with another fate line that is very close.

In this way, Zhuang Xiaoyuan tried his best to control his own fate line to be close to Xuefeng's.And Xuefeng happily followed his instinct to play along the way.One after the other, the two came to a dilapidated ruin.

This is a real ruin, different from the abandoned city where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui stayed a long time ago.The ruins are no longer what they used to be.Not even the outline of a complete house can be seen.The only complete ones that can be seen are the occasional erected steel beams and columns.

"Yeah, we're here." Cheering, Xuefeng rushed into the half-removed gate of the island city.After ink staining for a long time, I finally arrived at the island city.At this time, the sun had already begun to slant westward, and it was almost three o'clock.

"Wait a minute." Red Mist stretched out a hand to hold Xue Feng.The red mist on the front faded slightly, revealing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face.After Xuefeng looked over because of his obstruction, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to her with a serious expression: "Xuefeng, the island city has arrived, it's late now, don't stay too long, go back by yourself later. You know, I'm going to do my own thing."

"Oh, no problem." Xuefeng nodded, and didn't ask Zhuang Xiaoyuan what she was going to do. Since she wanted to go back by herself, she obediently went back by herself.She is a good and obedient child.

Watching Xuefeng bouncing into the island city, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also flew in. In a shaded corner, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dispersed the red mist around her body, directly canceling Remilia's transformation state.Sit on the ground, take the backpack on your back and dig out food and water to replenish your energy.It was very tiring to follow Xuefeng's fate line all the time just now. Her fate line is just like her character, which is running around everywhere.

After resting for a while, his spirit recovered and his divine power returned to full state. Zhuang Xiaoyuan then stood up and got ready, and took out Tokisaki Kurumi's character card.Accompanied by the golden light as always, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned into the form of Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Emperor Keke." With the backpack on his back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his short spear in his right hand, pointing high up.Behind the huge clock angel appears.The time reserve is sufficient, and the location has already arrived at the island city where Feng Xiaoxuan had an accident five years ago. Her divine power has fully recovered and her mental preparation is complete.Go ahead, my time.

The golden clock in the left eye rotates quickly, and the time absorbed before pours into Ke Kedi behind him. Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, rich black and red energy flows out from the twelve time scale at the top of Ke Kedi and pours into Zhuang Xiaoyuan In the short gun in the right hand.

"Twelve bullets, I want to go back to five years ago." Absorbing the energy of black and red, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned the head of the gun, pointing the short gun in his right hand to his temple.With a determined look in his eyes, he pulled the trigger.Snapped.Time begins to warp...

"Blood Prison, you are still so useless. It has been several years, and even a small Ningcheng cannot be broken." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others arrived in the island city, no one knew that the place where the demons gathered also welcomed a special guest.

"Lilith, you're here, where is Zhang Wei?" Seeing the woman in front of him, Blood Prison frowned in boredom and asked.He didn't have the patience to deal with this crazy woman.

"Zhang Wei? That idiot is still on his way here, and he was beaten into the universe by a weak human being. It's really useless." Walking to the Blood Prison step by step, the two emperor-level demons behind him knew their tricks She found a chair and put it behind Lilith, and sat down gently on the chair. Lilith looked down at her perfect nails.

"Hmph, he was too careless. But this time all the preparations have been completed. Human beings will never escape from our grasp." He snorted coldly, and was also very dissatisfied with Zhang Wei's embarrassing blood prison. Just his own face, but the faces of all their generals.

"Huh?!" As soon as the Blood Prison finished speaking, Lilith suddenly stood up and looked up in a certain direction.

"What's the matter with you? Suddenly surprised." A flash of anger flashed in the eyes, and the blood prison gave Lilith a dissatisfied look, and asked.

"Haha, what audacity, actually wanting to interfere with the direction of time. But just in time, I was given a chance to intervene." An evil and sinister smile appeared on the corner of Lilith's mouth, and a strong coercion erupted from Lilith's body.Her domain expanded in an instant, and the rules of history began to circulate in her hands.The rules mastered by the envious general Lilith are history, the history of demons, but the history of demons in this world is full of human beings.

Almost at the same time as Lilith broke out in the domain, somewhere in the Shenzhuang Academy thousands of miles away also broke out a domain aura that surpassed everyone.This field is filled with the rules of time and space.

"Have you regained the time ability? No, it's different from the impression. This time it's the positive one? Tsk, I knew that crazy woman wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble. But I haven't asked my opinion yet." In the field of time and space, Dean Ellie is suspended in the air, looking to the southwest, which is the direction of Daocheng and Ningcheng.

The time of the world began to distort, and under the interference of three different forces, it began to move in an unknown direction.But at this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know it, and still carried on her time journey with full expectation and firm determination.

(End of this chapter)

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