Chapter 250 Are You Time Traveled Or Reborn?
The moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled the trigger on her temple, it felt different from the previous eight bullets.After the twelve bullets were ejected, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt the distortion of time and the sense of tearing from the surroundings, but this feeling was fleeting. When Zhuang Xiaoyuan recovered from the dizziness of time distortion, the surrounding environment had already significantly changed.

When she came back to her senses, Zhuang Xiaoyuan found that she was still in the original alley, but the incomplete wall of the alley became smooth and clean, and the depth of the alley that could be illuminated by the sun turned into a darkness that the light could not reach.But outside the alley, people come and go, no longer as few people as before.

From the looks of it, it was successful. Although I can't be sure what time it is now, it was definitely five years ago.Because this is the island city, and it is still the island city before it was destroyed.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lifted the heavy backpack on his back and walked out of the alley.The successful slack made Zhuang Xiaoyuan not notice the strangeness around him, or a certain strange existence was not perceived by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

So, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was walking towards the outside of the alley, he couldn't help but tripped.Even if he has a physique that is far beyond ordinary people, if he eats it unexpectedly, he will be tripped, not to mention that Zhuang Xiaoyuan is at the most relaxed moment right now.

So back to five years ago before taking the first successful step, Zhuang Xiaoyuan failed to take the first step. If she hadn't stretched out her hands at the last moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan might be in a doggy posture at this time.

"It hurts, what is it?" Turning over and sitting on the ground, she patted her painful palms, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned her head to look at the culprit who tripped her.I saw a slender leg sticking out on the ground of the alley, blocking half of the road in the alley.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I tripped you. However, it is mainly your own responsibility for not paying attention to the road conditions." A cool and hoarse voice came from the shadows, and it sounded like the owner of the voice was not very old. big.

"Hey hey hey, although I have my own reasons for not paying attention to the road conditions, can you put it this way, you are also responsible for stretching out your legs to block the way out, okay?" Although now is not the time to pay attention to such trivial matters, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's time is still More precious, but the voice from the shadow made Zhuang Xiaoyuan involuntarily refute.

"So, haven't I already apologized. If you want to go out, get out quickly. Don't block me here and hinder my sleep." The cool and hoarse voice came again, and at the same time, she also retracted the stretched slender calf into the shadow .

"What's your attitude?" Although he was very dissatisfied with the other party's attitude, Zhuang Xiaoyuan really didn't have the time to talk to this faceless guy anymore. Back to five years ago, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's time was quickly wasted, and he didn't have time at this time Been here arguing with people.

"Gululu~" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up and was about to leave, there was a strange sound in the shadows that made Zhuang Xiaoyuan stop involuntarily: "I said, are you hungry?"

"..." There was silence in response to her, I don't know if it was shy or didn't want to pay attention.The voice in the shadows did not sound again.

"Ha." After a little hesitation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sighed, and turned back to the original step.Squatting down in front of the shadow, took the backpack on the back and rummaged through it, took out all the dry food that the guardians and the research team had prepared for themselves and put them in front of the shadow, then zipped the backpack and put it back on it again and turned to the little boy. Go outside the alley.

"You don't need to give me food. I won't starve to death." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was about to leave again, the voice in the shadow finally sounded again.

"Will you be hungry? Well, even if you can't die, it will be hard to be hungry all the time. Anyway, I don't need it, and I can't help you for the time being after eating." With his back to the shadow, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped He almost walked out of the alley without stopping.

"Hey, what's your name." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped into the sunlight and was about to leave the alley, the cool and hoarse voice came from behind again.

"My name is Zhuang Xiaoyuan. If you want to repay me, please remember my name." Waving behind her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped into the sunlight.Daocheng, the Daocheng before it was destroyed, sister Xiaoxuan, here I come.

"Who will repay you, stupid little girl. Zhuang Xiaoyuan. My name is Niles, I can't hear you anymore." Watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan walk into the sun, Niles said her name.After speaking, she looked at the dry food on the ground.The body under the shadow moved slightly, and a pale arm stretched out of the shadow.After that was a delicate and immature face.and long silver hair.

Walking out of the dark alley, there is an old street that is not prosperous.Although there are people coming and going, there are not many.There are a few scattered stalls on both sides, all of which sell common and cheap commodities.

"Brother, can you tell me the current time?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped a passing peddler after surveying the surrounding environment a little, and asked with a polite smile.

"Time? Well, let me see, it's 34:[-] noon." Faced with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's polite smile, although her outfit felt a little strange, and the clock-like eye was also very strange, the peddler didn't either. Rejecting her, he looked up at the cheap electronic watch on his right wrist and replied.

"Well, brother, I'm sorry, I still want to ask what year and month it is now." After receiving the hawker's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't let him leave, and asked again with a smile.

This question received strange scrutiny from the peddler. Originally, he thought that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's black and red dress was a bit strange, not like the clothes that ordinary people would wear, but now he felt even more strange.The peddler may have regarded Zhuang Xiaoyuan as crazy in his heart, and most people would ask the year and month when they ask the time.After looking up and down at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the peddler said, "Big girl, have you time-traveled or been reborn?"

"Eh, how do you know. But this should be considered time travel, I came back after five years. Brother, do you also wear it?" Wei Wei was stunned, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes also became strange, looking at the peddler, But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like someone who has timed or reborn.

"Big sister, would you like a few more? I have a lot of books here, most of which are at the level of divine books decades ago, whether they are time-traveled or reborn, and even transformed." Mimi smiled, and the peddler pointed to the frame behind her and said.

Come on, almost not surprised.It turned out that I was a book seller, and thought I was fascinated by reading novels.Gently patted his little heart that almost jumped out just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked away from behind the vendor: "Brother, please tell me the year and month of this year first."

"Big sister, you are too deep into the drama. Come on, today is No. 144 in April 14 of Disillusionment." The look in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes became more and more strange, but the hawker finally told Zhuang Xiaoyuan what time it is today.

(End of this chapter)

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