Chapter 251 Both parties' respective preparations

"April 144, 4. Isn't it today? It's 14:34, and there are two and a half hours left." Slightly stunned, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out his portable terminal and adjusted the time.I didn't expect that this backtracking would happen so coincidentally on the day of Feng Xiaoxuan's accident. In two and a half hours, this city will usher in an extremely catastrophic wave of demonic beasts. Time is running out.

"Brother, don't sell books. There will be a big accident in more than two hours. You should find a place to hide, wait, you should prepare to go to the portal or the airport, maybe there is still time to run out. "After confirming the time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted the peddler on the shoulder and left his advice, completely ignoring the peddler's crazy look, turned around and left in a hurry.

"There are still two and a half hours. I will succeed." Inwardly encouraging herself, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took out a map from her backpack as she walked forward. This is a map prepared in advance and copied from the library when she was in college. come here.Is the place where the guardian of the island city is stationed in Nancheng District?

Finding his own location first, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly moved towards the guardian base while checking the location on the map.An hour later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had gone around several times, finally arrived at the guardian base.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The gate of the guardian base was unguarded like other cities. Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked in directly, and just as he entered, he met a girl who came out of it.

"Sister Xiaoxuan?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan widened her eyes slightly, confirming the other party's identity.That's right, it's exactly the same as in the photo, not Bai Jiangzhu's appearance, but Feng Xiaoxuan's original appearance.Feng Xiaoxuan is still alive.

"? Do we know each other? Sorry, I didn't think of you." A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, he thought for a while, but he didn't have the slightest impression of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance.Feng Xiaoxuan said with a slightly sorry expression.

"I don't know, it should be the first meeting for you. Sister Xiaoxuan, are you the captain of the guardian of the island city? I have something important to tell you." Shaking his head, a trace of disappointment flashed in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes.It's still a bit uncomfortable to feel that people you know before don't know you at this time.

"I'm not the captain, but I can take you to find him. You should be a warrior in magical costume, right? Have you just come to the island city?" Although she didn't know Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Feng Xiaoxuan, who had a keen intuition, didn't feel any malice from Zhuang Xiaoyuan. The faint intimacy made Feng Xiaoxuan take her in naturally without any doubt.

"Yes." Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed Feng Xiaoxuan into the guardian base.While walking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan habitually looked around. Compared with Ningcheng's guardian base, the area occupied by Daocheng is much smaller.It looks like a very ordinary residential house, except that the yard is a little bigger.

"Are you the one who is looking for me?" Because the floor area is not large, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was quickly brought into the room. This should be a study room. At this time, sitting behind the desk in the center of the study room is an acquaintance Zhuang Xiaoyuan. of men.

"Uncle?" Seeing the man behind the desk, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help calling out.The belly draft that was originally written in my heart was emptied in an instant.Why is the uncle who is the teaching director of Shenzhuang Academy here?Yes, it was five years ago.It turned out that my uncle was also in Daocheng five years ago.

"Uncle? The little girl did not admit the wrong person, right?" Feng Guohua raised his eyebrows in surprise. Compared with five years later, he looked younger at this time, and he lacked the majesty later on, which made people feel more approachable.

"Hey, now is not the time to say whether I have identified the wrong person. Captain Feng, please strengthen the island city's defenses and arrange for civilians to retreat. In more than an hour, the wave of demonic beasts will attack the island city, and it will be a very serious attack. With the current combat power of the island city, it will definitely not be able to withstand it." Although he was surprised that Feng Guohua would be the captain of the guardian of the island city five years ago, but now time is running out, and there is no time to reminisce about the past, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly said that the island city is about to face crisis.

"...Who the hell are you?" Feng Guohua rested his head on his hands, looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with serious eyes.

"You may not believe it, but what I said is true. This wave of demon beasts will cause a lot of casualties, and even sister Xiaoxuan will die in battle." Thinking that Feng Guohua was doubting her words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan Again the export was emphasized.

"Calm down, we believe what you said, it's just strange how you know." A hand patted Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shoulder, Feng Xiaoxuan's tone was completely devoid of any doubt, but with a touch of comfort.

"Eh? Don't you guys already know?" Although it was hard to be suspected, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was ready to try hard to explain, but he didn't expect to believe it directly.This made Zhuang Xiaoyuan feel weird instead.

"Well, half an hour ago we received a contact from the central government, saying that the island city would be attacked in the near future. Although it is strange that the intelligence capabilities of the central government. But I have already made certain arrangements." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's doubts, Feng Guohua nodded and explained.

"Central contact? I've never heard of such a thing happening..." Hearing Feng Guohua's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned slightly.It feels like something is not right.

As far as she knew, the island city was obviously defenseless when it was attacked, and the temporary defense network didn't last long, and the final retreat route was piled up by human lives.If there is precaution, it is impossible to fall into that kind of defeat. How strong was the demon that attacked?It seems that there is only one god of destruction in the record.With Feng Guoqing's combat power, even if he can't beat it, it should be okay.

"Haven't heard of it? You haven't told me how you know it? Could it be that your patron saint is a prophet?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan talking to himself, Feng Guohua couldn't help showing a suspicious expression.There was obviously a strange meaning in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words.

"Well, the prescience category can barely be considered. Let me introduce myself formally. My name is Zhuang Xiaoyuan. I come from the era five years later. Please give me your advice, sister Xiaoxuan, uncle." The important information is already known, Zhuang Xiaoyuan He also let go of half of his heart, slightly bent his knees, pinched the hem of his skirt with both hands and introduced himself.

"Hey, Lilith. What are you doing? You called us all of a sudden." Some distance away from the island city, an arrogant voice sounded first, followed by a tall and thin young man with a proud expression on his face. Walking towards the God of Jealousy in the center - Lilith.

"That's right, ah~ I just fell asleep not long ago, and I'm exhausted from running so far." Following the tall and thin young man was a girl with yawning eyes, wearing loose clothes, as if she had just woken up With messy hair, he walked over while rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, it's too slow, you two." Sitting on Lilith's right, a short, fat middle-aged man with a smile on his face looked at a man and a woman who came over.

"Yo, you came early, He Yu, Zhang Wei. Even the Blood Prison has arrived. Huh? There is one less, that guy Zhu Lie, who is actually later than me." Greetings, Long Tian, ​​a tall and thin young man, sat down opposite Lilith with the glasses girl Milan behind him.There was still an empty seat beside the six people who had already sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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