Chapter 254 The Interlude of the Battle of the Island City

"Hehehe, Aurora, I haven't eaten it yet. I don't know what the patron saint of light tastes like." The Devouring Domain and the Aurora Domain counteracted each other, and Zhang Wei stood in front of Feng Guohua and licked the corners of his lips, revealing a white With dense teeth, Feng Guohua also met Zhang Wei.

Back in time, when He Yu released the domain to cover Feng Xiaoxuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also rushed into He Yu's domain.Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not have any detailed records of the God of Destruction in this incident, he only mentioned a word about working together to eliminate the God of Destruction.And the God of Destruction who appeared here now might be the culprit who caused Feng Xiaoxuan's death in battle back then.

History is always distorted, and history recorded by different people will have different changes.Only by experiencing it in person can we know the truth of history.Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't know the truth. She only knew that even Feng Xiaoxuan might not have a chance of winning against the God of Destruction, so she had to help her, even if she used up all the time to use that trick.

"This domain seems to be different." Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed into the domain, but did not feel the slightest feeling of depression.Different from Zhang Wei's field that instantly drains the divine power around him, this field seems to affect people's spiritual will.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached the center of the field, he could clearly feel the vibration of the starry disk in his body, as well as a strange feeling as if his soul was being emptied out. This feeling was very uncomfortable, as if the soul would be pulled out of the body in the next second.

But this state didn't last long, almost when Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt this sense of detachment, a faint black light as clear as obsidian emanated from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's chest, enveloping her whole body, and the strange feeling from the soul disappeared instantly. .

"This is a four-leaf clover." Sensing the light covering his chest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pulled out two four-leaf clover gems from his neckline.At this time, his spade crystal was emitting a faint fluorescence, while Feng Xiaoxuan's cube crystal was trembling slightly in a certain direction.

Looking at the trembling crystal cube, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were fixed, and he took it off his neck and held it in his left hand.Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the short gun in her right hand and pointed at her "one bullet", and under the acceleration effect of one bullet, she ran towards the direction where it trembled.I don't know if this trembling comes from Feng Xiaoxuan's soul or Clover Crystal's own instinct.But it was obvious that it wanted to return to Feng Xiaoxuan's side.

"Dragon tooth flashes." As Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached, Feng Xiaoxuan's voice came clearly.Accompanied by the voice was a flash of dazzling light, Feng Xiaoxuan was still fighting, she was fine.

"Don't be useless, little girl. No matter how hard you try, you can't defeat me. And I just need to wait a little longer, and you will become the ghost of my subordinates." Under the light of Feng Xiaoxuan, He Yu's fat face appeared It was a bit gloomy, and coupled with the ghost-like ghost entangled around him at this time, it gave people such a terrifying feeling.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw them, what he saw was a large number of dead souls surrounding Feng Xiaoxuan. Some of these dead souls looked like humans, and some looked like demons. Most of the dead souls could only bite and scratch, but there were a few Some of them are actually able to use unique combat skills.

And Feng Xiaoxuan quickly shuttled among the dead souls with two swords in hand, and the dead souls disappeared under her hands one by one, but as the battle continued, her speed became slower and slower, and her attacks on the dead souls became weaker and weaker. The light began to dim.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared here, he was immediately noticed by the master of the domain. A part of the undead came out and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan. The diversion of the undead also made Feng Xiaoxuan notice Zhuang Xiaoyuan here.

"Sister Xiaoxuan. Follow this." Noticing Feng Xiaoxuan's gaze, Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled decisively, and threw the yellow crystal cube in his left hand towards Feng Xiaoxuan.

"Idiot, nothing can save her. Besides, how could she receive it." With a mocking expression on his face, under He Yu's control, the surrounding undead jumped up, trying to intercept Zhuang Xiao on the way. Round things thrown past.

Although she didn't think there would be anything that could make Feng Xiaoxuan out of her control, He Yu was a cautious person. Even if it was a small stone, she would not let Feng Xiaoxuan get it.

"One moment later." However, He Yu probably couldn't predict that before the thing was thrown out, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already made sure that the thing would fall into Feng Xiaoxuan's hands.After throwing out the cube crystal with his left hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed him and shot a bullet at the cube crystal thrown out.

With one shot of ammunition and block crystal contact.In an instant, the cube crystal disappeared in place and appeared in front of Feng Xiaoxuan.Feng Xiaoxuan was also very surprised by the cube crystal that appeared directly in front of her across a long distance, but the surprise was only a moment, and Feng Xiaoxuan, who had reacted, stretched out her hand to catch the cube crystal.

With the crystal cube in hand, a faint warmth came from the palm of the hand, and at the same time there was a very familiar atmosphere.His eyes froze for a moment, and a bright yellow light burst out from the cube crystal, surrounding Feng Xiaoxuan.As the bright yellow light covered Feng Xiaoxuan's whole body, the light that had dimmed on Feng Xiaoxuan's body returned to its original brilliance again.

"So it's like this, my future... The future is created by myself. The dragon teeth are shining." The dazzling light shines again, shuttles back and forth among the souls of the dead, and the souls of the dead in the area where the light flashes are all wiped out, with a dazzling light. With light, Feng Xiaoxuan rushed towards He Yu.

"I was actually immune to my domain, which really surprised me. But don't think that you can defeat me without the weakening of the domain. Sinful soul body." Facing Feng Xiaoxuan who was rushing straight towards with light, He Yu burst out With strong suction, all the dead souls around him were sucked into his body.As the undead merged, his body also rapidly expanded.

In a short period of time, He Yu's height has more than doubled. He raised a much larger fist, and He Yu threw it at Feng Xiaoxuan who was coming.The dazzling light collided with the fist with the gloomy soul light, and the light was blown away, but the next moment, the repelled light came out again.

"Sister Xiaoxuan." After killing a few dead souls that surrounded her, Feng Xiaoxuan and He Yu had already started fighting head-on. Zhuang Xiaoyuan was about to help, but a figure walked into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sight and blocked her way.

"This beauty, it's better not to disturb them. Why don't you go on an appointment with me?" A handsome man dressed in a white dress, dressed like a noble gentleman, appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, bowed slightly and stretched out his hand to Zhuang Xiaoyuan invited.

"Who... are you?" Facing the man in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes revealed a serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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