Chapter 255 Variations of the Island City War

"Who are you...?" Looking at the man in front of him who was pretending, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt his heart twitch slightly, something was wrong, something was really wrong.Although it is normal to have a gap between history and the truth, can this be called a gap?
It is obvious that the one in front of him is also an evil god of the level of a god of destruction, with no magic lines on his forehead, red eyes flashing, and strong pressure pervading his body.This is the third place. How did sister Xiaoxuan and uncle resist the attack of the three gods of destruction?It's impossible for the god of destruction to come out only after one dies.

"Ah, ah, I'm so rude. I Zhu Lie, one of the seven gods, the lustful general. How about this little beauty, do you want to come with me?" With an exaggerated expression, Zhu Lie narrowed his eyes slightly, looking up and down at Zhuang Xiaoyuan as if looking at his own things, with a satisfied light in his eyes.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not interested in men. In addition, abducting minors, starting from three years, the maximum penalty is death. Uncle." Although I don't know why the gods of destruction appear one after another, but now I can only go up Bar.While talking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned the gun and pointed it at his temple.

"One bullet." In an instant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared behind Zhu Lie, and at the same time the huge clock angel Ke Kedi appeared behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan: "Seven bullets." The black and red energy flowed into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's short gun from Time Seven, and was captured Zhuang Xiaoyuan shot at Zhu Lie.

"Oh, it's really dangerous. It's just a god-level energy level, and you can use the attack added by the rules. You are the person who interferes with time that Lilith said. I like you very much." A sideways, Zhuang Xiaoyuan The seven bullets passed through Zhu Lie's armpit and flew far away.Still with the original expression on his face, Zhu Lie turned to face Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Lilith... Listen to what you mean, you are not the only ones here." Zhu Lie's ability to respond made Zhuang Xiaoyuan frown slightly, and the information she got from him later made her frown even more.Could it be that there are so many gods of destruction this time because of himself?A small thought appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind.

"Hehe, I accidentally missed it. I can't let you know more. Follow me obediently." Zhu Lie's eyes flickered slightly, and a special charm began to appear in his tone.Zhu Lie's voice reached Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ears, making her stunned for a moment, her eyes lost in thoughtlessness.

"Hehe, in the end it's just a divine favor. Let's go." With a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhu Lie stretched out his right hand to grab Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Crack, there was a crisp gunshot.The bullet containing divine power passed through Zhu Lie's original heart, but missed the target: "You dodged really fast, you almost hit it."

"Interesting, very interesting. There are actually two twins?" Looking left and right, there was no difference between the two Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and Zhu Lie showed an excited expression on his face.

"Say, who knows, you can guess." Zhuang Xiaoyuan crawled out of the shadow under his feet one by one. As the shadow expanded, more and more Zhuang Xiaoyuan surrounded Zhu Lie. Full of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Many, so many of them are exactly the same. It looks like they are clones. If I catch you, wouldn't it be equivalent to getting countless people at once? Haha, you, I'm going to make a decision." A possessive expression appeared on his face, Zhu Lie tore off the white dress casually and rushed over.

"Come on, let's kill him." As one Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved the short gun in his hand, all Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised their guns and started to attack.Although the individual attack power is not large, but when the number is gathered, even the God of Destruction will suffer a little damage.

"It's still not good, the attack power is too weak." Standing on the outermost edge, watching the battle between himself and Zhu Lie at different times, he fell into a one-sided situation.After all, he is the God of Destruction. Although Zhu Lie acted like a playboy, his fighting power was really terrifying.

Every avatar couldn't withstand Zhu Lie's blow, but his own attack on Zhu Lie only left a small skin trauma, and he recovered completely in the blink of an eye.If this kind of battle continued, it would just be a waste of his time, and even if the time ran out, he wouldn't be able to kill him.

After all, it's still too weak, the current self can't have much influence on the God of Destruction, but in the future, can the future self kill the God of Destruction?Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the short spear in his hand.Maybe it's time for me to see how strong my future self is.

"Emperor Keke, the bullet of eleven." The huge clock angel appeared again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan held up his hands, aiming the short spear at eleven and the long spear at twelve.With the rapid consumption of the time stored in the body, the black and red energy in the eleven scales flowed into the short spear.

After spending more than 200 years, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised his short gun loaded with eleven bullets and aimed at a clone beside him: "Wish me a helping hand, I will be in three years."

Crack, accompanied by a gunshot.The eleventh bullet came out of the gun, penetrated the clone's body and entered the body.In an instant, a huge amount of time erupted from the clone, and the clone began to undergo drastic changes.The main body was restored from Tokisaki Kuangsan's state, and then the main body began to grow gradually, and finally grew into the appearance of Zhuang Xiaoyuan three years later.Three years later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's original immature face faded, showing a hint of maturity, but her height and figure didn't seem to have changed much.

"Ale, I really miss this scene." Three years later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the surrounding environment with a calm smile on his face, and there was indeed a faint nostalgia in his eyes.

"Wow, Kuangsan. Sure enough, I want to hug her." Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who looked around, saw her at a glance, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was in Tokisaki Kusan's state, hugged her in his arms in the blink of an eye.

"Let go of me, is it interesting to hug yourself? Also, don't waste my time, hurry up and solve it for me. I didn't ask you to come out to let you hug and disappear." Suddenly being hugged, Zhuang Xiaoyuan Struggling and yelling.Being molested by my future self, I feel really weird.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, we'll solve it right away." Let go of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, three years later Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and turned to Zhu Lie who was surrounded by the avatar. Card: "Arm of God - God's Transformation."

Accompanied by the familiar golden light, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to transform.In the dazzling golden light, a pair of pink wings came out first.The pair of pink wings stretched out as if to cover the entire sky. With the appearance of the pink wings, the golden light gradually dissipated, and the tall figure inside finally began to be revealed in the dissipated golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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