Chapter 256 The Battle of the Island City

The short pink hair flutters in the wind, and the green eyes are calm and unwavering, as if nothing can impress the owner of these eyes. The huge pink wings stretch out, gently flapping to create a gust of wind, and the silver-gray close-fitting armor on the body , highlighting the already plump figure that makes people unable to move their eyes away.

"Icarus..." Zhuang Xiaoyuan murmured her name while looking at the angel girl with outstretched wings.The strongest weapon in the world of things that fell from the sky, with the title of Queen of the Sky, the strategic omnipotent angel that can destroy a country with one blow - Icarus.

"Model α, Icarus, attack." Icarus nodded slightly to Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and looked at Zhu Lie in the clone with his green eyes.The battle mode was turned on instantly, his eyes turned blood red, and a huge angel halo appeared above his head. At the same time, the original pink wings on the back glowed faintly, turning into huge pale green wings of light.

"The enemy is confirmed, the target is locked, and the final weapon-Apollo." After completing the transformation of the battle mode, a huge black longbow appeared in Icarus's hands, and as she pulled the black longbow , the arrow was burning with black and red flames, and the arrow containing the aura of destruction was put on the longbow.

In the future that was summoned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan three years later at the cost of more than 200 years, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the form of Icarus could not stay in this timeline for too long, especially after using divine power to transform into a god, her existence time has already expired. It can be counted in seconds, so it is necessary to make a quick decision. Zhuang Xiaoyuan in Icarus form directly uses the nirvana.

"Turn into a star in the sky." Accompanied by a soft murmur, the arrow carried an aura of destruction, and an afterimage crossed the air and shot straight at Zhu Lie, the God of lust in the avatar.

The sudden sense of oppression and strong sense of crisis immediately made Zhu Lie vigilant, but when he shifted his attention from the endless Zhuang Xiaoyuan avatars around him to the destructive aura, what he saw was the aura of destruction. It was too late to dodge the incoming arrows.

Noticing the huge destructive power contained in the arrow, Zhu Lie's face changed drastically. He never expected that Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had always been regarded as an ant and felt that he couldn't run out of his palm, could actually deliver such a powerful blow.

"The Charm Domain is on, block it for me." Although the destructive aura contained in the arrow made Zhu Lie very vigilant, the power of the Domain is absolute, and all non-Domain attacks cannot break the rules of the Domain. It is everyone's perception.So Zhu Lie directly released his own domain with all his strength, so what if such a blow erupted, the weird energy on your body can be immune to the effect of the domain, but it doesn't mean that your attack can also be immune.

The arrow burning with black and red destructive flames came into contact with the domain released by Zhu Lie. Under the witness of Zhu Lie, the arrow easily broke through his charm domain and directly penetrated the outer wall of the domain, ignoring the rules in the domain, instantly pierced his heart.

"Why, how could it be... like this, the domain... actually..." Zhu Lie's eyes were wide open, and Zhu Lie's eyes were full of unbelievable despair.There was actually an attack that could break through the domain, and what was that blow... Boom, what Zhu Lie, who fell on the ground with his back to the sky, saw the top of his head start to crack, which belonged to He Yu's soul-snatching domain.

When Icarus' Apollo arrow pierced through Zhu Lie's heart, it didn't stop there, but shot straight into the ground, and then the rules of destruction that erupted directly acted on the surrounding Soul Seizing Domain, He Yu's domain also quietly shattered with the explosion of this arrow.

"Come on, I can only help you here. Also, don't be too sad, the final outcome, the final fate is her own choice. Death is the real relief for her." Killed with one arrow Zhu Lie, the god of lust, broke the domain of He Yu, the god of greed.Future Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body in Icarus form gradually became transparent, exuding a faint halo. After this blow, her time has come.

"Her ending? Death is liberation? What are you talking about? Did I fail this time? Wait a minute, tell me clearly." What Zhuang Xiaoyuan said in the future made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes widen. What does the future self want to tell? what?who is she?Could it be Miss Xiaoxuan?Could it be that my return didn't change her fate in the end?
"Hehe, you will know soon. This time, although there are some regrets, it can be regarded as the best ending. Then, goodbye, me." Leaving a meaningful smile, the future Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally disappeared Now, back to my own era.

"Ah~ what does she mean? The best ending, death is liberation, so death is still a good ending. Is it good or bad? Why didn't I know that my own personality was so bad?" Future Zhuang Xiaoyuan After leaving, what was left behind was Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was completely disturbed by her words.

"You actually killed Zhu Lie, you pay him with your life." A cold female voice sounded from behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, disturbed by her future self, and the troubled Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't notice at all that the evil spirit that appeared behind her, when she noticed It was too late to react to the attack from behind.

Boom, the attack from behind was knocked away by a pure black scythe with a strong breath of death, a slightly petite figure appeared behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his bright red pupils stared at the death scythe in his hand, the silver-white The long hair curled up strangely on both sides of the top of the head, forming two hairstyles like cat ears.A body of pitch-black armor reveals a strong breath of death, and the shape of the armor is also full of fearsome viciousness.

"You're really a stupid girl, don't let your guard down on the battlefield. You're weak at first, and if you're not careful, you won't know how to die." Scarlet eyes glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and said to the elder in a hoarse voice coldly Educating the younger generation is generally a mature discourse for those who have come here.

"It's you? How did you do it?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan who turned around didn't recognize the person who saved her at all, but when she heard her voice, she finally merged with a certain figure.Isn't she the one who tripped Zhuang Xiaoyuan while hiding in the shadows when Zhuang Xiaoyuan first came here?

"Who are you, how dare you hinder me?" Lilith moved her slightly numb hands, and looked warily at the cat-eared girl who suddenly appeared.This guy is definitely not simple. I always feel like I have seen this kind of breath before.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, and your opponent is not me. Little girl Ellie, I'll leave her to you. Come out to me, too." The cold gaze swept over Lilith. After the cat-eared girl casually gave instructions to the void on the side, she raised the death scythe in her hand and cut across the shadow on the other side.The breath of death flew out from the sickle, forming a huge death blade and sweeping across.

The moment the blade of death swept past, several streams of domain energy burst out from that position, and they worked together to block the cat-eared girl's blow.As the blow dissipated, three people of different heights, short, fat, and thin came out of the explosion field.

At the same time that the cat-eared girl blasted out three people, a space-time rift opened in the direction she spoke before, and Headmaster Ellie walked out of it.He bowed respectfully to the girl with cat ears, and stood in front of Lilith: "We meet again, the jealous general-Lilith."

(End of this chapter)

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