Chapter 258 The Finale of the Island City War

"The Seventh Bullet." Grasping the moment when He Yu was attracted by Feng Xiaoxuan, a dark shadow overlapped with He Yu's shadow. Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared from behind He Yu, and the loaded Seventh Bullet accurately hit He Yu's body behind.

Time stopped, and as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Seventh Bullet hit the target, the time around He Yu's body was forcibly stopped.This is the power of the bullet of Tokisaki Kuang Sanqi. No matter how powerful the opponent is, as long as he is hit, the flow of time will be stopped. This is the power from the rules.

"Sister Xiaoxuan, take the time now..." After a hit, Zhuang Xiaoyuan yelled at Feng Xiaoxuan who was in the distance, turned around and hid in the shadows, and the surrounding avatars also scattered away.

"Take the move, Xuan Guang Po..." The arrow held in his right hand was released lightly, and the arrow turned into a stream of light, leaving a long afterimage in the air and shooting straight at He Yu.The moment the moonlight arrow got close to He Yu's skin, it stopped advancing and was fixed in place.It wasn't that someone blocked Feng Xiaoxuan's attack, but that the time-stopped target was already independent of time, and the approaching Moonlight Arrow was also stopped in time.

However, this time-stopping effect didn't last long, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have much time to stop, and He Yu's energy as a god of destruction also greatly weakened Zhuang Xiaoyuan's time-stopping effect.But at this moment, this weakening may have accelerated He Yu's fall.

The second after the moonlight arrow was stopped, He Yu recovered from the stop of time, and of course the deadly sharp arrow recovered at the same time.For Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, several seconds had passed.But for He Yu, he just heard the voice behind him, and then this deadly arrow appeared in front of him.

No one can dodge the sharp arrow that is already close to the skin, and He Yu is no exception.So he could only watch helplessly as this sharp arrow that consumed Feng Xiaoxuan's remaining divine power and gathered all the moonlight from the rising moon pierced his heart and came out from the other end.

" did I fall here? Cough, history has changed...why..." Opening his eyes wide, He Yu seemed to see Feng Xiaoxuan, who was burning with life in the original history, with himself and his subordinates The scene where all the emperor-level demons died together.

"Ahem, hahahaha. History has changed, history has changed, Lilith. But it is not you who changed history, but someone else. Ridiculous, too ridiculous." In the last crazy laughter, He Yu forever disappeared from this world.He Yu, the God of Greed, fell.

"We succeeded, Miss Xiaoxuan." Zhuang Xiaoyuan returned to Feng Xiaoxuan's side with an excited look in her eyes.At this moment, she was really excited. He Yu's death not only meant that another God of Destruction God level would be killed, but also meant that Feng Xiaoxuan had finally survived the death test.

"Well, it finally succeeded. In the end, there is only..." Nodding with a smile, the Niyang Bow in Feng Xiaoxuan's hand quietly disappeared as the divine power in her body became empty, and returned to her body as divine power.

Boom, a violent roar sounded from the other side.The five layers of domains mixed together suddenly collapsed and disappeared at the same time, exposing the few people fighting inside.

"Milan~you bastard." The arrogant general Longtian didn't show his original arrogance at this time, as if possessed by a violent general, his face was full of burning anger, and he was embracing him with his hands all over his body. Looking at the body of the lazy god Milan, who is gradually dissipating.The third general, the lazy general Milan-died.

"Hehe, what a terrifying expression. Come here if you have the guts. There are many more humans who have been killed by you, and who cry for those dead souls than you." He was also covered in wounds, and even his abdomen was pierced. Nails, who had an arm thick and hollow, had a relaxed expression on her face, stretched out her left hand and hooked her fingers at Long Tian.

"Ah~ I'm going to kill you." In the end, Milan in his arms turned into ashes and disappeared, and Long Tian stood up with an angry expression and rushed towards Niles directly.

"Don't be impulsive, Long Tian." A hand stretched out from the side grabs Long Tian, ​​but there is no angry expression on the face of the Wrathful God General Blood Prison at this time, but he is staring at Niles with serious eyes.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill her, I'm going to kill her." The furious Long Tian dragged the blood prison forward step by step, but he didn't want to calm down.

"Do you still want to avenge Milan? You are only dying if you rush up like this." The Blood Prison dragged forward by Long Tian forcefully threw Long Tian to the ground with his hands, and cursed loudly with a trace of anger in his eyes.

"Then what do you want? Can you wait for her to die by waiting in place? What you said about avenging Milan is to watch her recover." Furious, Long Tian turned his head and stared at the Blood Prison that was pulling him, covered with blood. The bloody right hand pointed to Niles' wound that was beginning to heal and asked angrily.

"That's right, as long as we wait, we can wait for her to die. Why do you think she is so eager to fight us? Even if she consumes a lot of divine power to recover from her injuries, she must kill one of us first. You saw it just now, right? As long as it drags on, it will be the three of us who will die in the end." The eyes were burning with anger, but the eyes of Blood Prison still had the light of reason.Following his scolding, Long Tian, ​​who was originally furious, calmed down a little, and began to look at Niles who was opposite him.

"Ha, did you guys discover it? I never thought that the furious god general, who has always been considered reckless and impulsive, would be so calm at a critical moment. It really surprised me." The wound on the abdomen had stopped bleeding, and Niles did not After consuming divine power to recover, she couldn't help showing a trace of helplessness when she heard the conversation between Blood Prison and Long Tian.

"See, she can't hold on for long. It should be some kind of combat skill that stimulates the final potential. This combat skill definitely has a time limit. She is the one who dies when the time is up." There was a slight joy on her face, although this A strategy lost several great generals, but if it can kill the master's confidant, it can be regarded as equalizing the merits and demerits.

"Hehe, you are indeed guessed right. I used a combat skill, and there is a time limit. Unfortunately, it is impossible for you to wait until the time for my combat skill is over. Stupid little girl, come and help me recover For the first time, Niles greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan approaching with a smile on her face, and this strange smile made the two generals facing him feel uneasy.

"Four bullets." Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed over, and the huge clock angel behind him flashed past, and the magic bullet containing the power of time was shot into Niles' body, and the wound on her abdomen that had stopped bleeding suddenly began to bleed again, but the next The bleeding wound disappeared in a second, leaving only the damaged armor, and then even the damaged armor returned to its original state, and time was reversed.

(End of this chapter)

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