Chapter 259 The Tragedy of the Island City War

"Senior..." Four bullets shot into Niles' body, feeling the feedback from Niles, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face showed a strange expression, mixed with sadness, heartache, worry, surprise, and reverence from his eyes Show it.

"Hehe." Noticing the emotion in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, Niles showed a faint smile, and patted Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shoulder with her free left hand.Blinking her right eye lightly, this expression looked like a naughty little girl, but in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, what she saw was deep sadness.It was not Niles who showed sadness, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan who showed sadness deep in his heart.

"It's you again. The culprit is you, and I'll kill you today." Long Tian, ​​who had been appeased by the Blood Prison because of Niles' physical condition, erupted again as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's fourth attack took effect. This time the sudden eruption, even the Blood Prison had no time to stop it, Long Tian had already rushed in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his right hand clawed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart.

"It's you who's waiting. Go die for me. A finger of death." Facing Long Tian who suddenly rushed towards him, a glimmer of light flashed in Niersi's eyes. Instead of waving the death scythe in his right hand, he stretched out left middle finger.

As Niles raised her middle finger, a strong breath of death that was hard to see with the naked eye shot straight out and rushed into Long Tian's body.The moment the breath of death rushed into his body, Long Tian's eyes widened, and his attacking right hand couldn't help but retract to cover his heart.

The forward posture also stopped, and he knelt down on the ground.The hands covering the heart contracted for a while.After twitching slightly, Long Tian lost his vitality and stopped moving. He sat down on the ground as if all the strength in his body disappeared in an instant, and finally fell down slowly with his eyes wide open.The black fly ash began to decompose from the soles of his feet, gradually drifting towards the surroundings, the arrogant general Long Tian died.

"Cough cough, cough cough cough. Woo. Stupid girl, cough cough. Give me a few more." After pointing to Long Tian's death, Niles also coughed violently, and bright red blood was coughed out from her mouth. There was a lot of blood on the ground.

Long Tian's death caused a flustered expression to appear on Blood Prison's face, but after noticing Niles' state at this time, his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of eagerness to move.However, when Emperor Keke behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared again, accompanied by a few gunshots, Nels' face returned to its original rosy face, and the blood on the ground disappeared, and Nels even pointed her middle finger at her. when.

The Blood Prison finally couldn't bear it any longer, and didn't dare to come any closer. Instead, it turned around and ran towards the back of the tide of evil monsters. This place is too evil. Four of the original seven generals died, and none of the other party was fine. If you stay any longer, you may be the next one to die.

The first person who noticed the escape from the Blood Prison was Zhang Wei, who appeared earlier to fight with Feng Guohua. His tongue licked the corner of the bloody lips, and his eyes were turned away from the back of the escaped Blood Prison. Li Lisi, Zhang Wei grinned at his opponent and turned to leave: "The taste of Aurora is good, I will save it for you to eat next time. Lilith, the blood prison has escaped, let's go."

"Tsk, don't try to run away. Bright aurora." Feng Guohua, who was bitten on the shoulder, took a few steps forward and raised his right hand towards Zhang Wei. The gorgeous aurora shot straight out, but Zhang Wei easily dodged it.In the end, I could only watch him leave quickly.

"It's really useless trash. I will settle this account with you in the future." The rules of history collided with the rules of time and space again, and Lilith left the last sentence, turning around with an ugly face and escaping into her own historical trajectory leave quickly.This time, let alone being valued by the master, maybe he will be punished by the master.No wonder Lilith's face was so ugly.

"Cough, cough, cough. It's finally over." With the departure of the last three generals, Niles, who had been holding on all the time, finally fell into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's arms.

" are you?" Through the backtracking power of the four bullets, she has already understood the situation in Niles' body, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still couldn't help asking, maybe there is something Niles can do to save herself.

"Don't make such an expression. This is the ending I chose. It's great to be able to end like this." As Niles relaxed her spirit, the time that was originally forced to be extended was quietly released. Niles originally The body full of dead energy became more and more deadly, and the vitality contained in the dead energy became weaker and weaker.

"But..." Although I am not familiar with Niles, I only met Niles once when I came here, and I never even met her face to face.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan still felt that the liquid in his eyes began to accumulate involuntarily.Just now Niles was not fighting for others, but for herself, how could Zhuang Xiaoyuan remain indifferent.

"Hehe, I was already going to die when I met you. I have lived for more than 100 years, from the time when the demons appeared until now. I have seen with my own eyes that relatives, friends and partners left before me. I don't want to live anymore , but my patron saint kept me alive, and it was the power of death that kept me alive..." With memories in her eyes, Niles seemed to see the scene where she and her friends worked hard and laughed together.

"Before I met you, I couldn't bear the heartache and loneliness and wanted to kill myself. It was you, stupid girl, who tripped me without looking at the road, and woke me up when I was about to enter eternal sleep. With a faint smile on her face, there was a hint of warmth in Niles' eyes.

"Obviously you tripped me." Hearing Niles talk about their first meeting, even though she was still sad, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but refuted with tears.

"Don't cry, you should be happy for me. Smile, it's too ugly to cry. After a hundred years of loneliness, I wanted to kill myself and died in the alley. In the end, I didn't live up to the expectations of my partners. Instead, I died vigorously on the battlefield, and I was even buried with four evil gods at the level of gods of destruction. They will also be proud of me." Tremblingly raised his hand, brushed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cheek, and brushed away With that string of teardrops, Niles still had a smile on her face, a smile of anticipation, relief, and no regrets.

"Yeah." She nodded lightly, with tears in her eyes, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan still obediently showed an ugly smile.At this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally knew why the future self would say such words, maybe the future self had already let go of the present sadness, but at this moment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't let go of this deep sadness no matter what.

"Ah, my life has finally come to an end. From now on, it will be handed over to you." Niles' eyes drifted from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body to look at the group of people who surrounded Feng Xiaoxuan, Ellie, Feng Guohua, and those who were on this day. Guardians who survived the battle.With one last happy smile on her face, Niles fell into her long-awaited eternal sleep.

"Wooooow." With the departure of the three god generals, the wave of evil monsters also began to retreat.A sad melody wafts across the battlefield.Not only the cries of the guardians make up this group of melodies, but also the people in the city who cry for their comrades in arms, their families, and the sacrifices of their children.This piece of sad melody is floating over this ending battlefield, floating, lingering for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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