Chapter 260 The Merged World Line
"The ceiling looks familiar. I, are you back?" Opening his misty eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw a slightly familiar ceiling. He had been looking at the ceiling in Ningcheng for a month.

"Xiaoyuan, what's the matter? Did you have a nightmare?" Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the ceiling above her head, her mind was still immersed in the accident five years ago, and there was a trace of sadness in her eyes, accompanied by a faint breath, her ears A familiar voice came from the side.

Hearing the voice next to her ear, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had just recovered from five years ago, realized that there was actually a person lying beside her, and it was a person wearing only thin pajamas.The faint fragrance permeated the tip of the nose, and the soft touch of the other party could still be felt on the arm: "Xiao Xiaoxiao, sister Xiaoxuan? Why are you on my bed."

"Ah, it's true, Xiaoyuan. You're still so shy after we're all like this. Didn't you invite me to bed yesterday?" With her eyes slightly narrowed, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, Feng Xiaoxuan said to Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a smile.

"Hey, hey, hey. I invited you? Wait, wait, let me think about it." Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face flushed red when she noticed that she was also looking like a young man.

Yesterday, yesterday I was still fighting the evil god?How could it be possible to do such an enviable, no, shameless thing.Wait, something's wrong, now it's five years later.In other words, history has changed. Sister Xiaoxuan is still alive, but how did I know Sister Xiaoxuan, and she looks very close.

Also, why am I wearing such revealing pajamas.It's still pink, I've never bought such girly clothes ahhh~ Zhuang Xiaoyuan put her head in her hands and fell into a complete mess.

"Pfft, hahaha. Xiaoyuan, did you just come back from five years ago?" Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's flushed face and frantic troubled expression, Feng Xiaoxuan couldn't help laughing.

"Eh?" Hearing Feng Xiaoxuan's question with a smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan froze for a moment, then looked up at Feng Xiaoxuan blankly.What's going on, how did Sister Xiaoxuan know that I went back to five years ago.

Huh, that's not right.Sister Xiaoxuan was saved, so she was the same Sister Xiaoxuan five years ago. She should remember what happened five years ago, but how did she know it was me?Ah, my head is messed up...

"Okay, calm down, Madoka, you came back five years ago. So I probably feel that I don't know what happened in these five years. The world line has been changed by you, but you are still you. Think about it carefully, you I should be able to recall what I have experienced in the past five years, just like I got the memory of Feng Xiaoxuan from the original world. Calm down and think carefully."

Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan getting more and more troubled, Feng Xiaoxuan also put away her playful thoughts, stretched out her hands to grab Zhuang Xiaoyuan's shoulders, looked at her eye to eye, and said to her seriously.

"I'm still me..." His eyes were slightly confused, looking at the seriousness in Feng Xiaoxuan's eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan flipped through memories one by one.Those were five years that were very similar to the previous five years, yet different.

Five years ago, as an orphan adopted by the Fengcheng Military Department, he still worked hard to seize the opportunity and learn all kinds of knowledge.Try to express yourself, make friends, manage various relationships, and weave your own group.He also knew Chu Miaomiao and helped her find her lost mother.There is also an opponent Wen Hui who always wants to compete with him.

Also in that year, I worked hard and met Feng Guoqing and Feng Xiaoxuan.After that, I started a slightly different life. I was adopted, and I had an adoptive father named Feng Guoqing, and a gentle sister named Feng Xiaoxuan.

However, the trajectory of history has not changed much. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has an adoptive father and sister-in-law, is still at a weak level that cannot be cultivated.Still entered the logistics team that Feng Guoqing took over.The only difference is probably the mood. Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who had no cultivation talent, was depressed but not desperate at that time.Because of the encouragement of my adoptive father and sister.

Until the fateful day comes, a soul from another world descends.There is no so-called snake venom, no physical weakness, and no persistent high fever.Just overnight, two different souls merged quietly.It seems that these two souls were originally one, but they were forcibly split before, and now it is as natural as regaining one.

After that, it was a lively half a year, Feng Xiaoxuan accepted the task and left temporarily, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to grow, divine power increased, Patronus Trial, demons invaded, all kinds of things happened as in the previous world as if they were predetermined.

Fengcheng was finally broken.It's just that compared to the previous defeat, this time it's more like a planned strategic shift.Before the demons invaded, most of the civilians and supplies were transferred in advance.

But those who stayed in Fengcheng probably didn't expect that the portal would be destroyed, and the airship airport would also be attacked.In the end, some people still left by land, and were still attacked by the emperor-level evil god, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly broke out.After that, it was the same as before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Wen Hui's wilderness adventure journey, arrived in the city, and entered the Shenzhuang Academy.

The general historical trend is still the same, but this time there is an extra Feng Xiaoxuan.Zhuang Xiaoyuan also has a warm family.The reason for appearing in Ningcheng this time is the same as before, to test the actual combat performance of new weapons.

And Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to Ningcheng with the reason of testing new weapons, because Feng Xiaoxuan accepted a new task to come to Ningcheng for investigation, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan also came with the excuse of testing new weapons.

During the one-month stay in Ningcheng, the two visited the streets and alleys of Ningcheng.It was said that it was for the mission, except for Feng Xiaoxuan's occasional outing of the city for a period of time, the two of them treated it as a honeymoon travel activity at other times.

However, this kind of time is almost coming to an end, tomorrow is Zhuang Xiaoyuan's last day in Ningcheng.All the actual combat tests have been completed, the performance of the new mecha is good, and the effect of the Shiranui electromagnetic reconnection gun is also very remarkable, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has no reason to stay here anymore.That's why Zhuang Xiaoyuan invited Feng Xiaoxuan to sleep together tonight. The two wanted to have a sisters' night talk after a long absence.

As for why Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pajamas are so fancy, revealing, and girly?This is all because of Feng Xiaoxuan. Ever since she adopted Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Feng Xiaoxuan has suffered from the disease that she will be infinitely long-winded if she doesn't dress up her sister.

So, in the original world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only wear uniforms or military uniforms. In this new world, the wardrobe is full of all kinds of women's clothing...

(End of this chapter)

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