Chapter 261 The starting point of the battle across the board

Looking through the closet, the originally empty temporary dormitory closet has been neatly filled with all kinds of clothes. These are the gains that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Feng Xiaoxuan brought back from shopping together.Of course, Feng Xiaoxuan bought them all. How could Zhuang Xiaoyuan buy such girly clothes?

Lace, dresses, miniskirts, Tang suits, gothic suits, off-the-shoulder T-shirts, backless skirts are normal, but what about COS costumes such as nurse costumes, priestess costumes, ninja costumes, ancient costumes, and long-sleeved robes? Damn, I don't remember buying any of these things.But COS, I really want to try it.No, it's still a woman's dress after all, so you can't fall into the trap, cheer up your masculine self-esteem.

He reached out and hesitated for a while on the cosplay outfit, and finally Zhuang Xiaoyuan chose the military uniform he usually wears.There are really no more neutral or masculine clothes in the closet.Although this military uniform is also designed as a short skirt, but there are safety pants inside, so it is completely fine to not lose everything. The person who invented the safety pants is really a genius.

After putting on her clothes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's throbbing heart gradually stabilized.After finishing washing in the bathroom next to the bedroom, Zhuang Xiaoyuan came to the small dining table in the middle of the bedroom.Feng Xiaoxuan took one of the lunch boxes made last night, and kept one here.

"Huh, Miss Xiaoxuan's message?" Picking up the bento box on the table, a blank piece of paper lay quietly on the table. Looking at the words written on the white paper, it seemed that it was written by Feng Xiaoxuan before she left.But this scene of waking up to leave a message... Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help but think of some plots in romance novels.

[Remember to eat breakfast, eat breakfast and grow up quickly.Madoka was still too skinny.If there is time in the afternoon, I will come to see you off. If there is something that delays Xiaoyuan, please leave first. She is no longer a child, so she doesn't need her sister to see you off.Love]

"Sister Xiaoxuan, it's true. I made the breakfast obviously. And what the hell is the heart at the end? Don't most people know how to draw a heart, but they just wrote these two words. The good atmosphere is ruined." Complaining in bits and pieces, Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened the lunch box and started to eat breakfast.Although there were various complaints in her mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's upturned mouth still betrayed her current mood.

After breakfast, after packing away the bento box, Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to arrange her own things.In comparison, the car was light and simple, but when I went back, it was a big bag and a small bag. The clothes in the closet alone made Zhuang Xiaoyuan pack several boxes.Thinking of the full closet in the student dormitory, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a touch of helplessness in her concern with Feng Xiaoxuan.She's not used to wearing women's clothing.Although I have worn the women's clothing of various transformed characters several times...

Time always passed quickly, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally packed her things and started to ask people to help move them down, and she was going to be sent to the airship later.It was eleven o'clock at noon.

After having lunch with the three members of the research team who also packed up and saluted, and the guardians who came to help, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were about to leave.In the end, Feng Xiaoxuan still didn't make it back in time.Finally, he took a last look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was frequented by Feng Xiaoxuan in the past few days, turned around and walked into the airship.I'm finally going back. Although it's very warm with Feng Xiaoxuan, I also miss Wen Hui and Chu Miaomiao who were in the college.

Accompanied by the roar of the airship taking off, the scenery outside the window changed rapidly, from the cold airport to the blue sky.In the next few hours, they need to spend on the airship.It was supposed to be like this, but it often happens so suddenly.

"Ula Ula Ula, please pay attention to all units, please pay attention to all units, Ningcheng is attacked by a wave of demon beasts, please turn on the maximum radar function and concealment function to prevent demon attacks."

"Attention all units, Hangcheng is being attacked by a wave of demonic beasts..."

"Attention all units, Ancheng was attacked by a wave of demonic beasts..."

"Attention all units, Gancheng is attacked by a wave of demonic beasts..."

"All units, please pay attention..."

Ten minutes after the airship took off, a shrill siren sounded from the public horn installed in the airship, informing Ning Cheng that Ning Cheng was under attack.As one of the frontline cities, it is normal to be attacked once every three to five days, so there is no need to care.But immediately after that, several alarms appeared one after another, and all the frontline cities distributed in the human domain were attacked by demons.This situation is not quite right.

"What's going on? What do those demons want to do? This kind of large-scale attack. Do they want to swallow all humans in one go?" The continuous sirens made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face change drastically.Unable to sit still any longer, I stood up.

"Team leader, what do you want to do." Wang Xiaofei grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan with quick eyes and hands, and her face was also very ugly.This kind of large-scale attack was the first time in history, and Wang Xiaofei couldn't calm down.

"I want to go back to Ningcheng. Sister Xiaoxuan is still there." With her right hand twitching a few times and breaking free from Wang Xiaofei's grasp, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied solemnly.

"Team leader, what's the use of you going back? This kind of large-scale attack, the strength of one person is too small." Although her face was ugly, Wang Xiaofei hadn't completely lost her composure.She strongly disapproved of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's impulsive behavior.

"I'm also a warrior in divine costume. If I don't go back, will I be wasting a few hours in the airship? These few hours may save many people." Although a person's strength is indeed small, facing the boundless The boundless tide of demonic beasts is like pebbles thrown into a pool of water.But you can't give up just because the small stones can't fill the pool, at least you can still produce a few ripples.

"Team leader, I'll go with you too. I'm also a warrior in divine costume." Lei Zeming also stood up, although her face was still shy, but her eyes were burning with determination.

"Sister Ming, you'd better stay here. The airship may not be safe when the wave of demonic beasts begins. Your patron saint can better protect the airship. If you want to fight, send Sister Fei and Lao Sa Come find me in the central city." Smiling, he patted Lei Zeming on the shoulder.Zhuang Xiaoyuan took one last look at his three subordinates, turned and walked out of the cabin under the worried eyes of several people.

"Guests, please don't come out casually, we will do our best to ensure that you arrive at the central city safely." The flight attendant of the airship saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan coming out of the cabin, and thought that he was worried about the safety of the journey and asked.Immediately said with a reassuring smile.

"I am a warrior in divine costume from the Divine Dress Academy. This is my student card. Please open the door for me. I want to return to Ningcheng." Facing the smiling flight attendant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed over her student card directly and asked her Open the exit hatch.

"My guest, don't worry, the college ranks first. I'm sorry, I will open your student card for you right away." The flight attendant who originally wanted to persuade her was surprised when she saw the ranking number on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's student card. With a smile on his face, he withdrew his smile, and began to unlock and open the hatch with a serious face.

The top ten members of Shenzhuang Academy, that is, the members of the special class, not only have privileges in the central city, but also all institutions under the military department have certain privileges.Some regions even have the right to directly order the military to conduct autonomous actions.An airship that travels between Ningcheng and the central city is of course inferior to the local army. In fact, if Zhuang Xiaoyuan wants to, he can directly order the airship to fly back to Ningcheng.

(End of this chapter)

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