Chapter 265 The field with its own BGM

Just when the triple domain of the three gods was suppressing Feng Xiaoxuan and their triple domain was coming to this side, and the collision of the domains made Feng Xiaoxuan and Ling start to tremble slightly, passionate, melodious, passionate music came from behind them.

"Symphony" notes of different colors floated out, surrounding Feng Xiaoxuan and the others.As the music continued, there were more and more colorful notes, and Feng Xiaoxuan and the others could clearly feel that their combat effectiveness had begun to increase significantly.Strength, speed, defense, physique, perception and even divine recovery speed.All aspects of ability began to improve.

Tang Chao felt the most obvious. As Feng Xiaoxuan and Below Zero's strongest combat power, she herself was expected by them to temporarily hold back a general in the domain battle. God Bless's divine power level began to break through rapidly.

The middle god bless level peak, the upper god bless level, the upper god bless level peak, as this piece of music that seemed to be played by multiple instruments became more and more exciting, Tang Chao only felt a sense of smoothness in his body, breaking through, and the lower fusion level.

With the entry of the fusion level, countless inspirations and insights appeared in Tang Chao's mind. These are the rules of the fusion level.Although it is a fusion level that relies on external forces to improve, and cannot use its own domain, but this time the promotion is enough to open the way for her to reach the fusion level, and open the door for her to advance to the fusion level in the future.

Fingers danced deftly on the keyboard of light, notes of different colors floated out, and the moving music of various instrument combinations sounded from the organ behind it. It's just this ability.As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own divine power level increased, the power of the repertoire was gradually developed.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan's performance deepened, and the emotions contained in the music became more intense. In the dancing of the music, the colorful notes not only wrapped around Feng Xiaoxuan and the others, but even began to blend into the realm of their release.

As the notes merged into the triple domain one by one, the human domain actually began to emit colorful halos, and at the same time, the domain also began to sound the musical accompaniment played by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.This area began to bring its own BGM.

The triple domain on the human side began to strengthen, and began to resist, which seemed to be a counterattack.Of course, the triple domain on the side of the evil god did not admit defeat, and began to oppress, explode, and invade.

But with the blessing of music, the domain on the human side is stronger, no matter how oppressive the evil god's domain is, it cannot invade at all.But relatively, although the domain has been strengthened, the effect of the counterattack is not ideal, and the human domain tries to suppress the evil god's domain but returns in vain.

"Tsk, you really have a hand. Sure enough, you are too underestimated. But it is useless to have a domain without the corresponding ability." The one who gave up the domain confrontation first was the evil god who was bent on revenge.

The domain here can't suppress the opponent's domain, which makes the blood prison, which was already extremely impatient, even more impatient.Sensing the emotional changes in Blood Prison, Lilith could only choose to fight head-on.

"Hey, if you want to know our fighting ability, come and have a good experience." Withdrawing her attention from the domain confrontation, the Sun and Moon Double Blades appeared in Feng Xiaoxuan's hands, and with a movement of her feet, with a shining light, Feng Xiaoxuan directly greeted him Lilith.

"Blood Soul, I must tear you apart today." Feng Xiaoxuan was taken over by Lilith, and Blood Prison frowned slightly, venting his anger on his old opponent in recent years, Zero.

"Turn my blood into my soldiers." The bright red blood flowed out from the wrist of his right hand and turned into a huge blood weapon. Facing the anger of the blood prison, Ling's cold face remained unchanged, and he waved the bloody weapon in his hand The blade meets the blood prison.

"Hey, the culprit who made this domain able to resist our domain is you, let me have a taste of you." Quietly passing Feng Xiaoxuan and Ling, Zhang Wei licked the corner of his mouth, taking a mouthful of white sharp teeth, rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was behind.

"I won't let you succeed, Meow Kill." The black shadow flashed past, leaving a long and thin scratch on the unsuspecting Zhang Wei's cheek, and then the black shadow quickly interspersed around Zhang Wei.The body of Sombra cannot be seen at all.All he could see was the black line made up of the afterimages around Zhang Wei that bound him in place and twisted back and forth.

"Ah~ annoying wild cat." His eyes were fixed on the figure passing through the air, Zhang Wei stretched out his hand several times and failed to hit the black figure around him, which made him start to curse irritably.

"Evil, let's experience the sharp claws of wild cats." Tang Chao, who was moving fast, began to speak in an erratic voice, with one word to another and one word to another to make it impossible to tell where she was.As she finished speaking, the black shadow wrapped around Zhang Wei's body accelerated again, and small wounds appeared on Zhang Wei's body.

Although he couldn't see Tang Chao's actions clearly and couldn't find her position, Zhang Wei's excellent reflexes still allowed him to dodge every time before he was attacked to the point. To resist the damage, for Zhang Wei to recover from such a small wound is an instant thing.

For a while, Tang Chao and Zhang Wei also became entangled.Zhang Wei couldn't catch Tang Chao's position, and couldn't keep up with her moving speed.Every time Tang Chao's attack was quickly dodged by Zhang Wei, at most it caused a small wound that would heal soon.

"Dragon teeth flash." The sun and the moon crossed in front of her, and Feng Xiaoxuan turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Lilith.Although the other party has been a God of Destruction for many years, Feng Xiaoxuan, who has a natural ability to destroy demons, will not be afraid of her.

"Little girl, do you think you can defeat me with the ability to break demons? You are too naive. History repeats itself." Looking at Feng Xiaoxuan who rushed over with a sneer, the rules of history around Lilith began to condense, and the space in front of her was distorted. , a tall figure emerged, raising his fists with dim lights to meet Feng Xiaoxuan.

Boom, the dazzling stream of light collided with the gleaming fist.Feng Xiaoxuan was knocked back by the blow, and the tall figure also took a few steps back, almost stepping on Lilith behind her.

"He Yu, the God of Greed." Looking at the tall figure standing in front of Lilith, Feng Xiaoxuan pulled out the memory of five years ago from the depths of her mind.Isn't this figure the He Yu who absorbed the power of the ghost five years ago and used the state of the sinful soul?I didn't expect that Lilith's historical rules could still be used in this way, directly summoning characters who appeared in history.

"Do you think he's the only one? It's more than that. Surprises are yet to come, ah ha ha ha ha. Come out, king of the dead." Seeing Feng Xiaoxuan's astonished expression, Lilith seemed to be pleased, with revenge on her face The expression on her face, the crazy laugh, the rules of history quickly condensed under her consumption regardless of the cost.

(End of this chapter)

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